
Submissions from 2022

Organizational Cultures That Support Community: Does the Competing Values Framework Help Us Understand Experiences of Community at Work?, Neil Boyd and Sharon Larson


Nucleation-accumulation Mode Trade-off in Non-volatile Particle Emissions From a Small Non-road Small Diesel Engine, Indranil Brahma and Odinmma John-Paul Ofili


An Introductory Module in Medical Image Segmentation for BME Students, Christine Buffinton, Donna Ebenstein, and James W. Baish


Legitimacy, Resistance and the Stakes of Politics, Adam Burgos


Neither Race nor Ethnicity: Latinidad as a Social Affordance, Adam Burgos and Alejandro Arango


Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling Investigations of Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability and Associated Magnetosonic Wave Emission along Coronal Mass Ejections, Sara Butler, Weiru Chen, and Hava Turkakin

Evaluating clinical and demographic influences on health perception: A translation of the SF-12 for use with NHANES, Elise C. Covert, Anna M. Baker, and Owais Gilani

Coupled Bend-Twist Mechanics of Biomimetic Scale Substrate, Sanjay Dharmavaram, Hossein Ebrahimi, and Ranajay Ghosh


A Lagrangian Thin-Shell Finite Element Method for Interacting Particles on Fluid Membranes, Sanjay Dharmavaram, Xinran Wan, and Luigi E. Perotti


A Lagrangian Thin-Shell Finite Element Method for Interacting Particles on Fluid Membranes, Sanjay Dharmavaram, Xinran Wan, and Luigi E. Perotti


Continuous Improvement Lesson Study: A Model of MTE Professional Development, Lara Dick, Mollie M. Appelgate, Dittika D. Gupta, and Melissa M. Soto

Preservice Teacher Noticing of Students’ Mathematical Thinking in a Technology-mediated Learning Environment, Lara Dick, Jennifer Lovett, Allison McCulloch, Charity Cayton, Nina G. Bailey, and Demet Yalman Ozen


Emergence of sector and spiral patterns from a two-species mutualistic cross-feeding model, Jiajia Dong, Jiaqi Lin, and Hui Sun


Negative Perception of Bats, Exacerbated by the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, May Hinder Bat Conservation in Northern Uganda, Imran Ejotre, DeeAnn Reeder, Kai Matuschewski, Robert Kityo, and Juliane Schaer

Crossing Boundaries in Rural Research, Robyn Eversole

Regional Campuses and Invisible Innovation: Impacts of Non-traditional Students in ‘Regional Australia’, Robyn Eversole


Digital Afterlives: Moravian Memoirs and the Age of Technology, Katherine Faull


Analyzing Moravian Feelings Using Computational Methods to Ask Questions about Norms and Sentiments in Eighteenth-Century Moravian Lebensläufe, Katherine Faull and Michael McGuire

Order Backlog in Earnings Conference Calls., Ronen Feldman, Suresh Govindaraj, Joshua Livnat, and Kate Suslava


Strengthening a Linear Reformulation of the 0-1 Cubic Knapsack Problem via Variable Reordering, Richard Forrester and Lucas Waddell


Normalizing Tumor Microenvironment with Nanomedicine and Metronomic Therapy to Improve Immunotherapy, Mpekris Fotios, Chrysovalantis Voutouri, Myrofora Panagi, James W. Baish, Rakesh K. Jain, and Triantafyllos Stylianopoulos

Leza, Sungu, and Samba- Digital Humanities and Early Bantu History, Catherine Cymone Fourshey


Examination of Current MASH Occupant Compartment Intrusion Limits Using Real-World Crash Data, Douglas J. Gabauer and Suphanat Juengprasertsak


Phylogenomic Discordance Suggests Polytomies Along the Backbone of the Large Genus Solanum, Edeline Gagnon, Rebeccca Hilgenhof, Andrés Orejuela, Angela J. McDonnell, Gaurav Sablok, Xavier Aubriot, Leandro Giacomin, Yuri Gouvêa, Thamyris Bragionis, João Renato Stehmann, Lynn Bohs, Steven Dodsworth, Christopher T. Martine, Péter Poczai, Sandra Knapp, and Tiina Särkinen

How institutional logics shape fairness in crowdsourcing: The case of Threadless, Annetta Grant, Henri Weijo, and Peter A. Dacin

The Influence of Place Attachment on Community Leadership and Place Management, Craig Lance Grocke, Robyn Eversole, and Clayton Jon Hawkins


What Do Less Accurate Singers Remember? Pitch-matching Ability and Long-term Memory for Music, Andrea R. Halpern and Peter Q. Pfordresher


The Dream of Property: Law and Environment in William T. Vollmann’s Dying Grass and Leslie Marmon Silko’s Almanac of the Dead, Ted Hamilton


Detecting and Resolving ‘Dirty’ Data: Ten Steps to Better Business Insights, Dana R. Hermanson, James G. Lawson III, and Daniel Street


Linking Electronic Health Records and In-Depth Interviews to Inform Efforts to Integrate Social Determinants of Health into Health Care Delivery: Protocol for a Qualitative Research Study, Annemarie Hirsch, Elizabeth Durden, and Jennifer Silva


Local Agency and Development Trajectories in a Rural Region, Deanna Hutchinson and Robyn Eversole

Community Experiences in the Strategic Human Resource Management Black Box, Richard Harvey Jonsen, Neil Boyd, Franklin Oikelome, and Douglas Trimble

Students responses to differing trigger warnings: A replication and extension, Matthew Kimble, Jennifer Koide, and William F. Flack

Critical Audit Matters: Possible Market Misinterpretation, Julia Klevak, Joshua Livnat, Duo Pei, and Kate Suslava

A Sharp Isoperimetric Inequality for the Second Eigenvalue of the Robin Plate, Jeffrey J. Langford and L. Mercredi Chasman


Me veo a mi mismo leyendo : Ricardo Piglia’s Aesthetic Education in Los diarios de Emilio Renzi, D. Bret Leraul


War Over Measure: Latin American Cultural Policy and the Pedagogy of Neoliberal States, D. Bret Leraul


Positivity among P-partition generating functions, Nathan R. T. Lesnevich and Peter R. W. McNamara


The calculated photon: Visualization of a quantum field, Martin K. Ligare and Ryan Oliveri


Computational Simulations of the Effects of Gravity on Lymphatic Transport, Huabing Li, Huajian Wei, Timothy P. Padera, James W. Baish, and Lance L. Munn


Experimental evidence that shear bands in metallic glasses nucleate like cracks, Alan A. Long, Wendelin Wright, Xiaojun Gu, Anna Thackray, Mayisha Nakib, Jonathan T. Uhl, and Karin A. Dahmen


Imagined Musical Scale Relationships Decoded from Auditory Cortex, Lloyd May, Andrea R. Halpern, Sean D. Paulsen, and Michael A. Casey


The Ability of Real Estate Students to Self-Assess: Implications for Effective Course Management, Karen McGrath and Tom Geurts


Editorial: New and Emerging Technologies for STEAM Teaching and Learning, Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Efi Paparistodemou, Lara Dick, Aisling Leavy, and Elena Stylianou


The Promise of Labor-based Grading Contracts for the Teaching of Psychology and Neuroscience, Jasmine Mena and Jennie Stevenson

Coupling a Rotating Biological Contactor With an Anaerobic Baffled Reactor for Sustainable Energy Recovery From Domestic Wastewater, Mona Mohammed and Deborah Sills


Chronic Experience with Unpredictable Food Availability Promotes Food Reward, Overeating, and Weight Gain in a Novel Animal Model of Food Insecurity, Kevin P. Myers, Marta Majewski, Dominique Schaefer, and Alexis Tierney


The Effects of Road Salt (NaCl), Predation, and Competition on the Growth and Community Interactions of Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) and Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), Melissa Ocampo, Catherine A. Chuirazzi, and Mizuki Takahashi

Polylactic Acid Chemical Foaming Assisted by Solid-State Processing: Solid-State Shear Pulverization and Cryogenic Milling, Philip R. Onffroy, Nathan T. Herrold, Harrison G. Goehrig, Kalie Yuen, and Katsuyuki Wakabayashi


Perceived Effectiveness of Flirtation Tactics: The Effects of sex, Mating Context and Individual Differences in US and Norwegian Samples, Leif Ottesen Kennair, T. Joel Wade, Miriam Tekeste Tallaksen, Trond Viggo Grøntvedt, Andrea M. Kessler, Rebecca L. Burch, and Mons Bendixen


Teaching Sustainability: Does Style Matter?, Fethiye Ozis, Shannon Lynn Isovitsch Parks, Deborah Sills, Mustafa Akca, and Christine Kirby


Pre-Service Teacher Preparation in Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: A Review of State Competencies, Nicole C. Reddig and Janet VanLone


Reproductive Strategies Affect Telomere Dynamics Across the Life Course, A. A, Romero-Haro; Jennifer Morger; Mark F. Haussmann; and Barbara Tschirren


Policing Gentrification: The Financial Geography of Law Enforcement Practices in Philadelphia, Jackson Smith, Vanessa Massaro, and Greg Miller


Continuous Fluorescence-Based Endonuclease-Coupled DNA Methylation Assay to Screen for DNA Methyltransferase Inhibitors, Rebecca Switzer, Katie A. Ward, and Jessica Medrano


Professionalization and the Forgotten System: Observed Practices and Perceptions at the Intersection of Informal and Formal Faculty Development, Joseph Tranquillo, Todd Fernandez, and Janie Brennan


EU Asylum Governance and E(xc)lusive Solidarity: Insights From Germany, Emek M. Ucarer


On a pedestal: High heels and the perceived attractiveness and evolutionary fitness of women, T. Joel Wade, Rebecca L. Burch, Maryanne L. Fisher, and Haley Casper


The Perceived Effectiveness of Women’s Pick-Up Lines: Do Age and Personality Matter?, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne Fisher, and Lauren Gaines


Computational simulations of the effects of gravity on lymphatic transport, Huagian Wei, Huabing Li, Timothy P. Padera, James W. Baish, and Lance L. Munn


Solanum scalarium (Solanaceae), a newly-described dioecious bush tomato from Judbarra/Gregory National Park, Northern Territory, Australia, Tanisha M. Williams, Jonathan D. Hayes, Angela J. McDonnell, Jason T. Cantley, Peter Jobson, and Christopher T. Martine


Mechanochemical modification of crosslinked low‐density polyethylene: Effect of solid‐state shear pulverization on crosslinks, branches, and chain lengths, Spencer J. Zack, Nathan T. Herrold, and Katsuyuki Wakabayashi

Submissions from 2021

Price and revenue bounds for bundles of information goods, Mihai Banciu, Fredrik Odegaard, and Alia C. Stanciu


Whiteness in Academia, Time to Listen, and Moving Beyond White Fragility, Kimberly A. Bates and Eddy Ng

Two-weight Tb Theorems for Well-localized Operators, Kelly Bickel, Brett Wick, and Taneli Korhonen


Desde el Futuro: El Archivo Lemebel, Fernando A. Blanco


Vínculos Amorosos/Lazos Virtuales: De los "Cuartos Obscuros"a Grindr en las narrativas de J.Marchant Lazcano, A. Fuguet y P. Fernández, Fernando A. Blanco


The Continued Call and Future of Administrative Reform in the United States, Neil Boyd


Using Physics to Extend the Range of Machine Learning Models for an Aerodynamic, Hydraulic and Combusting System: The Toy Model Concept. Energy and AI, Indranil Brahma, Robert Jennings, and Bradley Fried


Data-based Estimation and Simulation of Compressible Pulsating Flow with Reverse Flow through an Orifice, Indranil Brahma and Satbir Singh


On the ranks of string C-group representations for symplectic and orthogonal groups, Peter A. Brooksbank

LGBTQ+ Structural Stigma and College Counseling Center Website Friendliness, Carolyn Campbell and Jasmine Mena


Simulating Influenza Epidemics with Waning Vaccine Immunity, Chun-Miin Chen and Alia C. Stanciu

Examining the Relationships Between Social Determinants of Health and Health-related Quality of Life Among Individuals Living with HIV, Yung-Chen Jen Chiu, K B. Boomer, Liza Conyers, Yili Wang, and Mark Misrok


Eighteenth-Century Queer Studies, Revisited, Jeremy Chow


No Fats, No Fems, No Problems?: Working Out & the Gay Muscled Body, Jeremy Chow


Simian Sexuality: Interspecies Intimacy in the Long Eighteenth Century, Jeremy Chow


Snaking into the Gothic: Serpentine Sensuousness in Lewis & Coleridge, Jeremy Chow


Unintended Consequences of Air Cleaning Chemistry, Douglas B. Collins and Delphine K. Farmer


La exhumación del franquismo y la memoria conflictiva en Javier Cercas y Sergio del Molino, Isabel Cuñado


The Pre-Metaphase Stretch: a Re-Examination, Megan A. Czekalski and Leocadia V. Paliulis


The Effects of Top Management Team National Diversity and Institutional Uncertainty on Subsidiary CSR Focus, Sven Dahms, Suthikorn Suthikorn Kingkaew, and Eddy Ng

A Gauge-fixing Procedure for Spherical Fluid Membranes and Application to Computations, Sanjay Dharmavaram

When Students Use Technology Tools, What are You Noticing?, Lara Dick, Allison McCulloch, and Jennifer Lovett


Parasite of the Month. Hepatocystis, Imran Ejotre, DeeAnn Reeder, Kai Matuschewski, and Juliane Schaer

Two-Dimensional Polymers and Polymerizations, Austin M. Evans, Michael J. Strauss, Amanda R. Corcos, Zoheb Hirani, Woojung Ji, Leslie S. Hamachi, Xavier Aguilar-Enriquez, Anton D. Chavez, Brian J. Smith, and William R. Dichtel

A Continuum Meshfree Method for Sandbox-style Numerical Modeling of Accretionary and Doubly Vergent Wedges, Alomir Favero, Ronaldo I. Borja, and Enrique M. del Castillo

Fault Propagation and Surface Rupture in Geologic Materials With a Meshfree Continuum Method, Alomir Favero, Ronaldo I. Borja, and Enrique M. del Castillo


Market Reaction to Quantitative and Qualitative Order Backlog Disclosures., Ronen Feldman, Suresh Govindaraj, Joshua Livnat, and Kate Suslava

Comparing Finite Sequences of Discrete Events with Non-Uniform Time Intervals, Abby Flynt, Brian King, and Alexander Murph


Vaccinating the Oldest Against Covid-19 Saves Both the Most Lives and Most Years of Life, Joshua R. Goldstein, Thomas Cassidy, and Kenneth W. Wachter

Making Ellipses by Folding Disks, Pamela Gorkin

Curves of Geodesic Centers and Poncelet Ellipses, Pamela Gorkin and Gregory Adams


(Ex)citation: Citational Eros in Academic Texts, Chase Gregory


Holistic Understanding of Contemporary Ecosystems Requires Integration of Data on Domesticated, Captive and Cultivated Organisms, Quentin J. Groom, Tim Adriaens, Sandro Bertolino, Kendra Phelps, Jorrit H. Poelen, DeeAnn Reeder, David M. Richardson, Nancy B. Simmons, and Nathan S. Upham


Mood Judgments and Memory for Tunes: A Special Case of Levels of Processing?, Andrea R. Halpern, Esra Mungan, and Zehra F. Peynircioğlu

Evidence of incubation trade-offs in Leach’s strom-petrel (Oceanodroma leucohora): ptilochronology as a measure of reproductive investment in a long-lived seabird., Lisa Harn, Jennifer Grady, Jack Cerchiara, Mark F. Haussmann, and Robert A. Mauck


Vibrational Self-quenching Rates of Co(V=1,2) Measured via Transient Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy, Cole Hediger and Karen Castle


Integrating L1 in L2 Classrooms: The Case of Arabic as a Foreign Language in US Universities, Martin Isleem


Subsurface architecture of alpine icy debris fans: Integration of ground-penetrating radar and surface observations in Alaska and New Zealand, Robert W. Jacob, Jeffrey M. Trop, and R. Craig Kochel