Submissions from 2013
Mining for Class-Specific Motifs in Protein Sequence Classification, Satish M. Srinivasan, Suleyman Vural, Brian R. King, and Chittibabu Guda
Odd Family Out: Closely Reading Kate & Allie's "New Women" Household, Vincent Stephens
The Politics of the "New North": Putting History and Geography at Stake in Arctic Futures, Andrew T. Stuhl
A Model to Predict Percolation Threshold and Effective Conductivity of Infiltrated Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Michael J. Synodis, Christopher L. Porter, Nguyen M. Vo, Andrew J.L. Reszka, Michael D. Gross, and Ryan Snyder
Using design experiments to conduct research on mathematics professional development, Paola Sztajn, Holt Wilson, Cyndi Edgington, M Myers, and Lara Dick
Production cross sections from 82Se fragmentation as indications of shell effects in neutron-rich isotopes close to the drip-line, O. B. Tarasov, M Portillo, D. J. Morrissey, A. M. Amthor, L. Bandura, T. Baumann, D. Bazin, J. S. Berryman, B. A. Brown, G. Chubarian, N. Fukada, A. Gade, T. N. Ginter, M. Hausmann, N. Inabe, T. Kubo, J. Pereira, B. M. Sherrill, A. Stolz, C. Sumithrarachichi, M. Thoennessen, and D. Weisshaar
Baptist Hospital and the State of North Carolina: Alleged Malfeasance and Whistleblowing Aftermath, Eileen Z. Taylor and Cynthia P. Guthrie
Structure and thermodynamics of H3O+(H2O)8 clusters: A combined molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics approach, Berhane Temelso, Thorsten Koddermann, Karl K. Kirschner, Katurah L. Klein, and George C. Shields
Effect of Pulse Depletion in a Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Analysis System, Luc Thevenaz, Stella Foaleng Mafang, and Jie Lin
Selective Formation of Diblock Copolymers Using Radical Trap-Assisted Atom Transfer Radical Coupling, Eric Tillman
Prenatal Exposure to Testosterone Impairs Oxidative Damage Repair Efficiency in the Domestic Chicken (Gallus Gallus), L. A. Treidel, B. N. Whitley, Z. Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, and Mark F. Haussmann
Pesiqta Rabbati: a text-linguistic and form-analytical analysis of the rabbinic homily, Rivka Ulmer
The Contours of the Messiah in Pesiqta Rabbati, Rivka Ulmer
The Contours of the Messiah in Pesiqta Rabbati, Rivka Ulmer
President's Message, James A. Van Fleet, George Exner, Joo Young Jin, Il Bong Jung, and Ji Eun Lee
Fluorescent Chrysotile From Sterling Hill, New Jersey, James A. Van Fleet and Earl R. Verbeek
Recipients' Satisfaction with Locally Procured Food Aid Rations: Comparative Evidence from a Three Country Matched Survey, William J. Violette, Aurelie P. Harou, Joanna B. Upton, Samuel D. Bell, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gomez, and Erin C. Lentz
Microscopic Picture of Aging in SiO2, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, Robin Bjorkquist, and Landon M. Chambers
Temperature-Dependent Defect Dynamics in the Network Glass SiO2, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee and Annette Zippelius
Friendship as a relationship infiltration tactic during human mate poaching, T. Joel Wade
Letter of Purpose of the Feminist Evolutionary Psychology Society, T. Joel Wade
The Big-5 and the Perceived Effectiveness of Love Acts, T. Joel Wade
The Big-5 and the perceived effectiveness of love acts, T. Joel Wade and Jamie Vanartsdalen
Efficient Fabrication of Polymer Nanocomposites with Effective Exfoliation and Dispersion by Solid-State/Melt Extrusion, Alyssa M. Whittington, Stephen M. Brouse, Michael A. Malusis, and Katsuyuki Wakabayashi
Efficient fabrication of polymer nanocomposites with effective exfoliation and dispersion by solid-state/melt extrusion, Alyssa M. Whittington, Stephen M. Brouse, Michael A. Malusis, and Katsuyuki Wakabayashi
Another Way of Saying Enough: Environmental Concern and Popular Mobilization in Kyrgyzstan, Amanda E. Wooden
High-speed Imaging of a Bulk Metallic Glass During Uniaxial Compression, Wendelin Wright, Rachel R. Byer, and Xiaojun Gu
A Laboratory Experiment Using Nanoindentation to Demonstrate the Indentation Size Effect, Wendelin Wright, Gang Feng, and William D. Nix
Global Reuse and Optimal Waste Policy, Hide-Fumi Yokoo and Thomas C. Kinnaman
Age, Sex, and Telomere Dynamics in a Long-Lived Seabird with Male-Biased Parental Care, Rebecca C. Young, Alexander S. Kitaysky, Mark F. Haussmann, Sebastien Descamps, Rachael A. Orben, Kyle H. Elliott, and Anthony J. Gaston
The Interface Between Morphology and Action Planning: a Comparison of Two Species of New World Monkeys, Stacey L. Zander, Daniel J. Weiss, and Peter G. Judge
The interface between morphology and action planning: a comparison of two species of New World monkeys, Stacey L. Zander, Dan J. Weiss, and Peter G. Judge
Submissions from 2012
Brown Dwarf Binaries, Katelyn N. Allers
Added mass and wave radiation damping for flow-induced rotational vibrations of skinplates of hydraulic gates, K. Anami, N. Ishii, and Charles W. Knisely
Technical feasibility of storage on large dish stirling systems, Charles E. Andraka, K Scott Rawlinson, and Nathan P. Siegel
Barriers to front propagation in ordered and disordered vortex flows, Dylan Bargteil and Tom Solomon
Decompression during Late Proterozoic Al2SiO5 Triple-Point Metamorphism at Cerro Colorado, New Mexico, Katherine R. Barnhart, Pamela J. Walsh, Lincoln S. Hollister, Christopher G. Daniel, and Christopher L. Andronicos
Abandoned Coal Mine Drainage and Its Remediation: Impacts on Stream Ecosystem Structure and Function, T. L. Bott, J. K. Jackson, Matthew E. McTammany, J. D. Newbold, S. T. Rier, B. W. Sweeney, and J. M. Battle
A Decision-Tree-Based Approach to Smoke Spike Detection in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine, Indranil Brahma
Reduction of Transient Particulate Matter Spikes with Decision Tree Based Control, Indranil Brahma
Stress and Strain Adaptation in Load-Dependent Remodeling of the Embryonic Left Ventricle, Christine Buffinton
The Pre-1980 Roots of Neoliberal Financial Deregulation, Al Campbell and Erdogan Bakir
The group of invariants of an inner function with finite spectrum, Isabelle Chalendar, Pamela Gorkin, and Jonathan R. Partington
Geochemical and Strontium Isotope Characterization of Produced Waters from Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Extraction, Elizabeth C. Chapman, Rosemary C. Capo, Brian W. Stewart, Carl S. Kirby, Richard W. Hammack, Karl T. Schroeder, and Harry M. Edenborn
CTLA4-Ig Restores Rejection of MHC Class-II Mismatched Allografts by Disabling IL-2-Expanded Regulatory T Cells, L. M. Charbonnier, B. Vokaer, P. H. Lemaitre, Ken Field, O. Leo, and A. Le Moine
'Initiators of Discursive Practices': Authorship, attribution, and intent in the debates between philosophes and anti-philosophes, Logan Connors
Thin-Film Sparse Boundary Array Design for Passive Acoustic Mapping During Ultrasound Therapy, Christian M. Coviello, Richard J. Kozick, Andrew Hurrell, Penny Probert Smith, and Constantin C. Coussios
Equations for the Drag Force and Aerodynamic Roughness Length of Urban Areas with Random Building Heights, Richard D. Crago, Winnie Okello, and Michael F. Jasinski
La cuestión moderna en Javier Marías (The Modern Question in Javier Marias' Works), Isabel Cunado
Locally finite groups with all subgroups either subnormal or nilpotent-by-Chernikov, Giovanni Cutolo and Howard Smith
How Porous are the Walls that Separate Us?: Transformative Service-Learning, Women’s Incarceration, and the Unsettled Self, Coralynn V. Davis and Carol Wayne White
Eggshell colour is more strongly affected by maternal identity than by dietary antioxidants in a captive poultry system, Donald C. Dearborn, Daniel Hanley, Katherine Ballantine, John Cullum, and DeeAnn Reeder
Entrainment and Unit Velocity: Surprises in an Accelerated Exclusion Process, Jiajia Dong
Entrainment and Unit Velocity: Surprises in an Accelerated Exclusion Process, Jiajia Dong, Stefan Klumpp, and R.K.P. Zia
On Semi-weakly n-Hyponormal Weighted Shifts, Younghae Do, George Exner, Il Bong Jung, and Chungji Li
Equivariant inverse spectral theory and toric orbifolds, Emily B. Dryden, Victor Guillemin, and Rosa Sena-Dias
Equivariant Inverse Spectral Problems, Emily Dryden, Victor Guillemin, and Rosa Sena-Dias
Hearing Delzant Polytopes From the Equivariant Spectrum, Emily Dryden, Victor Guillemin, and Rosa Sena-Dias
Understanding Economic Biases in Representation: Income, Resources, and Policy Representation in the 110th House, Christopher Ellis
Human Preferences for Symmetry: Subjective Experience, Cognitive Conflict and Cortical Brain Activity, David W. Evans, Patrick T. Orr, Steven M. Lazar, Daniel Breton, Jennifer Gerard, David H. Ledbetter, Kathleen Janosco, Jessica Dotts, and Holly Batchelder
Charting the Colonial Backcountry: Joseph Shippen's Map of the Susquehanna River, Katherine Faull
From Money Storage to Money Store: Openness and Transparency in Bank Architecture, Anne-Christine Fransden, Tammy B. Hiller, Janice Traflet, and Elton G. McGoun
Dissonance as a resource for probing the qubit depolarizing channel, Michael R. Frey and Theodore J. Yoder
Real-World Performance of Longitudinal Barriers Struck by Large Trucks, Doug Gabauer
Caregivers' Social Capital and Satisfaction with their Children's Service Providers, Joseph Galaskiewicz, George Hobor, Beth Duckles, and Olga V. Mayorova
Modeling the infrared emission in Cygnus A, Jack F. Gallimore
Drosophila Egg Chamber Elongation: Insights into How Tissues and Organs Are Shaped, Julie Gates
Interpolating Blaschke Products and Angular Derivatives, Pamela Gorkin and Eva A. Gallardo Gutierrez
Reconstructing Iron Age Community Dynamics in Eskisehir Province, Central Turkey, Peter Grave, Lisa Kealhofer, Ben Marsh, Taciser Sivas, and Hakan Sivas
In the Gutter: Comix Theory, Chase Gregory
Evaluating Faculty Publications in Accounting Ph.D. Programs: The Author Affiliation Index as an Alternative, Cynthia P. Guthrie, John O. Everett, Jayaraman Vijayakumar, and Philip olds
Job Burnout in Public Accounting: Understanding Gender Differences, Cynthia P. Guthrie and Ambrose Jones III
Chief Audit Executives’ Evaluations of Whistle-Blowing Allegations, Cynthia P. Guthrie, Carolyn Strand Norman, and Jacob M. Rose
Iontophoresis From a Micropipette into a Porous Medium Depends on the ζ-Potential of the Medium, Y. Guy, A. H. Faraji, C. Gavigan, Timothy G. Strein, and S. G. Weber
Dementia and Music: Challenges and Future Directions, Andrea R. Halpern
Introduction to Special Issue: Dementia and Music, Andrea R. Halpern, Isabelle Peretz, and Lola L. Cuddy
Embryonic exposure to corticosterone modifies the juvenile stress response, oxidative stress, and telomere length., Mark F. Haussmann, Andrew S. Longenecker, Nicole M. Marchetto, Stephen A. Juliano, and Rachel M. Bowden
Neuronal Correlates of Perception, Imagery, and Memory for Familiar Tunes, Sibylle C. Herholz, Andrea R. Halpern, and Robert J. Zatorre
Compressibility and Hydraulic Conductivity of Zeolite-Amended Soil-Bentonite Backfills, Catherine Hong, Charles D. Shackelford, and Michael A. Malusis
Hydration of the Bisulfate Ion: Atmospheric Implications, Devon E. Husar, Berhane Temelso, Alexa L. Ashworth, and George C. Shields
Effects of apomorphine on mating behavior, flank marking and aggression in male hamsters, Molly M. Hyer, Laura M. Rycek, and Owen Floody
Crystallization, optimization and preliminary X-ray characterization of a metal-dependent PI-PLC from Streptomyces antibioticus, Michael R. Jackson and Thomas L. Selby
The Political Ontology of Race, Michael James
Semantic Priming of Familiar Songs, Sarah K. Johnson and Andrea R. Halpern
Role Stress and Job Outcomes in Public Accounting: Have the Gender Experiences Converged?, Ambrose Jones III, Cynthia P. Guthrie, and Venkataraman M. Iyer
Transport of Functionally Appropriate Tools by Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella), Peter G. Judge
Aging and mental health in the decade ahead: What psychologists need to know, Michele J. Karel, Margaret Gatz, and Michael A. Smyer
Curve Decomposition for Large Deflection Analysis of Fixed-Guided Beams With Application to Statically Balanced Compliant Mechanisms, Charles Kim and Donna Ebenstein
Active processes, morphology, and dynamics of icy debris fans: Landform evolution along rapidly degrading escarpments in alpine regions undergoing recent deglaciation, R. Craig Kochel and Jeffrey M. Trop
Urban Competitiveness and US Metropolitan Centres, Peter Karl Kresl
The Operatics of Cabiria (1914): Intermediality in Early Italian Cinema, Bernhard Kuhn
The Visual, the Epic, and Pasternak’s ‘Devjat’son pjatyj god’, Ludmila Lavine
The Lady Footballers and the British Press, 1895, James Lee
Rapid synthesis of arylgold compounds using dielectric heating, Heather K. Lenker, Thomas G. Gray, and Robert A. Stockland
β-Delayed Proton Emission in the 100Sn Region, G. Lorusso, A. Becerril, A. Amthor, T. Baumann, D. Bazin, J. S. Berryman, B. A. Brown, R. H. Cyburt, H. L. Crawford, A. Estrade, A. Gade, T. Ginter, C. J. Guess, M. Hausmann, G. W. Hitt, P. F. Mantica, M. Matos, R. Meharchand, K. Minamisono, F. Montes, G. Perdikakis, J. Pereira, M. Portillo, H. Schatz, K. Smith, J. Stoker, A. Stolz, and R.G.T. Zegers
Essays on Personhood and Transhumanism/H+, Jonathan Lyons
The Incumbent Spending Puzzle, Christopher S.P. Magee