
Submissions from 2023

Structured Ethical Review for Wastewater-Based Testing in Support of Public Health, Devin A. Bowes, Amanda Darling, Erin M. Driver, Devrim Kaya, Rasha Maal-Bared, Lisa M. Lee, Kenneth Goodman, Sangeet Adhikari, Srijan Aggarwal, Aaron Bivins, Zuzana Bohrerova, Alasdair Cohen, Claire Duvallet, Rasha A. Elnimeiry, Justin M. Hutchinson, Vikram Kapoor, Ishi Keenum, Fangquiong Ling, Deborah Sills, Ananda Tiwari, Peter Vikesland, Ryan Ziels, and Cresten Mansfeldt


When Normal is Not Normal: A Theory of the Non-Linear and Discontinuous Process of Desired Change and its Managerial Implications, Richard Boyatzis Dr. and Udayan Dhar

Building Community at Work: an Exploratory Study in Healthcare System Management, Neil Boyd and Sharon Larson


Slaughterhouse of the Flesh: Notes towards a General Economy of Antiblackness, Nicholas Brady


Using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks with the Toy Model Concept for Compressible Pulsatile Flow Metering, Indranil Brahma


Internal Colonialism and Democracy, Adam Burgos


Artistic, Artworld, and Aesthetic Disobedience, Adam Burgos and Sheila Lintott


Alcohol, Drug Use and Experiences of Sexual Violence Victimisation Among First-year College Students in Ireland, Lorraine Burke, Kate Dawson, William F. Flack, Siobhán O’Higgins, Charlotte McIvor, and Pádraig MacNeela


Experimentally-Measured Rate Parameters for Vibrational Quenching of CO by N2, Justin Bye, Adam Baranik, Maddy Hinkle, Anthony Gesford, Jordan Polvere, Aleksandr Davtyan, and Karen Castle

Hardened Water: The Remaking of a Coastal City, Claire E. Campbell


A Foundational Population Genetics Investigation of the Sexual Systems of Solanum (Solanaceae) in the Australian Monsoon Tropics Suggests Dioecious Taxa May Benefit from Increased Genetic Admixture via Obligate Outcrossing, Jason T. Cantley, Ingrid E. Jordon-Thaden, Morgan Roche, Daniel S. Hayes, Stephamie Kate, and Christopher T. Martine


Patterns of Integration: A Network Perspective on Popular Religious Connections in China’s Lower Yangzi, 1150–1350, Song Chen


Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) Support the Binding of SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Are Likely Susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Shubhada K. Chothe, Kenneth A. Field, DeeAnn Reeder, and Suresh V. Kuchipudi


Interminables Encrucijadas: El Dilema Ético en Tomás Nevinson, Isabel Cuñado


Characterization of Motorcycle Encroachments in the US, Michael A. Daanen, Douglas J. Gabauer, and Luke E. Riexinger

Hydrothermal Processing of Multilayer Plastic Film for Cascaded Valorization of Nonrecyclable Waste, Ran Darzi, Jillian L. Goldfarb, Madeline Karod, Deborah Sills, and Roy Posmanik


Comparison of Vehicle-Based Crash Severity Metrics for Predicting Occupant Injury in Real-World Oblique Crashes, Morgan E. Dean, Doug Gabauer, Luke E. Riexinger, and Hampton C. Gabler


Generalizing Parametrization Invariance in the Calculus of Variations, Sanjay Dharmavaram and Basant Lal Sharma


Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Subjective Liminality: Individual Differences in the Perception of in-betweenness, Udayan Dhar and Richard Boyatzis


Exploring Grades 3-5 Mathematics Activities Found Online, Lara Dick, Amanda Sawyer, Margaret MacNeille, Emily Shapiro, and Tabitha Wismer


Comparing Time Allocation for Teaching Science as Inquiry in Two Educator Preparation Science Methods Courses, Lori A. Dira


Short-Term Vancomycin and Buffer Soaking Does Not Change Rabbit Achilles Tendon Tensile Material Properties, Olivia L. Dyer, Benjamin Wheatley, and Mark A. Seeley

An Analysis of U.S. Multi-Family Housing, Eco-Certifications, & Walkability, Jeremy Gabe, Karen McGrath, Spenser Robinson, and Andrew Sanderford


Evaluation of the Sensitivity of the MEPDG to Bottom‑Up Fatigue Cracking in South Carolina, Shilpa Girish, Bradley J. Putman, Ashish Kumar, and Srinivasan Srinivasan

Decomposable Blaschke Products of Degree 2^n, Pamela Gorkin, Francesca Arici, Asuman Aksoy, and Maria Eugenia Celorrio Ramirez

Dysplacement and the Professionalization of the Home, Annetta Grant and Jay Handelman

Subvocalization During Preparatory and Non-preparatory Auditory Imagery, Emma B. Greenspon, Anna M. Gentile, Tim A. Pruitt, Andrea R. Halpern, and Peter Q. Pfordresher


A Practice Theoretic Perspective on Influence, Gulay T. Guzel


Speculative Constitutions in Ursula K. Le Guin’s Hainish Cycle and the Rights of Nature, Ted Hamilton


Holistic Fleet Optimization Incorporating System Design Considerations, Stephen M. Henry, Matthew J. Hoffman, Lucas A. Waddell, and Frank M. Muldoon


Morphological Trait Evolution in Solanum (Solanaceae): Evolutionary Lability of Key Taxonomic Characters, Rebecca Hilgenhof, Edeline Gagnon, Sandra Knapp, Xavier Aubriot, Eric Tepe, Lynn Bohs, Leandro Giacomin, Yuri Gouvea, Andres Orejuela, Christopher T. Martine, Clara Ines Orozco, Iris E. Peralta, and Tina Sarkinen


Rapid Single Crystal Growth via Guest Displacement From Host-guest Complexes, Mikayla L. Hovath, Caylee E. Jumbelic, Rosemarie A. Burynski, M. Brody Mistrot, Robert D. Pike, and Hasan Arslan


A Turn to the African Girl, Marla Jaksch, Cymone Fourshey, and Relebohile Moletsane

Solid‐state shear pulverization of post‐industrial ultra‐high molecular weight polyethylene: Particle morphology and molecular structure modifications toward conventional mechanical recycling, Riggs W. Johnson, Haley R. Scopelliti, Nathan T. Herrold, and Katsuyuki Wakabayashi


Ultrastructure of the Nebenkern During Spermatogenesis in the Praying Mantid Hierodula membranacea., Maria Köckert, Chukwuebuka William Okafornta, Charlice Hill, Anne Ryndyk, Cynthia Striese, Thomas Müller-Reichert, Leocadia V. Paliulis, and Gunar Fabig

Computational Modeling of Coupled Interactions of Fluid Membranes with Embedded Filaments, Basant Lal Sharma, Luigi E. Perotti, and Sanjay Dharmavaram

PDE Comparison Principles for Robin Problems, Jeffrey J. Langford

Maximizers Beyond the Hemisphere for the Second Neumann Eigenvalue, Jeffrey J. Langford and Richard Laugesen

Scaling Inequalities for Spherical and Hyperbolic Eigenvalues, Jeffrey J. Langford and Richard S. Laugesen


Ruslan and Lolita: Nabokov's Pursuit of Pushkin's Monsters, Maidens, and Morals, Ludmila Lavine


The Prevalence and Use of Emerging Technologies in Steam Education: a Systematic Review of the Literature, Aisling Leavy, Lara Dick, Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Efi Paparistodemou, and Elena Stylianou


Significant Learning in Principles of Economics: a Module on the Minimum Wage, Stephan Lefebvre and Lisa Giddings


The Necessity of Pursuing Feminist Pedagogy in Economics, Stephan Lefebvre and Lisa Giddings


Deus Ex Machina: Contemporary Argentina's Literature of Infrastructure, D. Bret Leraul


Margin Forecasts by Managers and Analysts., Shai Levi, Joshua Livnat, and Kate Suslava


Host condition and pathogen identity influence bacterial infection survival in the common eastern firefly, Photinus pyralis, Sarah E. Lower, Owais Gilani, Madden J. Tuffy, and Deeshani N. Patel


The Response to Stressors in Adulthood Depends on the Interaction Between Prenatal Exposure to Glucocorticoids and Environmental Context​, Ariana Majer, Ryan T. Paitz, Gianna Tricola, Jack Geduldig, Hannah P. Litwa, Jenna Farmer, Brenna Prevelige, Elyse McMahon, Taylor McNeely, Zachary Sisson, Brian Frenz, Alexis Ziur, emily Clay, Brad Eames, Shannon McCollum, and Mark F. Haussmann


Fluidity and Inconstancy: Australian Bush Tomatoes as an Exemplar of Non-Normative Sex Expression, Christopher T. Martine


Civil Society and Sense of Community in Ukraine: From Dormancy to Action, Eric C. Martin and Kateryna Zarembo


A Framework to Support Teacher Noticing of Students' Mathematical Thinking in Technology-mediated Environments, Allison McCulloch, Lara Dick, and Jennifer Lovett


TVM, NPV, and IRR, Oh My! Creating an Inclusive Environment for Teaching the Potentially Intimidating Financial Concepts for Making a Real Estate Investment, Karen McGrath, Elaine Worzala, and John Alexander


Cultivating Collaborative Synergy to Promote Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Justice in the Psychology Curriculum, Jasmine Mena, Milton A. Fuentes, and Jose A. Soto


Nanostructure Scaling in Semi-Dilute Triblock Copolymer Gels, Kenny Mineart, Matthew J. Vallely, and Emma K. O'Shea


Dating Around: Investigating Gender Differences in First Date Behavior Using Self‐Report and Content Analyses from Netflix, James B. Moran, Courtney L. Crosby, Taylor Himes, and T. Joel Wade


“Racial Heterosexual Habitus” and Management of Racial Education Discussions Within Black Female/White Male Romantic Relationships, Marya T. Mtshali


Numerical Modeling of Caldera Formation Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Benjamin Mullet, Paul Segall, and Alomir Favero


Performativity and Interpellation in Elizaveta Bam, Lenora Murphy


Transport Barriers Influence the Activation of Anti-Tumor Immunity: A Systems Biology Analysis, Mohammad R. Nikmaneshi, James W. Baish, Hengbo Zhou, and Lance L. Munn


Design of the High Rigidity Spectrometer at FRIB, S. Noji, R.G.T. Zegers, G.P.A. Berg, Alan M. Amthor, D. Bazin, T. Baumann, E.E. Burkhardt, M. Cortesi, J.C. DeKamp, M. Hausmann, M. Portillo, D.H. Potterveld, B. M. Sherrill, A. Stolz, O. B. Tarasov, and R. C. York


AgRP Neuron Activity Promotes Associations Between Sensory and Nutritive Signals to Guide Flavor Preference, Nathaniel T. Nyema, Aaron D. McKnight, Alexandra G. Vargas-Elvira, Heather M. Schneps, Elizabeth G. Gold, Kevin P. Myers, and Amber L. Alhadeff

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Trail Usage: Application of a Ten-year Trail Counting Methodology, Michelle R. Oswald Beiler


The X Chromosome Still Has a Lot to Reveal - Revisiting Hermann Henking's Work on Firebugs, Leocadia V. Paliulis, Gunar Fabig, and Thomas Müller-Reichert


Reproducing Hierarchies at the APSA Annual Meeting: Patterns of Panel Attendance by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity, Jennifer M. Piscopo, Christina Xydias, Amy L. Atchison, and Malliga Och


Trauma-Informed Practices: A Whole School Policy Framework, Nicole C. Reddig and Janet VanLone


Immediacy, Ensemble Setup, And Classroom Space: A Quasi-experimental Study Among Secondary Instrumental Teachers and Students, Nicholas Roseth


Determining Sequential Micellization Steps of Bile Salts With Multi-cmc Modeling, David Rovnyak, Jiayi He, Sophie Kong, Kyle W. Eckenroad, Gregory A. Manley, Raeanne M. Geffert, Michael R. Krout, and Timothy G. Strein


Planning to ‘Hear the Farmer’s Voice’: an Agent-Based Modelling Approach to Agricultural Land Use Planning, Sahar Shahpari and Robin Eversole

Encountering Inequality Examining Discrepancies Between Electronic Health Records and Narratives to Uncover Hidden Processes of Stigma and Erasure, Jennifer Silva, Elizabeth Durden, and Annemarie Hirsch


Budget Variance Analysis for Various Numbers and Combinations of Responsibility Centers, Craig M. Sorochuk, Joseph Wilck, and Lawrence M. Leemis


A Chromosome-Level Reference Genome for the Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), a Declining Circumpolar Seabird, Marcella Sozzoni, Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, Kenneth A. Field, and Diego Rubolini

Oxytocin Prevents Dysregulation of the Acute Stress Response and Glucocorticoid-induced Oxidative Stress in Chronically Isolated Prairie Voles., Jennie Stevenson, Elyse McMahon, Taylor McNeely, and Mark F. Haussmann


“Let’s Have a Chat:” Applying ChatGPT and Other Large Language Models to the Practice of Forensic Accounting, Daniel Street and Joseph Wilck

Six Principles for the Effective Use of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models in Accounting, Daniel Street, Joseph Wilck, and Zachariah Chism


Disease-Associated Mutation A554V Disrupts Normal Autoinhibition of DNMT1, Rebecca L. Switzer, Zach J. Hartman, Geoffrey R. Hewett, and Clara F. Carroll


Contemplating the Afterlife: Musicals in Revival as Pedagogical Intervention, Bryan Vandevender


An LP-based Characterization of Solvable QAP Instances with Chess-board and Graded Structures, Lucas Waddell, Jerry Phillips, Tianzhu Liu, and Swarup Dhar


Nuclear phylogeny and insights into whole-genome duplications and reproductive development of Solanaceae plants, Jie Wang, Weibin Xu, Junwen Zhai, Yi Hu, Jing Guo, Caifei Zhang, Yiyong Zhao, Lin Zhang, Christopher T. Martine, Hong Ma, and Chien-Hsun Huang


Robust Evidence for Bats as Reservoir Hosts is Lacking in Most African Virus Studies: a Review and Call to Optimize Sampling and Conserve Bats, Natalie Weber, Martina Nagy, Wanda Markotter, Juliane Schaer, Sébastien J. Puechmaille, Jack Sutton, Liliana M. Dávalos, Marie-Claire Dusabe, Imran Ejotre, M. Brock Fenton, Mirjam Knörnschild, Adrià López-Baucells, Rodrigo A. Medellin, Markus Metz, Samira Mubareka, Olivier Nsengimana, M. Teague O'Mara, Paul A. Racey, Merlin Tuttle, Innocent Twizeyimana, Dina KM Dechmann, and DeeAnn Reeder


Patellofemoral Joint Load and Knee Abduction/Adduction Moment are Sensitive to Variations in Femoral Version and Individual Muscle Forces, Benjamin Wheatley, Nathan A. Chaclas, and Mark A. Seeley


Aponeurosis Structure-function Properties: Evidence of Heterogeneity and Implications for Muscle Function, Benjamin Wheatley, Olivia L. Dyer, Emily E. Tully, and Mark A. Seeley


How the Geometry and Mechanics of Bighorn Sheep Horns Mitigate the Effects of Impact and Reduce the Head Injury Criterion, Benjamin Wheatley, Emma C. Gilmore, Luca H. Fuller, Aaron M. Drake, and Seth W. Donahue


Sex-specific Responses to GnRH Challenge, but Not Food Supply, in Kittiwakes: Evidence for the “Sensitivity to Information” Hypothesis, Shannon Whelan, Z Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, Scott A. Hatch, Charline Parenteau, Olivier Chastel, and Kyle H. Elliott


Cross Sections of the 83Rb (p,γ)84Sr and 84Kr(p,γ)85Rb Reactions at Energies Characteristic of the Astrophysical γ Process, M. Williams, B. Davids, G. Lotay, N. Nishimura, T. Rauscher, S. A. Gillespie, M. Alcorta, Alan M. Amthor, G. C. Ball, S. S. Bhattacharjee, V. Bildstein, W. N. Catford, D. T. Doherty, N. E. Esker, A. B. Garnsworthy, G. Hackman, K. Hudson, A. Lennarz, C. Natzke, B. Olaizola, A. Psaltis, C. E. Svensson, J. Williams, D. Walter, and D. Yates

Effects of Polymer Properties on Solid-State Shear Pulverization: Thermoplastic Processability and Nanofiller Dispersibility, Tyler A. Will, Yiran Lu, and Katsuyuki Wakabayashi


Impact of Chronic Infection on Resistance and Tolerance to Secondary Infection in Drosophila melanogaster, Abigail M. Wukitch, Madyline M. Lawrence, Francesco P. Satriale, and Alexa Patel


Memories and Places in Twentieth-Century Suzhou Tanci, Yunjing Xu


Why Theorizing and Measuring Shared Experience in Descriptive Representation Is “A Mess Worth Making”, Christina Xydias


COVID-19, Employment, and Quality of Life Among People Living With HIV, Jen Chiu Yung-Chen, K B. Boomer, Liza M. Conyers, and Mark Misrok

Submissions from 2022

A Predictive Analytical Model of Thermal Conductivity for Aluminum/Transition Metal High Entropy Alloys, M. J. Abere, E. Ziade, P. Lu, C. B. Saltonstall, Xiaojun Gu, Wendelin Wright, N. Argibay, and A. B. Kustas


GANTouch: An Attack-Resilient Framework for Touch-based Continuous Authentication System, Mohi Agrawal, Pragyan Mehrotra, Rajesh Kumar, and Rajiv Ratn


Using a Framework to Develop Preservice Teacher Noticing of Students’ Mathematical Thinking Within Technology-mediated Learning, Nina G. Bailey, Demet Yalman Ozen, Jennifer Lovett, Allison McCulloch, Lara Dick, and Charity Cayton


An Introductory Module in Medical Image Segmentation for BME Students, James W. Baish


The Effects of Gravity and Compression on Interstitial Fluid Transport in the Lower Limb, James W. Baish, Lance L. Munn, and Timothy P. Padera


Telomere length correlates with physiological and behavioural responses of a long-lived seabird to an ecologically relevant challenge, Z. M. Benowitz-Fredericks, L. M. Lacey, S. Whelan, and A. P. Will


Telomere length correlates with physiological and behavioural responses of a long-lived seabird to an ecologically relevant challenge, Z. Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, L. Mae Lacey, Shannon Whelan, Alexis Will, Scott A. Hatch, and Alexander S. Kitaysky


Learning Environments and Evidence-Based Practices in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering, Kristin Billiar, Donald P. Gaver III, Kanneth Barbee, Anita Singh, John D. DesJardins, Beth Pruitt, Joe Tranquillo, Glenn Gaudette, Beth Winkelstein, Lee Makowski, Jennifer R. Amos, Ann Saterbak, Joe LeDoux, Brian Helmke, Michele Grimm, Paul Benkeser, LeAnn Dourte Segan, Bryan Pfister, David Meaney, Treena Arinzeh, and Susan Margulies


Creating an Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Women Entrepreneurs in a Rural Region, Naomi Birdthistle, Robyn Eversole, and Megerssa Walo


Passive Sampling to Scale Wastewater Surveillance of Infectious Disease: Lessons Learned From COVID-19, Aaron Bivins, Devrim Kaya, Warish Ahmed, Joe Brown, Caitlyn Butler, Justin Greaves, Reann Leal, Kendra Maas, Gouthami Rao, Samendra Sherchan, Deborah Sills, Ryan Sinclair, Robert T. Wheeler, and Cresten Mansfeldt


Measuring Phases of Employment Decision-Making and the Need for Vocational Services as a Social Determinant of the Health of Employed People Living with HIV, K B. Boomer, Liza M. Conyers, Yili Wang, and Yung-Chen Jen Chiu

Building Multicultural Competence by Fostering Collaborative Skills, Marcela Borge, Jose A. Soto, Tugce Aldemir, and Jasmine Mena