Submissions from 2025
Using a community of practice perspective to analyze MTE learning during lesson study, Mollie Appelgate, Lara Dick, Dittika Gupta, Melissa Soto, and Shawn Broderick
Stable polynomials and admissible numerators in product domains, Kelly Bickel, Greg Knese, James Pascoe, and Alan Sola
Testing the conceptual boundaries of public service motivation and sense of community responsibility: prosocial actions in community and political engagement, Neil Boyd and Jaclyn Piatak
A model of managerial coach learning and development, Udayan Dhar
Setting Up an Institutional OMERO Environment for Bioimage Data: Perspectives from Both Facility Staff and Users, Anett Jannasch, Silke Tulok, Chukwuebuka William Okafornta, Thomas Kugel, Michele Bortolomeazzi, Tom Boissonnet, Christian Schmidt, Andy Vogelsang, Claudia Dittfeld, Sems-Malte Tugtekin, Klaus Matschke, Leocadia V. Paliulis, Carola Thomas, Dirk Lindemann, Gunar Fabig, and Thomas Müller-Reichert
Single Amino Acid Changes Impact the Ability of Drosophila melanogaster Cecropins to Inhibit Growth of Providencia Pathogens, Sarah Smith, Marla Forfar, Christopher Feudale, Lauren Shaffer, Grace Ginder, Marion Duval, Quinn Smith, and Moria C. Chambers
Submissions from 2024
Fock space and field theoretic description of nonequilibrium work relations, Andrew J. Baish and Benjamin Vollmayr-Lee
Clark measures for rational inner functions II: general bidegrees and higher dimensions, Kelly Bickel, John Anderson, Linus Bergqvsist, Joseph Cima, and Alan Sola
Crouzeix's conjecture, compressions of shifts, and classes of nilpotent matrices, Kelly Bickel, Georgia Corbett, Annie Glenning, Changkun Guan, and Martin Vollmayr-Lee
Blaschke products, level sets, and Crouzeix's conjecture, Kelly Bickel and Pamela Gorkin
Local theory of stable polynomials and bounded rational functions of several variables, Kelly Bickel, Greg Knese, James Pascoe, and Alan Sola
Seed dispersal by Martu peoples promotes the distribution of native plants in arid Australia, Rebecca Bliege Bird, Douglas Bird, Christopher T. Martine, Chloe McGuire, Leanne Greenwood, Desmond Taylor, Tanisha M. Williams, and Peter M. Veth
Markets gone hybrid: Institutional complexity and work toward market hybridization, Leandro Bonfim and Andréa P. Segatto
Alignment of a Trivalent Chromosome on the Metaphase Plate Is Associated with Differences in Microtubule Density at Each Kinetochore, Ashley B. Borseth, Hedyeh D. Kianersi, Paige Galloway, Grace Gercken, Emily L. Stowe, Marie Pizzorno, and Leocadia V. Paliulis
Experimental, numerical and deep learning modeling study of heat transfer in turbulent pulsating pipe flow., Indranil Brahma and Satbir Singh
Dead Collections: Exploring Chronic Illness in Academic Libraries through the Metaphor of Vampires, Mary Broussard
John A. Roebling’s 1845 Allegheny Aqueduct: Design, History, and Performance, Stephen G. Buonopane and Dario A. Gasparini
John A. Roebling’s 1846 Smithfield Street Bridge: History, Design, and Performance, Stephen G. Buonopane and Dario A. Gasparini
The Formal Demography of Peak Population, Thomas Cassidy and Joshua R. Goldstein
Ethical challenges for same-day delivery contractors, Chun-Miin (Jimmy) Chen and Xinwei Chen
“Con absoluta libertad”: estrategias discursivas y conciencia crítica en Paralelo 35, de Carmen Laforet, Isabel Cuñado
Mathematical Model of Oxygen, Nutrient, and Drug Transport in Tuberculosis Granulomas, Meenal Datta, McCarthy Kennedy, Saeed Siri, Laura Via, James W. Baish, Lei Xu, Veronique Dartois, Clifton Barry, and Rakesh Jain
Does the Stock Market Anticipate Events and Decisions of the United States Supreme Court in Corporate Cases?, Yehuda Davis, Suresh Govindaraj, and Kate Suslava
Fault rupture propagation through stratified sand–clay deposits and engineered earth structures: a meshfree and critical-state modeling approach, Enrique M. del Castillo, Alomir Favero, and Ronaldo I. Borja
An SPH framework for drained and undrained loading over large deformations, Enrique M. del Castillo, Alomir Favero, Jun Geng, and Ronaldo I. Borja
Applications of possibly hidden symmetry to Steklov and mixed Steklov problems on surfaces, Emily Dryden, Teresa Arias-Marco, Carolyn S. Gordon, Asma Hassannezhad, Allie Ray, and Elizabeth Stanhope
Becoming Nature: Classifying Encounters in Interspecies Contact Zones, Annetta Grant, Robin Canniford, and Avi Shankar
Experimental and Theoretical Model of Microvascular Network Remodeling and Blood Flow Redistribution Following Minimally Invasive Microvessel Laser Ablation, Gabriel Gruionu, James W. Baish, Sean McMahon, David Blauvelt, Lucian G. Gruionu, Mara O. Lenco, Benjamin J. Vakoc, Timothy P. Padera, and Lance L. Munn
Influences on Recognizing Style from Brief Glances at Piano Scores: A Commentary on Huovinen & Rinne (2023), Andrea R. Halpern
Incorporating Sex-Diverse and Gender-Inclusive Perspectives in Higher Education Biology Courses, Breanne N. Harris, A Kelsey Lewis, Sam L. Sharpe, Teri J. Orr, Christopher T. Martine, and Chloe C. Josefson
Factors Affecting Theatre Faculty Job Satisfaction: A Thematic Analysis, Kevork Horissian, Biliana Stoytcheva-Horissian, and Wei You
Temporal Changes in Thirdhand Cigarette Smoke Film Composition and Oxidation of Co-existing Surface Film Chemicals, April M. Hurlock and Douglas B. Collins
Adherence to Governance Patterns: How Institutional Work and Knowledge Dissemination Influence the Institutionalization of Brazilian Industrial Clusters?, Mácio Jacometti, Sandro A. Gonçalves, Leandro Bonfim, and Luiz C. Oliveira
‘Somos bilingües’: Translanguaging socialization of DLBE teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Grace Jue Yeon Kim
Gender Difference in CFO Communication: Evidence From Earnings Calls, Julia Klevak, Joshua Livnat, and Kate Suslava
Design Challenges for a Future Liquid Xenon Observatory, Abigail Kopec
Toward a Latinx Stratification Economics, Stephan Lefebvre, Alan Aja, Nancy López, William A. Darity Jr., and Darrick Hamilton
Effect of Anisotropic Brain Conductivity on Patient-Specific Volume of Tissue Activation in Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease, Xiaoxuan Liu, Kelvin L. Chou, Parag G. Patil, and Karlo A. Malaga
Effect of Anisotropic Brain Conductivity on Patient-specific Volume of Tissue Activation in Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease, Xiaoxuan Liu, Kevin L. Chou, Parag G. Patil, and Karlo A. Malaga
Metafiction, Lexical Ostentation, and Censorship in Umezaki Haruo’s "B-tō fūbutsushi", Erik R. Lofgren
Scientific Note: An Incursion of the Widely-cultivated Katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Cercidiphyllaceae) in Pennsylvania, Kayleigh R. Long, Melody P. Sain, Elizabeth H. Williams, and Christopher T. Martine
Building an Inclusive Botany: The “Radicle” Dream, Makenzie E. Mabry, Nuala Caomhanach, R. Shawn Abrahams, Michelle L. Gaynor, Kasey Khanh Pham, Tanisha M. Williams, Kathleen S. Murphy, Vassiliki B. Smocovitis, Douglas E. Soltis, and Pamela S. Soltis
Martensitic transformation of SS304 truncated square pyramid manufactured by single point incremental forming, Elizabeth M. Mamros, Fabian Maaß, A. Erman Tekkaya, Brad L. Kinsey, and Jinjin Ha
Field-Based Courses Still Matter, but not Like They Used To, Christopher T. Martine
Cross-pollination: Building a Co-taught Course to Examine Art and Sex Through the Lens of Botany, Christopher T. Martine, Diamanda A. Zizis, and Anna K. Kell
Using the moral intensity framework to examine whether colleges should have reopened in late 2020 for in-person learning: an in-depth analysis of data from the United States with global implications for higher education, Scott McCoy, Jesse Pietz, and Joseph Wilck
How Congressional Leaders Define Loyalty: Validating US House Party Voting Scores with Party Leadership Records, Scott Meinke
Media Coverage of the Senate Filibuster and Its Effect on Public Opinion, Scott Meinke
Messaging Both Sides: Party Leadership Support for Conflicting Positions in the US House, Scott Meinke
If you leave, don't leave now: The role of gender, sociosexuality, and fear of being single on desire to engage in breakup sex, James B. Moran, Rebecca L. Burch, T. Joel Wade, and Damian R. Murray
Translational science approaches for food insecurity research, Kevin P. Myers and Jennifer L. Temple
Who knows agroforestry best?, Evelyn R. Nimmo, André E. B. Lacerda, Leandro Bonfim, and Joel Bothello
White adipose tissue remodeling in Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) with white-nose syndrome, EL Pannkuk, Marianne Moore, S Bansal, K Kumar, S Suman, D Howell, JA Kath, A Kurta, DeeAnn Reeder, and KA FIeld
White adipose tissue remodeling in Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) with white-nose syndrome, Evan L. Pannkuk and Marianne S. Moore
White adipose tissue remodeling in Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) with white-nose syndrome, Evan L. Pannkuk, Marianne S. Moore, Shivani Bansal, Kamendra Kumar, Shubhankar Suman, Daryl Howell, Joseph A. Kath, Allen Kurta, DeeAnn M. Reeder, and Kenneth A. Field
Preservice Preparation Practices to Increase Family-Professional Collaboration: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review, Chelsea Pansé-Barone, Janet VanLone, Annie George-Puskar, and Lisa Ziegler
Ecological countermeasures to prevent pathogen spillover and subsequent pandemics., RK Plowright, AN Ahmed, T Coulson, TW Crowther, I Ejotre, CL Faust, WF Frick, PJ Hudson, T Kingston, PO Nameer, MT O'Mara, AJ Peel, H Possingham, O Razgour, DeeAnn Reeder, M Ruiz-Arayena, NB Simmons, PN Srinivas, GM Tabor, I Tanshi, IG Thompson, AT Vanak, NM Vora, CE Willison, and ATH Keeley
changeABLE cohesion: Dance and Disability in Post-war Sri Lanka, Susan Reed
Assessing Static Liquefaction Triggers in Tailings Dams Using the Critical State Constitutive Models CASM and NorSand, Erick Rogenes, Ian Paes, Bruno Delgado, Rafael Bittar, Alessandra Santos, Alessandro Cirone, Alomir Favero, and Leandro Rasmussen
The impact of discontinuities on spalling failure in excavations under high-stress conditions, Erick Rogenes, Alessandra Santos, Marcio Farias, Alomir Favero, German Vinueza, and Leandro Rasmussen
Cooking in the Past and for the Future in Latin America, Clare A. Sammells
Antarctic civics: how tourists to Antarctica view their role as “Antarctic ambassadors” and how to change it, Clare A. Sammells, Claudia Roedel, Duane Griffin, Alexander Busato, Lilly Brice, and Haley Brown
Advances in Understanding Bat Infection Dynamics Across Biological Scales, Cecelia A. Sánchez, Kendra L. Phelps, Hannah K. Frank, Marike Geldenhuys, Megan E. Griffiths, Devin N. Jones, Gewnddolen Kettenburg, Tamika J. Lunn, Kalsey R. Moreno, Marinda Mortlock, Amanda Vicente-Santos, Luis R. Víquez-R, Rebekah C. Kading, Wanda Markotter, DeeAnn Reeder, and Kevin J. Olival
A Novel Method May Reveal Bulk Metallic Glass Compressive Ductility Trends in High Data Rate Nanoindentation, Jordan J. Sickle, Wesley H. Higgins, Wendelin Wright, George M. Pharr, and Karin A. Dahmen
Quantifying Chemomechanical Weakening in Muscovite Mica with a Simple Micromechanical Model, Jordan J. Sickle, William M. Mook, Frank W. DelRio, Anastasia G. Ilgen, Wendelin Wright, and Karin A. Dahmen
Put Your Name on It? The Company Characteristics and Financial Performance of Sports’ Stadium Sponsorship, Joey Smith and Joseph Wilck
Adolescent Food Insecurity in Female Rodents and Susceptibility to Diet-induced Obesity, Mai O. Spaulding, Jessica R. Hoffman, Grace C. Madu, Magen N. Lord, Caroline S. Iizuka, Kevin P. Myers, and Emily E. Noble
Signals of positive selection in genomes of palearctic Myotis-bats coexisting with a fungal pathogen, V. G. Twort, V. N. Laine, K. A. Field, F. Whiting-Fawcett, Ito, M. Reiman, T. Bartonicka, M. Fritze, V. A. Ilyukha, V. V. Belkin, E. A. Khizhkin, D. M. Reeder, D. Fukui, T. L. Jiang, and T. M. Lilley
Signals of positive selection in genomes of palearctic Myotis-bats coexisting with a fungal pathogen, VG Twort, VN Laine, KA Field, F Whiting-Fawcett, F Ito, M Reiman, T Bartonicka, M Fritze, VA Ilyukha, VV Belkin, EA Khizhkin, D Fukui, DeeAnn Reeder, TL Jiang, and T M. Lilley
Signals of positive selection in genomes of palearctic Myotis-bats coexisting with a fungal pathogen, V. G. Twort, V. N. Laine, K. A. Field, F. Whiting-Fawcett, F. Ito, M. Reiman, T. Bartonicka, M. Fritze, V. A. Ilyukha, V. V. Belkin, E. A. Khizhkin, D. M. Reeder, D. Fukui, T. L. Jiang, and T. M. Lilley
Is Hey Jude in the right key? Cognitive components of absolute pitch memory, Stephen C. Van Hedger, Andrea R. Halpern, David J. Vollweiler, Evan E. Smith, and Peter Q. Pfordresher
Is Hey Jude in the Right Key? Cognitive Components of Absolute Pitch Memory, Stephen C. Van Hedger, Andrea Halpern, David J. Vollweiler, Evan E. Smith, and Peter Q. Pfordresher
Rooted in nature: Pre-service teachers' development of nature-based pedagogical insights through a forest school field experience, Janet VanLone, Lauren Shearer, Makenna Luzenski, Ellen Amarante, Susan Chlebowski, and Chris Boyatzis
Characterizing Linearizable QAPs by the Level-1 Reformulation-Linearization Technique, Lucas Waddell and Warren Adams
A Palearctic view of a bat fungal disease, F. Whiting‐Fawcett, A. S. Blomberg, T. Troitsky, M. B. Meierhofer, K. A. Field, S. J. Puechmaille, and T. M. Lilley
Experimental Biology Can Inform Our Understanding of Food Insecurity, Linda Wilbrecht, Wan Chen Lin, Kathryn Callahan, Melissa Bateson, Kevin P. Myers, and Rachel Ross
The Activated Singer: Components of an Emerging Singing Identity in Adults Learning to Sing, Karen J. Wise and Andrea R. Halpern
“Sounds Like” Redemption? On the Musicality of Species and the Species of Musicality, Tyler Yamin and Alice Rudge
Experimental Investigation of Torsional Strengths of Aluminum Alloys – Circular and Rectangular Solid Sections, Constance W. Ziemian, Marly S. McClintock, and Ronald D. Ziemian
Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Transverse Welds on the Strength of Aluminum Alloy I-Shaped Members – Beams, Constance W. Ziemian and Ronald D. Ziemian
Numerical investigation of the influence of transverse welds on the strength of aluminum alloy I-Shaped members: Columns, Constance W. Ziemian and Ronald D. Ziemian
Submissions from 2023
Black Estrangement: An Introduction, Elinam Agbo
"On Finding the Eigenvalues of the Matrix of Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions, Manuel Albrizzio
Stress-induced Metabolic Exchanges Between Complementary Bacterial Types Underly a Dynamic Mechanism of Inter-species Stress Resistance, Kapil Amarnath, Avaneesh V. Narla, Sammy Pontrelli, Jiajia Dong, Jack Reddan, Brian R. Taylor, Tolga Caglar, Julia Schwatzman, Uwe Sauer, Otto X. Cordero, and Terence Hwa
Exploring the Validity of a Modified Version of the SES-SFV with Students Attending Northern Irish Universities, Ngozi Anyadike-Danes, Megan Reynolds, William F. Flack Jr., and Cherie Armour
A Narrow-channeled Backward-facing Step Flow With or Without a Pin-fin Insert: Flow in the Separated Region, James K. Arthur
PIV Measurements of Open-Channel Turbulent Flow under Unconstrained Conditions, James K. Arthur
Quasisymmetric Functions Distinguishing Trees, Jean-Christophe Aval, Karimatou Djenabou, and Peter R. W. McNamara
Properties of Encroachments and the Associated Roadway and Roadside Environment in the Second Strategic Highway Research Program, Max Bareiss, Doug Gabauer, Luke Riexinger, and Hampton C. Gabler
Clark Measures for Rational Inner Functions, Kelly Bickel, Joseph Cima, and Alan Sola
Zero-free Regions Near a Line, Kelly Bickel, James Pascoe, and Meredith Sargent
Analytic Continuation of Concrete Realizations and the Mccarthy Champagne Conjecture, Kelly Bickel, James Pascoe, and Ryan Tully-Doyle
Special Issue: Examining the Impacts of Social Determinants on HIV Health and Prevention, K B. Boomer
Segregation of the Univalent X Chromosome in the Two-striped Planthopper Acanalonia bivittata, Ashley B. Borseth, Kristen D. Felt, Emily L. Stowe, and Leocadia V. Paliulis
Marginalized Communities and the Problem of Research Extraction, Joel Bothello and Leandro Bonfim