
Submissions from 2015

Chromosome Interaction over a Distance in Meiosis, Mary Brady and Leocadia V. Paliulis

The Photophysics of Three Naphthylmethylene Malononitriles, Jens Breffke, Brian W. Williams, and Mark Maroncelli


The Module Isomorphism Problem Reconsidered, Peter A. Brooksbank

The Module Isomorphism Problem Reconsidered, Peter A. Brooksbank and James B. Wilson


In Search of Flavour-Nutrient Learning: A Study of the Samburu Pastoralists of North-Central Kenya, Jeffrey M. Brunstrom, Peter J. Rogers, Kevin P. Myers, and Jon D. Holtzman

Comparison of Mechanical Testing Methods for Biomaterials: Pipette Aspiration, Nanoindentation, and Macroscale Testing, Christine Buffinton, Kelly J. Tong, Roberta A. Blaho, Elise M. Buffinton, and Donna M. Ebenstein

Computationally Efficient Fastener-Based Models of Cold-Formed Steel Shear Walls with Wood Sheathing, Stephen Buonopane, G. Bian, T. H. Tun, and B. W. Schafer

Towards an Understanding of Crisis Episodes in Latin America: a Post-Keynesian Approach, Esteban Perez Caldentey and Matias Vernengo

Vibrational Relaxation of (CO2)-C-13(v(2)) by Atomic Oxygen, Michael R. Cecchini and Karen Castle

MarkerMiner 1.0: A New Application for Phylogenetic Marker Development Using Angiosperm Transcriptomes, Srikar Chamala, Nicolas Garcia, Grant T. Godden, Vivek Krishnakumar, Ingrid E. Jordon-Thaden, Riet De Smet, W. Brad Barbazuk, Douglas E. Soltis, and Pamela S. Soltis

Hidden Constraints in the Design of Liberal Studies in Engineering, Alan Cheville

Cultural Difference in George Macartney’s "An Embassy to China 1792-1794”, Greg Clingham

Terrorism as Organization, Network and Social Movement, Jordi Comas, Paul Shrivastava, and Eric C. Martin


From Anti-Theater to Anti-Theatricality, Logan Connors


Increasing Engagement in French and Francophone Studies: Structured Journaling on the Emotions in La Fayette's La princesse de Clèves, Logan Connors


The Theater's Many Enemies, Logan Connors


Validating the Client Focused Considering Work Model for People Living With HIV and Quantifying the Phases of Change of Commitment to Work, Liza M. Conyers and K B. Boomer


Religiousness and Spirituality Among Highly Religious Emerging Adults, Kaye V. Cook, Cynthia Kimball, Chris Boyatzis, and Kathleen C. Leonard

Goal Setting and Monetary Incentives: When Large Stakes Are Not Enough, Brice Corgnet, Joaquin Gomez-Minambres, and Roberto Hernan-Gonzalez

Passive Acoustic Mapping Utilizing Optimal Beamforming in Ultrasound Therapy Monitoring, Christian Coviello, Richard J. Kozick, James Choi, Miklos Gyoengy, Carl Jensen, Penny Probert Smith, and Constantin C. Coussios


Multiple Endosymbiont Infections and Reproductive Manipulations in a Linyphiid Spider Population, M M. Curry, Leocadia V. Paliulis, K D. Welch, J D. Harwood, and J A. White

Nonexpansive Z(2)-Subdynamics and Nivat's Conjecture, Van Cyr and Bryna Kra


Decomposing Finite Blaschke Products, Ulrich Daepp, Pamela Gorkin, Andrew Shaffer, Benjamin Sokolowsky, and Karl Voss


Mathematical Model of Oxygen Transport in Tuberculosis Granulomas, Meenal Datta, Laura E. Via, Wei Chen, James W. Baish, Lei Xu, Clifton E. Barrry 3rd, and Rakesh K. Jain


Virginia Woolf Miscellany, "1930s Woolf", Erica Delsandro

Trade and Democracy: A Factor-Based Approach, John A. Doces and Christopher S. Magee


Spatial Structures in a Simple Model of Population Dynamics for Parasite-Host Interactions, JiaJia Dong

Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Asphondylia Species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of North American Goldenrods: Challenging Morphology, Complex Host Associations, and Cryptic Speciation, Netta Dorchin, Jeffrey B. Joy, Lukas K. Hilke, Michael J. Wise, and Warren G. Abrahamson II

Exploring the Intersection of Entrepreneurship Education and ABET Accreditation Criteria, N Duval-Couetil, L Kisenwether, Joseph Tranquillo, and J Wheadon

Characterization of Dermal Plates from Armored Catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis Reveals Sandwich-Like Nanocomposite Structure, Donna M. Ebenstein, Carlos Calderon, Omar P. Troncoso, and Fernando G. Torres

Revolutionizing Cultural Pluralism: The Political Odyssey of Louis Adamic, 1932-1951, John P. Enyeart

Clinical Phenotype of the Recurrent 1q21.1 Copy Number Variation, David W. Evans

Social Cognition and Brain Morphology: Implications for Developmental Brain Dysfunction, David W. Evans, Steven M. Lazar, K B. Boomer, Aaron Mitchel, Andrew M. Michael, and Gregory J. Moore

Weighted Shifts Induced by Hamburger Moment Sequences, George R. Exner, Joo Young Jinh, Ii Bong Jung, and Mi Ryeong Lee

Minimum Wages and Employment in China, Tony Fang and Carl Lin

Monomorphic ornamentation related to oxidative damage and assortative mating in the Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle), Vincent Fasanello, Elizabeth Carlton, Maddie Pott, Nicole M. Marchetto, Emily Vaughn, Kevin McGraw, Robert A. Mauck, and Mark F. Haussmann

Digital Learning in an Undergraduate Context: Promoting Long Term Student-Faculty Collaboration., Katherine Faull and Diane K. Jakacki

Analyzing the Visual Discourse of Charter Schools in the News, Abe Feuerstein

Parent Trigger Laws and Framing in Educational Politics, Abe Feuerstein

Rituals of Verification: Department Chairs and the Dominant Discourse of Assessment in Higher Education, Abe Feuerstein

The White-Nose Syndrome Transcriptome: Activation of Anti-fungal Host Responses in Wing Tissue of Hibernating Little Brown Myotis, Ken Field, Joseph S. Johnson, Thomas M. Lilley, Sophia M. Reeder, Elizabeth J. Rogers, Melissa J. Behr, and DeeAnn M. Reeder

Provenance signature of changing plate boundary conditions along a convergent margin: Detrital Record of Spreading-Ridge and Flat-Slab Subduction Processes, Cenozoic Forearc Basins, Alaska, Emily S. Finzel, Kenneth D. Ridgway, and Jeffrey M. Trop

Sexual Assault Victimization Among Female Undergraduates During Study Abroad: A Single Campus Survey Study, William F. Flack Jr., Matthew O. Kimble, Brooke E. Campbell, Allyson B. Hopper, Oana Peterca, and Emily J. Heller

Voluntary Locomotor Activity Mitigates Oxidative Damage Associated with Isolation Stress in the Prairie Vole (Microtus ochrogaster), Kelsey L. Fletcher, Brittany N. Whitley, Lisa A. Treidel, David Thompson, Annie Williams, Jose C. Noguera, Jennie Stevenson, and Mark F. Haussmann

Diet-Related Chronic Disease in the Northeastern United States: a Model-Based Clustering Approach, Abby Flynt

Diet-Related Chronic Disease in the Northeastern United States: a Model-Based Clustering Approach, Abby Flynt and Madeleine I.G. Daepp

'Set Alight to Her Husband’s House': Teaching as Scholarship and Activism in the Gambian Archives, Cymone Fourshey

Influence of Horizontally Curved Roadway Section Characteristics on Motorcycle-to-Barrier Crash Frequency, Doug Gabauer and Xiaolong Li

On the Binary Frequency of the Lowest Mass Members of the Pleiades with Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3, E. V. Garcia, Trent J. Dupuy, Katelyn N. Allers, Michael C. Liu, and Niall R. Deacon

Climate-Induced Range Contraction of a Rare Alpine Aquatic Invertebrate, J. Joseph Giersch, Steve Jordan, Gordon Luikart, Leslie A. Jones, F. Richard Hauer, and Clint C. Muhlfeld

Finding the best predictor of reproductive performance of Leach’s Storm-Petrels, Morgan Gilmour, Christine Lattin, Michael Romero, Mark F. Haussmann, Robert A. Mauck, and Donald C. Dearborn


The Role of Intelligence in Mating: an Investigation of How Mating Intelligence Relates to Mate Selection and Mating-Relevant Constructs, Stefanie Gisler and T. Joel Wade

Temptation, Horizontal Differentiation and Monopoly Pricing, Joaquin Gomez-Minambres

Constructing Frostman-Blaschke Products and Applications to Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces, Pamela Gorkin and John Akeroyd

Thin Sequences and Their Role in H-P Theory, Model Spaces, and Uniform Algebras, Pamela Gorkin, Sandra Pott, and Brett D. Wick

Thin Sequences and Their Role in Hp Theory, Model Spaces, and Uniform Algebras, Pamela Gorkin, Brett Wick, and Sandra Pott

Experimental Studies of Coherent Structures in an Advection-Reaction-Diffusion System, Savannah Gowen and Thomas H. Solomon


Students Implement the Affordable Care Act: A Model for Undergraduate Teaching and Research in Community Health and Sociology, Brandn Green, Kristal Jones, Neil Boyd, Carl Milofsky, and Eric C. Martin


Implementing the Affordable Care Act in Central Pennsylvania, Brandn Green, Kristal Jones, and Carl Milofsky


Sex and hibernaculum temperature predict survivorship in white-nose syndrome affected little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus), Laura E. Grieneisen, Sarah A. Brownlee-Bouboulis, Joseph S. Johnson, and DeeAnn Reeder

Devaluation as a Policy Instrument for Caricom Countries, Winston H. Griffith

The Personal Budget Project: A Practical Introduction to Financial Literacy, Cindy Guthrie and Curtis M. Nicholls


Absolute Pitch in Naturalistic Singing: A Commentary On Olthof et al., Andrea R. Halpern


Differences in Auditory Imagery Self-Report Predict Neural and Behavioral Outcomes, Andrea R. Halpern


Musical Tasks Targeting Preserved and Impaired Functions in Two Dementias, Andrea R. Halpern, Hannah L. Golden, Nadia Magdalinou, Pirada Witoonpanich, and Jason D. Warren

Repeated Stressors in Adulthood Increase the Rate of Biological Ageing, Michaela Hau, Mark F. Haussmann, Timothy J. Greives, Christa Matlack, David Costantini, Michael Quetting, James S. Adelman, Ana Catarina Miranda, and Jesko Partecke

Do Telomere Dynamics Underlie the Link Between Stress Exposure and Ageing Across Generations?, Mark F. Haussmann and Britt J. Heidinger

Telomere Dynamics May Link Stress Exposure and Ageing across Generations, Mark F. Haussmann and Britt J. Heidinger

Gliding Motility in Apicomplexan Parasites, Matthew B. Heintzelman

Glass Formers Display Universal Non-Equilibrium Dynamics on the Level of Single-Particle Jumps, J. Helfferich, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, F. Ziebert, H. Meyer, and J. Baschnagel

Who Is Responsible for Saving the Language? Performing Generation in the Face of Language Shift, Richard Henne-Ochoa and Richard Bauman

Demonstrated Large-Scale Production of Marine Microalgae for Fuels and Feed, Mark E. Huntley, Zackary I. Johnson, Susan L. Brown, Deborah Sills, Leda Gerber, Ian Archibald, Stephan C. Machesky, Joe Granados, Colin M. Beal, and Charles H. Greene

Demonstrated large-scale production of marine microalgae for fuels and feed (vol 10, pg 249, 2015), Mark E. Huntley, Zackary I. Johnson, Susan L. Brown, Deborah L. Sills, Leda Gerber, Ian Archibald, Stephen C. Machesky, Joe Granados, and Charles H. Greene

Sociolinguistic Status of Arabic in Israel: A Contextual Examination, Martin Isleem


GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATIONS ON AND NEAR THE ISMENION HILL, THEBES, GREECE, 2011, Robert W. Jacob, Stephanie Larson, Kevin Daly, and Emily Bitely


Ground-Penetrating Radar Velocity Determination and Precision Estimates Using Common-Mid-Point (CMP) Collection with Hand-Picking, Semblance Analysis, and Cross-Correlation Analysis: a Case Study and Tutorial for Archaeologists, Robert W. Jacob and T.M. Urban


The Speed of Our Mental Soundtracks: Tracking the Tempo of Involuntary Musical Imagery in Everyday Life, Kelly Jakubowski, Nicolas Farrugia, Andrea R. Halpern, Sathish K. Sankarpandi, and Lauren Stewart


The Effect of Exercise-Induced Arousal on Chosen Tempi for Familiar Melodies, Kelly Jakubowski, Andrea R. Halpern, Mick Grierson, and Lauren Stewart

Constituency Deliberation, Michael James

Two Concepts of Constituency, Michael Rabinder James


Antibodies to Pseudogymnoascus destructans are not sufficient for protection against white-nose syndrome, Joseph S. Johnson, DeeAnn M. Reeder, Thomas M. Lilley, and Ken Field

Genetic Consequences of Pleistocene Sea-Level Change on Hawaiian Megalagrion Damselflies, Brandon R. Jones and Steve Jordan

Tectonic and Sedimentary Linkages between the Belt-Purcell Basin and Southwestern Laurentia during the Mesoproterozoic, ca. 1.60-1.40 Ga, James V. Jones III, Christopher G. Daniel, and Michael F. Doe

Modified CTAB and Trizol Protocols Improve RNA Extraction from Chemically Complex Embryophyta, Ingrid E. Jordon-Thaden, Andre A. Chanderbali, Matthew A. Gitzendanner, and Douglas E. Soltis

Angiopoietin-4 Increases Permeability of Blood Vessels and Promotes Lymphatic Dilation, Cristina T. Kesler, Ethel R. Pereira, Cheryl H. Cui, Gregory M. Nelson, David J. Masuck, James W. Baish, and Timothy P. Padera

Kinematics of a Generalized Class of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles, Girish Krishnan, Joshua Bishop-Moser, Charles Kim, and Sridhar Kota


Value and Method in Desai's Geopolitical Economy, David Kristjanson-Gural


Mechanobiological Oscillators Control Lymph Flow, Christian Kunert, James W. Baish, Shan Liao, Timothy P. Padera, and Lance L. Munn

Trait Body Shame Predicts Health Outcomes in College Women: A Longitudinal Investigation, Jean Lamont

Neumann Comparison Theorems in Elliptic PDEs, Jeffrey J. Langford

Symmetrization of Poisson's equation with Neumann Boundary Conditions, Jeffrey J. Langford

Low Cost Audiovisual Playback and Recording Triggered by Radio Frequency Identification Using Raspberry Pi, Adam Z. Lendvai, Caglar Akcay, Talia Weiss, Mark F. Haussmann, Ignacio T. Moore, and Frances Bonier

Socioecological Variables Predict Telomere Length in Wild Spotted Hyenas, Nora Lewin, Lisa A. Treidel, Kay E. Holekamp, Ned J. Place, and Mark F. Haussmann


Feel the Noise: Relating Individual Differences in Auditory Imagery to the Structure and Function of Sensorimotor Systems, Cesar F. Lima, Nadine Lavan, Samuel Evans, Zarinah Agnew, Andrea R. Halpern, Pradheep Shanmugalingam, Sophie Meekings, Dana Boebinger, Markus Ostarek, Carolyn McGettigan, Jane E. Warren, and Sophie K. Scott

How Do Immigrants from Taiwan Fare in the U.S. Labor Market?, Carl Lin

Friendship and Bias: Ethical and Epistemic Considerations, Sheila Lintott


Sheila Lintott, “Friendship and Bias: Ethical and Epistemic Considerations,”, Sheila Lintott

The Interstitial Feminine and Male Dominance in Rashōmon, Erik R. Lofgren

Reconsidering Regime Type and Growth: Lies, Dictatorships, and Statistics, Christopher S. Magee and John A. Doces

Frozen Reaction Fronts in Steady Flows: A Burning-Invariant-Manifold Perspective, John R. Mahoney, John Li, Carleen Boyer, and Thomas H. Solomon