
Submissions from 2021


The Need to Incorporate Communities in Compartmental Models, Michael J. Kane and Owais Gilani


Student reactions to traumatic material in literature: Implications for trigger warnings, Matthew Kimble, William F. Flack Jr., Jennifer Koide, Kelly Bennion, Miranda Brenneman, and Cynthia Meyersburg

Student reactions to traumatic material in literature: Implications for trigger warnings, Matthew Kimble, Kenta Matsumura, William Flack, and Jennifer Koide


Modelling Authority: Obstetrical Machines in the Instruction of Midwives and Surgeons in Eighteenth-Century Italy, Jennifer Kosmin


Mayakovsky on the Land, Ludmila Lavine

A New Uncertainty Measure – CAM, Joshua Livnat, QMA, Selina Pei, and Kate Suslava


Board Tenure and Firm Performance, Joshua Livnat, QMA, Kate Suslava, and GMO

Godzilla and Rodin's "The Gates of Hell", Erik R. Lofgren


Plant Science is Integrative, too: SICB 2021 and the New(ISH) Division of Botany, Christopher T. Martine


Schopenhauer in Dante's Garden of Eden: Melancholy and Rubén Darío's "Autumnal", Jason McCloskey

Positioning Students to Explore Math with Technology, Allison W. McCulloch, Jennifer N. Lovett, Lara Dick, Charity Cayton, and Michael Meagher


Methodology for Single Bee and Bee Brain 1H-NMR Metabolomics, Jayne C. McDevitt, Riju A. Gupta, Sydney G. Dickinson, Phillip L. Martin, Jean Rieuthavorn, Amy Freund, Marie C. Pizzorno, Elizabeth A. Capaldi, and David Rovnyak


Population Genomics and Conservation of Erigenia bulbosa (Apiaceae), An Edge-of-range Species in Pennsylvania, Angela J. McDonnell, Cheyenne Moore, Scott Schuette, and Christopher T. Martine


The Future of Real Estate Education: A Multi-Faceted Perspective, Karen McGrath, Bing Wang, Barbara Jackson, Annette Kampf-Dern, Kent Malone, David Funk, and Tom Geurts

The Rise of Multiple-Measures Rules in the House of Representatives, Scott Meinke


Lepidopteran Granivory Reduces Seed Counts in a Rare Species of Riparian Scour Prairies, Cheyenne Moore, Angela J. McDonnell, Scott Schuette, and Christopher T. Martine


Differential reward in “male” versus “female” pollen of functionally dioecious Solanum, Jackie Ndem-Galbert, Jessica Hall, Angela J. McDonnell, and Christopher T. Martine

Amtrak Rail Trespasser Analysis using a GIS Space-Time Approach, Michelle R. Oswald Beiler and Evan Filion

National Assessment of Bicycle Friendliness Using a Spatial Approach: Focus on Universities and Communities, Michelle R. Oswald Beiler and Luyang Ren


Toxicity of Clothianidin to Common Eastern North American Fireflies, Kirsten Ann Pearsons, Sarah Lower, and John F. Tooker


Transcriptomic Responses of the Honey Bee Brain to Infection with Deformed Wing Virus, Marie Pizzorno, Ken Field, Amanda L. Kobokovich, Phillip L. Martin, Riju A. Gupta, Renata Marie Mammone, David Rovnyak, and Elizabeth Capaldi


Misconceptions and Misinformation About Bats and Viruses, Sebastien J. Puechmaille, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Dina Dechmann, Brock Fenton, Cullen Geiselman, Rodrigo Medellin, Russell Mittermeier, Paul Racey, DeeAnn Reeder, Juliane Schaer, Amanda Vicente-Santos, Wes Sechrest, Luis Viquez-R, and Natalie Weber


Bathed in Blood: Ritual Performance as Political Critique, Susan Reed


Mapping Specific Mental Content During Musical Imagery, Mor Regev, Andrea R. Halpern, Adrian Owen, Aniruddh Patel, and Robert J. Zatorre


Aqueous Metabolite Trends for the Progression of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Female Bariatric Surgery Patients by Targeted 1H-NMR Metabolomics, Emma J. Robinson, Matthew C. Taddeo, Xin Chu, Weixing Shi, Craig Wood, Christopher Still, Virginia Rovnyak, and David Rovnyak

Implications of the Stability Analysis of Preferences for Personalised Colorectal Cancer Screening, M. Gabriela Sava, Alia C. Stanciu, James G. Dolan, and Jerrold H. May


Template-based Minor Embedding for Adiabatic Quantum Optimization, Thiago Serra, Teng Huang, Arvind Raghunathan, and David Bergman


Critical Consumption of Online Resources, Emily Shapiro, Lara Dick, and Amanda Sawyer

Deformation Behavior of Single Particle Cold Spray Ti-6Al-4V Splats, Mala M. Sharma, Kiran G. Judd, Jeremy Schreiber, and Tim J. Eden

Multicultural Competence Building Blocks: Multicultural Psychology Courses Promote Multicultural Knowledge and Ethnic Identity, Jose A. Soto, Jasmine Mena, Marcela Borge, Michael R. Stoyer, Dawn P. Witherspoon, and Nana A. Dawson-Andoh


Detecting Dirty Data Using SQL: Rigorous House Insurance Case, Daniel Street and James G. Lawson


“Stiff business headwinds and unchartered economic waters”: Use of Euphemisms in Earnings Conference Calls, Kate Suslava


Preserve a Voucher Specimen! The Critical Need for Integrating Natural History Collections in Infectious Disease Studies, Cody W. Thompson, Kendra L. Phelps, Marc W. Allard, Joseph A. Cook, Jonathan L. Dunnum, Adam W. Ferguson, Magnus Gelang, Faisal Ali Anwaraili Khan, Deborah Paul, DeeAnn Reeder, Nancy B. Simmons, Maarten P M Vanhove, Paul Webala, Marcelo Weksler, and C. William Kilpatrick


Civil Rights Enforcement and Fair Housing at the Environmental Protection Agency, Jennifer Thomson


Wait For It: An EEG Exploration Of Excitement In Dance Music, Amelia Turrell, Andrea R. Halpern, and Amir-Homayoun Javadi


Liberating Host–virus Knowledge from Biological Dark Data, Nathan S. Upham, Jorrit H. Poelen, Deborah Paul, Quentin J. Groom, Nancy B. Simmons, Maarten P M Vanhove, Sandro Bertolino, DeeAnn Reeder, Cristiane Bastos-Silveira, Atriya Sen, Beckett Sterner, Nico M. Franz, Marcus Guidoti, Lyubomir Penev, and Donat Agosti


Using iNaturalist to Monitor Adherence to Best Practices in Bat Handling, Laura Van der Jeucht, Quentin J. Groom, Donat Agosti, Kendra Phelps, DeeAnn Reeder, and Nancy B. Simmons


Toupee or Not Toupee?: Cranial Hair and Perceptions of Men’s Attractiveness, Personality, and Other Evolutionary Relevant Traits, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne L. Fisher, and Rebecca L. Burch


I saw him first: Competitive nonverbal flirting among women, the tactics used and their perceived effectiveness, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne L. Fisher, and Elizabeth Clark


Want to Hookup?: Sex Differences in Short Term Mate Attraction Tactics, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne L. Fisher, Catherine Salmon, and Carly Downs


Strike a Pose: the Perceived Flirtatiousness of Men's Nonverbal Behavior, T. Joel Wade and LeeAnn Renninger


Learning to Eat French, John Westbrook


The Effects of Food Supply on Reproductive Hormones and Timing of Reproduction in an Income-breeding Seabird, Shannon Whelan, Scott A. Hatch, Z. Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, Charline Parenteau, Olivier Chastel, and Kyle Elliott


Heterothermy and Antifungal Responses in Bats, Flora Whiting-Fawcett, Kenneth A. Field, Sebastien J. Puechmaille, Anna S. Blomberg, and Thomas M. Lilley

Submissions from 2020


Growing a greater understanding of multiplication through lesson study: Mathematics teacher educators’ professional development, Mollie Appelgate, Lara Dick, Melissa Soto, and Dittika Gupta

Daily Tutor Scheduling Support at Hopeful Journeys Educational Center, Matthew D. Bailey and Lucas A. Waddell


Enhancing models and measurements of traffic-related air pollutants for health studies using dispersion modeling and Bayesian data fusion, Stuart A. Batterman, Veronica J. Berrocal, Chad Milando, Owais Gilani, Saravanan Arunachalam, and K. Max Zhang

Designing an Interactive Non-Linear Documentary Contributed by Public Participation: Suburbs of Istanbul, Tulu Bayar and Pinar Yelmi

Perceived Discrimination and Educational Attainment for U.S. Black Adults: The Influence of Black Racial Identity, Clifton Berwise and Jasmine Mena

Applications of Envelopes, Kelly Bickel, Pamela Gorkin, and Trung Tran

Applications of envelopes, Kelly Bickel, Pamela Gorkin, and Trung Tran

Crouzeix’s Conjecture and Related Problems, Kelly Bickel, Anne Greenbaum, Pamela Gorkin, Thomas Ransford, Felix Schwenninger, and Elias Wegert

Level Curve Portraits of Rational Inner Functions, Kelly Bickel, Alan Sola, and James Pascoe

Assessment of Small Tributaries as Possible Habitats for Larvae and Juveniles of Japanese Giant Salamanders, Andrias Japonicus, by Coupling Environmental Dna with Traditional Field Surveys, Brianna Bjordhal, Sumio Okada, and Mizuki Takahashi

Building Multicultural Competence by Fostering Collaborative Skills, Marcela Borge, Jose A. Soto, Tugce Aldemir, and Jasmine Mena

Greenbacks, Green Banks, and Greenwashing via LEED: Assessing Banks' Performance in Sustainable Construction, Brittany Bowers, Neil Boyd, and Elton G. McGoun

Impact of Community Experiences on Student Retention Perceptions and Satisfaction in Higher Education, Neil Boyd, Xiaoyan Liu, and Kevork Horissian

Sense of Community, Sense of Community Responsibility, Organizational Commitment and Identification, and Public Service Motivation: a Simultaneous Test of Affective States on Employee Well-being and Engagement in a Public Service Work Context, Neil Boyd and Branda Nowell

Estimates for Sums of Eigenvalues of the Free Plate via the Fourier Transform, Barbara Brandolini, Francesco Chiacchio, and Jeffrey J. Langford


The Influence of Self-Perceptions of Attractiveness on Substance Use: Sex Differences in Predictors of Alcohol Consumption in College Students, Ali Brenman and T. Joel Wade


Exact sequences of inner automorphisms of tensors, Peter A. Brooksbank


On the ranks of string C-group representations for symplectic and orthogonal groups, Peter A. Brooksbank


Orthogonal groups in characteristic 2 acting on polytopes of high rank, Peter A. Brooksbank, Dimitri Leemans, and John T. Ferrara


Improved Algorithms for Alternating Matrix Space Isometry: From Theory to Practice, Peter A. Brooksbank, Yinan Li, Youming Qiao, and James B. Wilson


the Reproductive Priming Effect Revisited: Mate Poaching, Mate Copying, Or Both?., Rebecca Burch, T. Joel Wade, and James Moran


Whatever Happened to Pleasant Street? Rediscovering an Urban Shoreline in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Claire E. Campbell


Temperate Eurasian Origins of Hawaiian Chenopodium (Amaranthaceae) plus description of a new species endemic to Moloka‘i, Jason T. Cantley, Angela J. McDonnell, J Branson, S R. Long, W Garnett, and Christopher T. Martine


Context-dependent Neural Responses to Minor Notes in Frontal and Temporal Regions Distinguish Musicians from Nonmusicians, Tracy M. Centanni, Andrea R. Halpern, Andrea R. Seisler, and Michael Wenger


Shipment sizing for autonomous trucks of road freight, Chun-Miin (Jimmy) Chen and Yajun Lu


Writing for Local Government Schools: Authors and Themes in Song-dynasty School Inscriptions, Song Chen


How Do Institutions and Infrastructure Affect Mobilization Around Public Toilets vs. piped Water? Examining Intra-slum Patterns of Collective Action in Delhi, India, Soundarya Chidambaram

The Civil Society Roots of BJP’s Majoritarian Nationalism, Soundarya Chidambaram

Masturbatory Ecologies: Pornography, Ecosexuality, and Perverted Environmental Justice, Jeremy Chow

Prime Mates: The Simian, Maternity and Abjection in Brobdingnag, Jeremy Chow


Viewpoint: Integrating Biodiversity Infrastructure into Pathogen Discovery and Mitigation of Epidemic Infectious Diseases, Joseph A. Cook, Satoru Arai, Blas Armién, John Bates, Carlos A. Carrion Bonilla, Maria Beatriz de Souza Cortez, Jonathan L. Dunnum, Adam W. Ferguson, Karl M. Johnson, Faisal Ali Anwaraili Khan, Deborah Paul, DeeAnn Reeder, Marcia A. Revelez, Nancy B. Simmons, Barbara M. Thiers, Cody W. Thompson, Nathan S. Upham, Maarten P M Vanhove, Paul Webala, Marcelo Weksler, Richard Yanagihara, and Pamela S. Soltis

Angry Modernism, Erica Delsandro

Pens, Pickaxes, Patriarchy, Erica Delsandro

The Epistolary Politics of Virginia Woolf & Ta-Nehisi Coates, Erica Delsandro


Predicting students' mathematical thinking in a technology-mediated environment, Lara Dick, Jennifer Lovett, Allison McCulloch, Cynthia Edgington, and Stephanie Casey


Population dynamics model and analysis for bacteria transformation and conjugation, Jiajia Dong


Population dynamics model and analysis for bacteria transformation and conjugation, Jiajia Dong, J.D. Russo, and Kris Sampson

On m-complex symmetric weighted shift operators on C^n, George R. Exner, Jooyoung Jin, Il Bong Jung, and Ji Eun Lee


Can I have your number? Men's perceived effectiveness of pick-up lines used by women, Maryanne Fisher, Sarah Coughlin, and T. Joel Wade


Can I Have your Number? Men's Perceived Effectiveness of Pick-up Lines Used by Women, Maryanne L. Fisher, Sarah Coughlin, and T. Joel Wade

Determining Maximum Chemico-Osmotic Pressure Difference across Clay Membranes, Cameron J. Fritz, Joseph Scalia, Charles Shackelford, and Michael A. Malusis


Two-Way Cultural Transmission in Study-Abroad: U.S. Host Families and Japanese College Students in Short-Term Homestay Programs, Ramona Fruja, Joseph L. Murray, and Junko Torii


Distribution of human exposure to ozone during commuting hours in Connecticut using the cellular device network, Owais Gilani, Simon Urbanek, and Michael J. Kane


From Dyck Paths to Standard Young Tableaux, Juan B. Gil, Peter R. W. McNamara, Jordan O. Tirrell, and Michael D. Weiner

Crouzeix's Conjecture and Related Problems, Pamela Gorkin, Kelly Bickel, Anne Greenbaum, Thomas Ransford, Felix Schwenninger, and Elias Wegert

Applications of Envelopes, Pamela Gorkin, Kelly Bickel, and Trung Tran

Interpolation in Model Spaces, Pamela Gorkin and Brett D. Wick

The Role of Long-Term Memory in Mental Transformations of Pitch, Emma B. Greenspon, Peter Q. Pfordresher, and Andrea R. Halpern


Crossing Both Ways: Sarah Jones, The Moth, and the Disruptive Potential of Voice, Chase Gregory


Numerical Simulation of the Trapping Reaction with Mobile and Reacting Traps, Joshua D. Hellerick, Robert C. Rhoades, and Benjamin Vollmayr-Lee


“Spanish Citizenship and Responsibility for the Past: The Case of the Sephardim, Moriscos, and Saharawis”, Michael James


A basic ddRADseq two‐enzyme protocol performs well with herbarium and silica‐dried tissues across four genera, Ingrid E. Jordon-Thaden, James B. Beck, Catherine A. Rushworth, Michael D. Windham, Nicolas Diaz, Jason T. Cantley, Christopher T. Martine, and Carl J. Rothfels


Combining anaerobic digestion and hydrothermal liquefaction in the conversion of dairy waste into energy: A techno economic model for New York state, Nazih Kassem, Deborah Sills, Roy Posmanik, Calum Blair, and Jefferson W. Tester

Time series prediction using deep echo state networks, Taehwan Kim and Brian R. King


Case Studies of Actually Existing Communism: Mulder's Transcending Capitalism through Cooperative Practices, David Kristjanson-Gural


Exceptional Longevity in Little Brown Bats Still Occurs, despite Presence of White-Nose Syndrome, Allen Kurta, Rodney W. Foster, Brooke A. Daly, Ashley K. Wilson, Robin M. Slider, Craig D. Rockey, Jacqueline M. Rockey, Brenna L. Long, Giorgia G. Auteri, Jason D. Collins, J Paul White, Heather M. Kaarakka, Jennifer A. Redell, and DeeAnn Reeder