Publication Date
Managerial Coaching has emerged as a compelling new approach to leadership in organizations. While research has so far demonstrated the key behaviors and competencies associated with successful managerial coaching, comparatively fewer studies have examined how managerial coaching can be developed in leaders, or how leaders learn managerial coaching behaviors. After reviewing the existing literature on managerial coach training and development, and drawing upon research from the fields of leadership development and active learning, a three-phase model of managerial coach learning and development is proposed. The model suggests that the development of managerial coaches can be understood as a process of developing their readiness to incorporate a coach approach to their leadership; and undergoing specific cognitive, affective, and motivational pathways towards building a set of competencies, mindsets, identities, and efficacies associated with effective managerial coaching behaviors. Implications for training and development of organizational managers are discussed.
Human Resource Management Review
Volume 35
Issue 2
Management, College of
Recommended Citation
Dhar, U. (2025). A model of managerial coach learning and development. Human Resource Management Review, 35(2), 101073.