Publication Date
Fall 11-20-2024
Outdoor education programs, such as Forest School, have physical, social-emotional, and academic benefits for children, and teachers trained in nature-based pedagogy are more likely to provide outdoor education opportunities for their students. Incorporating outdoor field experiences in teacher preparation may teach new teachers how to implement nature-based programming. However, little is known about how outdoor field experiences affect pre-service teacher development. Grounded in self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977), this mixed-methods study examined in a pretest-posttest design how participating in a 12-week outdoor field experience contributed to pre-service teachers’ (N = 9) knowledge of nature-based pedagogy and their self-efficacy. Participants also completed weekly journals reflecting on their observations, experiences, challenges, and growth in students and themselves. Qualitative analysis of participants’ weekly journal entries provided unique insight into the pre-service teachers’ experiences. It demonstrated perceived growth in their ability to support children’s social-emotional and academic development, use effective behavior support strategies, and effectively collaborate with families and professionals. Quantitative results showed mean increases in participants’ knowledge of nature-based pedagogy and teacher self-efficacy, with the largest percent increase on the instructional strategies subscale.
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning
Second Department
Recommended Citation
Janet VanLone, Lauren Shearer, Makenna Luzenski, Ellen Amarante, Susan Chlebowski & Chris Boyatzis (20 Nov 2024): Rooted in nature: pre-service teachers’ development of nature-based pedagogical insights through a forest school field experience, Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, DOI: 10.1080/14729679.2024.2431279
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Early Childhood Education Commons, Elementary Education Commons, Outdoor Education Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons