
Submissions from 2014

Vibrational Relaxation of O3(v2) by O(3P), Karen Castle

Vibrational Relaxation of O3(nu2) by O((3)P), Karen J. Castle, Labe A. Black, and Tara J. Pedersen

A Cross-Sectional Survey of Repetitive Behaviors and Restricted Interests in a Typically Developing Turkish Child Population, Ahmet Cevikaslan, David W. Evans, Ceyda Dedeoglu, Sibel Kalaca, and Yanki Yazgan


More Skin, More Sun, More Tan, More Melanoma, Caroline Chang, Era Caterina Murzaku, Lauren Penn, Naheed R. Abbasi, Paula Davis, Marianne Berwick, and David Polsky

Looking to the Future: Training a New Generation for Balinese Arja, Bethany J. Collier

National Values and Theatrical Values. The Battle of the Siege de Calais (1765), Logan Connors

The Power of Tragedy: An Eighteenth-Century Debate on Theater and its Relevance to Literature Pedagogy Today, Logan Connors

Who gets to dispute? Gender, nation and representation in two versions of Pierre de Belloy's Le Siège de Calais", Logan Connors

Three Strategies for Promoting Intellectual Engagement in Advanced Undergraduate Seminars, Logan Connors, Nathalie Dupont, and John Westbrook

Examining the Role of Vocational Rehabilitation on Access to Care and Public Health Outcomes for People Living with HIV/AIDS, Liza M. Conyers and K B. Boomer

Examining the role of vocational rehabilitation on access to care and public health outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS, Liza M. Conyers and K B. Boomer


The Complexity of Quest in Emerging Adults’ Religiosity, Well-being, and Identity., Kaye V. Cook, Cynthia N. Kimball, Kathleen C. Leonard, and Chris Boyatzis

The Complexity of Quest in Emerging Adults' Religiosity, Well-Being, and Identity, Kaye V. Cook, Cynthia N. Kimball, Kathleen C. Leonard, and Chris Boyatzis

Use of Land Surface Temperature to Estimate Surface Energy Fluxes: Contributions of Wilfried Brutsaert and Collaborators, Richard Crago and Russell J. Qualls

Rilke and Ironic Nostalgia in Virginia or the Inside of the World of Alvaro Pombo, Isabel Cunado

“Clara Sánchez: geografías de la distopía”, Isabel Cuñado

“Rilke y la nostalgia irónica en Virginia o el interior del mundo de Álvaro Pombo, Isabel Cuñado

"The independence so hardly won has been maintained": C.L.R. James and the U.S. Occupation of Haiti., Rafe Dalleo


Strategic Deployments of ‘Sisterhood’ and Questions of Solidarity at a Women’s Development Project in Janakpur, Nepal, Coralynn V. Davis


Transnational Marriage: Modern Imaginings, Relational Realignments, and Persistent Inequalities, Coralynn V. Davis

Dynamic blockage in an exclusion process, JiaJia Dong

High solids co-digestion of food and landscape waste and the potential for ammonia toxicity, Margaret Drennan and Thomas D. DiStefano

High Solids Co-Digestion of Food and Landscape Waste and the Potential for Ammonia Toxicity, Margaret F. Drennan and Thomas D. DiStefano

Isospectrality and Heat Content, Emily Dryden, Michiel van den Berg, and Thomas Kappeler

Aleatory Sovereignty and the Rule of Sensitive Spaces, Elizabeth Cullen Dunn and Jason Cons

L'Oeuvre assassine d'Éric Chevillard, Nathalie Dupont

Valère Novarina – opus incertum, Nathalie Dupont

Effects of Calcification Modulus and Geometry on Stress in Models of Calcified Atherosclerotic Plaque, Donna M. Ebenstein

Multiscale Characterization of Acrylic Bone Cement Modified with Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles, Donna M. Ebenstein


Thermochemical cycle of a mixed metal oxide for augmentation of thermal energy storage in solid particles, B. Ehrhart, Eric Nicholas Coker, Nathan P. Siegel, and A. Weimer


Annual average efficiency of a solar-thermochemical reactor, Ivan Ermanoski and Nathan P. Siegel

Adaptive and Maladaptive Correlates of Repetitive Behavior and Restricted Interests in Persons with Down Syndrome and Developmentally-Matched Typical Children: A Two-Year Longitudinal Sequential Design, David W. Evans, F L. Kleinpeter, Mylissa M. Slane, and K B. Boomer

A Microfluidic Method to Measure Small Molecule Diffusion in Hydrogels, Stephanie M. Evans, Andrew L. Litzenberger, Anne E. Ellenberger, James E. Maneval, Erin L. Jablonski, and Brandon M. Vogel

Backward Extensions of Recursively Generated Weighted Shifts and Quadratic Hyponormality, George Exner, Il Bong Jung, Mi Ryeong Lee, and Sun Hyun Park

k-hyponormality and n-contractivity for Agler-type shifts, George R. Exner and Gregory Adams

Backward 3-step extensions of recursively generated weighted shifts, George R. Exner and Il Bong Jung

Backward extension of recursively generated weighted shifts and quadratic hyponormality, George R. Exner and Il Bong Jung

Public Attitudes Toward Social Spending in the United States: The Differences Between Direct Spending and Tax Expenditures, Christopher Faricy and Christopher Ellis


News Framing and Charter School Reform, Abe Feuerstein

Morphological and Mechanical Changes in Juvenile Red-Eared Slider Turtle (Trachemys Scripta Elegans) Shells During Ontogeny, Jennifer F. Fish and Tristan Stayton

Processes Regulating the Initiation and Postejaculatory Resumption of Copulatory Behavior in Male Hamsters, Owen Floody

Rapid Facilitation of Ultrasound Production and Lordosis in Female Hamsters by Horizontal Cuts Between the Septum and Preoptic Area, Owen Floody and Sheena L. Czipri

Role of Acetylcholine in Control of Sexual Behavior of Male and Female Mammals, Owen R. Floody

Spirocyclic Acylphloroglucinol Derivatives from Hypericum pyramidatum, Rebecca Force, Shui Ling Chen, Emily Fortier, Emily Rowlands, Jean Heneks, David Rovnyak, and Geneive E. Henry

Strong Local Passivity in Finite Quantum Systems, Michael R. Frey, Ken Funo, and Masahiro Hotta

Automated Portal Placement for Arthroscopic Hip Surgery, Emily Geist

Transport of Hydraulic Fracturing Water and Wastes in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania, Kevin R. Gilmore, Rebekah L. Hupp, and Janine Glathar

A Cohort Model of Fertility Postponement, Joshua R. Goldstein and Thomas Cassidy


Thin sequences and the Gram matrix, Pamela Gorkin, John E. McCarthy, Sandra Pott, and Brett Wick

Thin Sequences and the Gram Matrix, Pamela Gorkin, John E. McCarthy, Sandra Pott, and Brett D. Wick

Ceramics, Trade, Provenience and Geology: Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age, Peter Grave, Lisa Kealhofer, Ben Marsh, Ulf-Dietrich Schoop, Jurgen Seeher, John W. Bennett, and Attila Stopic


Significance of the Deformation History within the Hinge Zone of the Pennsylvania Salient, Appalachian Mountains, Mary Beth Gray, Peter B. Sak, and Zeshan Ismat

Leaving the Garden: al-Razi and Nietzsche as Wayward Epicureans, Peter S. Groff

A Novel Exercise for Teaching the Philosophy of Science, Gary Hardcastle and Matthew H. Slater

Democratization, Education Reform, and the Mexican Teachers' Union, Douglas Hecock

The Political Economy of FDI in Latin America 1986-2006: A Sector-Specific Approach, Douglas Hecock and Eric M. Jepsen

The Development of Reporting Norms without Explicit Guidance: An Example from Accounting for Gift Cards, Karen M. Hennes and Kristy M. Schenck


Geographies of Tolerance: Human Development, Heteronormativity, and Religion, Alexis Henshaw


Technology advancements for next generation falling particle receivers, Clifford K. Ho, Joshua M. Christian, D Gill, A. Moya, Sheldon Jeter, Said I. Abdel-Khalik, D. Sadowski, Nathan P. Siegel, Hany Al-Ansary, and L. Amsbeck


“All Data is Credit Data,” or, On Close Reading as a Reciprocal Process in Digital Knowledge Environments, John Hunter

Simulating the Sooting Propensity of JP-8 with Surrogate Fuels from Hydrocarbon Fluids, Venkatesh Iyer, Suresh S. Iyer, Milton J. Linevsky, Thomas A. Litzinger, Robert J. Santoro, Stephen Dooley, Frederick L. Dryer, and Christopher J. Mordaunt

Host, Pathogen, and Environmental Characteristics Predict White-Nose Syndrome Mortality in Captive Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus), Joseph S. Johnson, DeeAnn Reeder, James W. McMichael 3rd, Melissa B. Meierhofer, Daniel W. F. Stern, Shayne S. Lumadue, Lauren E. Sigler, Harrison D. Winters, Megan E. Vodzak, Allen Kurta, Joseph A. Kath, and Ken Field

Speciation of Ferric Phenoxide Intermediates during the Reduction of Iron(III)-mu-Oxo Dimers by Hydroquinone, William D. Kerber, Kaitlyn Perez, Chuqiao Ren, and Maxime A. Siegler

Application of Discrete Fourier Inter-Coefficient Difference for Assessing Genetic Sequence Similarity, Brian R. King, Maurice F. Aburdene, Alex Thompson, and Zach Warres


Variability in Macroinvertebrate Communities of the Susquehanna River in Central Pennsylvania, Nicole R. King, Matthew McTammany, Matthew Wilson, Jamie C. Chakany, Haley N. Coffin, and Meghan E. Reilly

A Natural Gas Severance Tax-An Economic Analysis, Thomas C. Kinnaman

Determining the Socially Optimal Recycling Rate, Thomas C. Kinnaman

The Socially Optimal Recycling Rate: Evidence from Japan, Thomas C. Kinnaman, Takayoshi Shinkuma, and Masashi Yamamoto

Probing the Mechanical Properties of Magnetosome Chains in Living Magnetotactic Bacteria, Andre Koernig, Jiajia Dong, Mathieu Bennet, Marc Widdrat, Janet Andert, Frank D. Mueller, Dirk Schueler, Stefan Klumpp, and Damien Faivre

A Stellar Census of the Tucana-Horologium Moving Group, Adam L. Kraus, Evgenya L. Shkolnik, Katelyn N. Allers, and Michael C. Liu

Social Cognition and Neural Substrates of Face Perception: Implications for Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Steven M. Lazar, David W. Evans, Scott M. Myers, Andres Moreno-De Luca, and Gregory J. Moore

Multilevel Linkages Between State Standards, Teacher Standards, and Student Achievement: Testing External Versus Internal Standards-Based Education Models, Jaekyung Lee, Xiaoyan Liu, Laura Casey Amo, and Weichun Leilani Wang

Experimental Food Restriction Reveals Individual Differences in Corticosterone Reaction Norms with No Oxidative Costs, Adam Z. Lendvai, Jenny Q. Ouyang, Laura A. Schoenle, Vincent Fasanello, Mark F. Haussmann, Frances Bonier, and Ignacio T. Moore


Node-Oriented Workflow (NOW): A Command Template Workflow Management Tool for High Throughput Data Analysis Pipelines, Eric B. Lipsky, Brian R. King, and Gerard Tromp

Scales of Impact: Settlement History and Landscape Change in the Gordion Region, Central Anatolia, Ben Marsh and Lisa Kealhofer


Teaching is a Powerful Credential, Chris Martine

"Enemigos de la virilidad": Sex, Masturbation, and Celibacy in Nineteenth-Century Spain, Collin McKinney

The Gandhi Story: An Official Indian Comic Book History of the Mahatma, Karline McLain

Teaching the Millennial Generation in the Religious and Theological Studies Classroom, Karline McLain, Whitney Bauman, Joseph A. Marchal, Maureen O'Connell, and Sara M. Patterson


Comparing skew Schur functions: a quasisymmetric perspective, Peter R. W. McNamara


Equality of P-Partition Generating Functions, Peter McNamara and Ryan E. Ward

The Changing Roles of House Party Leadership Organizations: The House Republican Policy Committee, Scott Meinke

Three-Dimensional MicroCT Analysis of the Ediacara Fossil Pteridinium Simplex Sheds New Light on its Ecology and Phylogenetic Affinity, Mike Meyer, David Elliott, Andrew D. Wood, Nicholas F. Polys, Matthew Colbert, Jessica A. Maisano, Patricia Vickers-Rich, Michael Hall, Karl H. Hoffman, Gabi Schneider, and Shuhai Xiao

Resolved P-Metalated Nucleoside Phosphoramidites, Erica J. Miller, Kevin J. Garcia, Erin C. Holahan, Rosa M. Ciccarelli, Rachel A. Bergin, Stephanie L. Casino, Tyler L. Bogaczyk, Michael R. Krout, Peter M. Findeis, and Robert A. Stockland


Community Foundation Strategy: Doing Good and the Moderating Effects of Fear, Tradition, and Serendipity, Judith L. Millesen and Eric C. Martin

Multimodal Integration in Statistical Learning: Evidence from the McGurk Illusion, Aaron D. Mitchel, Morten H. Christiansen, and Daniel J. Weiss

Visual Speech Segmentation: Using Facial Cues to Locate Word Boundaries in Continuous Speech, Aaron Mitchel and Daniel J. Weiss

Prioritization of Potential Mates' History of Sexual Fidelity During a Conjoint Ranking Task, Justin K. Mogilski, T. Joel Wade, and Lisa L.M. Welling

Mapping the Operation of the Miniature Combustion Aerosol Standard (Mini-CAST) Soot Generator, Richard H. Moore, Luke D. Ziemba, Dabrina Dutcher, and Timothy M. Raymond

Design and Preliminary Results of an Atmospheric-Pressure Model Gas Turbine Combustor Utilizing Varying CO2 Doping Concentration in CH4 to Emulate Biogas Combustion, Christopher J. Mordaunt and Wade C. Pierce


(R)evolution: From Edelleute to Edelmenschen – Bertha von Suttner’s Pathway to Peace, Helen G. Morris-Keitel

Further Evidence for Hemisity Sorting During Career Specialization, B. E. Morton, Lois Svard, and J. Jensen


The Role of Features and Context in Recognition of Novel Melodies, Daniel Mullensiefen and Andrea R. Halpern

Erin’s Hope, Irish Blood and Indefeasible Allegiance: Reconfiguring Citizenship and Nationalism in an Era of Increased Mobility, Adrian N. Mulligan

Course-based Research on Students’ Own Institution Introduces Historical Inquiry, Joseph L. Murray

Personalizing History Using Course-based Research on a Student's Own University, Joseph L. Murray, Sean D. Fortney, Anna E. Gioni, Zoey G. Goldnick, Kevin L. LeValley, and Scott R. Sechler

Social Entrepreneurship, Microfinance, and Economic Development in Africa, Berhanu Nega and Geoffrey Schneider

China Urban Competitiveness in Industrialization: Based on the Panel Data of 25 Cities in China from 1990 to 2009, Pengfei Ni, Peter Karl Kresl, and Xiaojiang Li

Sense of Community Responsibility in Community Collaboratives: Advancing a Theory of Community as Resource and Responsibility, Branda Nowell and Neil Boyd

Deja Vu, Deirdre O'Connor