Submissions from 1981
Paraphrasendeutung im Midrash. Die Paraphrase des Petiḥaverses, Rivka Ulmer
Submissions from 1980
The Development, Reliability, and Validity of the OARS Multidimensional Functional Assessment Questionnaire, Gerda Fillenbaum and Michael A. Smyer
The Differential Usage of Services by Impaired Elderly, Michael A. Smyer
Submissions from 1979
Aging and Mental Health: Business as Usual?, Margaret Gatz and Michael A. Smyer
On a Microcomputer Implementation of an Intrusion-detection Algorithm, Kenneth J. Hass, Nasir Ahmed, and Donald H. Lenhert
A Validity Study of the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire, Michael A. Smyer, Brian F. Hofland, and Edward A. Jonas
Identification, discrimination, and selective adaptation of simultaneous musical intervals, Robert J. Zatorre and Andrea R. Halpern
Submissions from 1976
Learning to Live in a Therapeutic Community: A study of elderly inpatients., Michael A. Smyer, Ilene C. Siegler, and Margaret J. Gatz