Submissions from 2015
Diet-Related Chronic Disease in the Northeastern United States: a Model-Based Clustering Approach, Abby Flynt
Diet-Related Chronic Disease in the Northeastern United States: a Model-Based Clustering Approach, Abby Flynt and Madeleine I.G. Daepp
'Set Alight to Her Husband’s House': Teaching as Scholarship and Activism in the Gambian Archives, Cymone Fourshey
Influence of Horizontally Curved Roadway Section Characteristics on Motorcycle-to-Barrier Crash Frequency, Doug Gabauer and Xiaolong Li
On the Binary Frequency of the Lowest Mass Members of the Pleiades with Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3, E. V. Garcia, Trent J. Dupuy, Katelyn N. Allers, Michael C. Liu, and Niall R. Deacon
Climate-Induced Range Contraction of a Rare Alpine Aquatic Invertebrate, J. Joseph Giersch, Steve Jordan, Gordon Luikart, Leslie A. Jones, F. Richard Hauer, and Clint C. Muhlfeld
Finding the best predictor of reproductive performance of Leach’s Storm-Petrels, Morgan Gilmour, Christine Lattin, Michael Romero, Mark F. Haussmann, Robert A. Mauck, and Donald C. Dearborn
The Role of Intelligence in Mating: an Investigation of How Mating Intelligence Relates to Mate Selection and Mating-Relevant Constructs, Stefanie Gisler and T. Joel Wade
Temptation, Horizontal Differentiation and Monopoly Pricing, Joaquin Gomez-Minambres
Constructing Frostman-Blaschke Products and Applications to Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces, Pamela Gorkin and John Akeroyd
Thin Sequences and Their Role in H-P Theory, Model Spaces, and Uniform Algebras, Pamela Gorkin, Sandra Pott, and Brett D. Wick
Thin Sequences and Their Role in Hp Theory, Model Spaces, and Uniform Algebras, Pamela Gorkin, Brett Wick, and Sandra Pott
Experimental Studies of Coherent Structures in an Advection-Reaction-Diffusion System, Savannah Gowen and Thomas H. Solomon
Students Implement the Affordable Care Act: A Model for Undergraduate Teaching and Research in Community Health and Sociology, Brandn Green, Kristal Jones, Neil Boyd, Carl Milofsky, and Eric C. Martin
Implementing the Affordable Care Act in Central Pennsylvania, Brandn Green, Kristal Jones, and Carl Milofsky
Sex and hibernaculum temperature predict survivorship in white-nose syndrome affected little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus), Laura E. Grieneisen, Sarah A. Brownlee-Bouboulis, Joseph S. Johnson, and DeeAnn Reeder
Devaluation as a Policy Instrument for Caricom Countries, Winston H. Griffith
The Personal Budget Project: A Practical Introduction to Financial Literacy, Cindy Guthrie and Curtis M. Nicholls
Absolute Pitch in Naturalistic Singing: A Commentary On Olthof et al., Andrea R. Halpern
Differences in Auditory Imagery Self-Report Predict Neural and Behavioral Outcomes, Andrea R. Halpern
Musical Tasks Targeting Preserved and Impaired Functions in Two Dementias, Andrea R. Halpern, Hannah L. Golden, Nadia Magdalinou, Pirada Witoonpanich, and Jason D. Warren
Repeated Stressors in Adulthood Increase the Rate of Biological Ageing, Michaela Hau, Mark F. Haussmann, Timothy J. Greives, Christa Matlack, David Costantini, Michael Quetting, James S. Adelman, Ana Catarina Miranda, and Jesko Partecke
Do Telomere Dynamics Underlie the Link Between Stress Exposure and Ageing Across Generations?, Mark F. Haussmann and Britt J. Heidinger
Telomere Dynamics May Link Stress Exposure and Ageing across Generations, Mark F. Haussmann and Britt J. Heidinger
Gliding Motility in Apicomplexan Parasites, Matthew B. Heintzelman
Glass Formers Display Universal Non-Equilibrium Dynamics on the Level of Single-Particle Jumps, J. Helfferich, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, F. Ziebert, H. Meyer, and J. Baschnagel
Who Is Responsible for Saving the Language? Performing Generation in the Face of Language Shift, Richard Henne-Ochoa and Richard Bauman
Demonstrated Large-Scale Production of Marine Microalgae for Fuels and Feed, Mark E. Huntley, Zackary I. Johnson, Susan L. Brown, Deborah Sills, Leda Gerber, Ian Archibald, Stephan C. Machesky, Joe Granados, Colin M. Beal, and Charles H. Greene
Demonstrated large-scale production of marine microalgae for fuels and feed (vol 10, pg 249, 2015), Mark E. Huntley, Zackary I. Johnson, Susan L. Brown, Deborah L. Sills, Leda Gerber, Ian Archibald, Stephen C. Machesky, Joe Granados, and Charles H. Greene
Sociolinguistic Status of Arabic in Israel: A Contextual Examination, Martin Isleem
GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATIONS ON AND NEAR THE ISMENION HILL, THEBES, GREECE, 2011, Robert W. Jacob, Stephanie Larson, Kevin Daly, and Emily Bitely
Ground-Penetrating Radar Velocity Determination and Precision Estimates Using Common-Mid-Point (CMP) Collection with Hand-Picking, Semblance Analysis, and Cross-Correlation Analysis: a Case Study and Tutorial for Archaeologists, Robert W. Jacob and T.M. Urban
The Speed of Our Mental Soundtracks: Tracking the Tempo of Involuntary Musical Imagery in Everyday Life, Kelly Jakubowski, Nicolas Farrugia, Andrea R. Halpern, Sathish K. Sankarpandi, and Lauren Stewart
The Effect of Exercise-Induced Arousal on Chosen Tempi for Familiar Melodies, Kelly Jakubowski, Andrea R. Halpern, Mick Grierson, and Lauren Stewart
Constituency Deliberation, Michael James
Two Concepts of Constituency, Michael Rabinder James
Antibodies to Pseudogymnoascus destructans are not sufficient for protection against white-nose syndrome, Joseph S. Johnson, DeeAnn M. Reeder, Thomas M. Lilley, and Ken Field
Genetic Consequences of Pleistocene Sea-Level Change on Hawaiian Megalagrion Damselflies, Brandon R. Jones and Steve Jordan
Tectonic and Sedimentary Linkages between the Belt-Purcell Basin and Southwestern Laurentia during the Mesoproterozoic, ca. 1.60-1.40 Ga, James V. Jones III, Christopher G. Daniel, and Michael F. Doe
Modified CTAB and Trizol Protocols Improve RNA Extraction from Chemically Complex Embryophyta, Ingrid E. Jordon-Thaden, Andre A. Chanderbali, Matthew A. Gitzendanner, and Douglas E. Soltis
Angiopoietin-4 Increases Permeability of Blood Vessels and Promotes Lymphatic Dilation, Cristina T. Kesler, Ethel R. Pereira, Cheryl H. Cui, Gregory M. Nelson, David J. Masuck, James W. Baish, and Timothy P. Padera
Kinematics of a Generalized Class of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles, Girish Krishnan, Joshua Bishop-Moser, Charles Kim, and Sridhar Kota
Value and Method in Desai's Geopolitical Economy, David Kristjanson-Gural
Mechanobiological Oscillators Control Lymph Flow, Christian Kunert, James W. Baish, Shan Liao, Timothy P. Padera, and Lance L. Munn
Trait Body Shame Predicts Health Outcomes in College Women: A Longitudinal Investigation, Jean Lamont
Neumann Comparison Theorems in Elliptic PDEs, Jeffrey J. Langford
Symmetrization of Poisson's equation with Neumann Boundary Conditions, Jeffrey J. Langford
Low Cost Audiovisual Playback and Recording Triggered by Radio Frequency Identification Using Raspberry Pi, Adam Z. Lendvai, Caglar Akcay, Talia Weiss, Mark F. Haussmann, Ignacio T. Moore, and Frances Bonier
Socioecological Variables Predict Telomere Length in Wild Spotted Hyenas, Nora Lewin, Lisa A. Treidel, Kay E. Holekamp, Ned J. Place, and Mark F. Haussmann
Feel the Noise: Relating Individual Differences in Auditory Imagery to the Structure and Function of Sensorimotor Systems, Cesar F. Lima, Nadine Lavan, Samuel Evans, Zarinah Agnew, Andrea R. Halpern, Pradheep Shanmugalingam, Sophie Meekings, Dana Boebinger, Markus Ostarek, Carolyn McGettigan, Jane E. Warren, and Sophie K. Scott
How Do Immigrants from Taiwan Fare in the U.S. Labor Market?, Carl Lin
Friendship and Bias: Ethical and Epistemic Considerations, Sheila Lintott
Sheila Lintott, “Friendship and Bias: Ethical and Epistemic Considerations,”, Sheila Lintott
The Interstitial Feminine and Male Dominance in Rashōmon, Erik R. Lofgren
Reconsidering Regime Type and Growth: Lies, Dictatorships, and Statistics, Christopher S. Magee and John A. Doces
Frozen Reaction Fronts in Steady Flows: A Burning-Invariant-Manifold Perspective, John R. Mahoney, John Li, Carleen Boyer, and Thomas H. Solomon
Restricted Salt Diffusion in a Geosynthetic Clay Liner, Michael A. Malusis, Jong Beom Kang, and Charles D. Shackelford
Understanding the Role of Social Factors in Farmworker Housing and Health, Ben Marsh, Carl Milofsky, Edward Kissam, and Thomas A. Arcury
Inference by Exclusion in Lion-Tailed Macaques (Macaca silenus), a Hamadryas Baboon (Papio hamadryas), Capuchins (Sapajus apella), and Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), Heidi L. Marsh, Alexander Q. Vining, Emma K. Levendoski, and Peter G. Judge
Parasitism Disruption a Likely Consequence of Belowground War Waged by Exotic Plant Invader, Chris Martine and Alison N. Hale
European Frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) in the Champlain/Adirondack Region: Recent Inferences, Chris Martine, Stephen Langdon, Timothy Shearman, Casey Binggeli, and Timothy B. Mihuc
Communication, Cooperation, Coordination, Collaboration - The 4Cs: Interorganizational Partnering in Haiti, Eric C. Martin, Isabella Nolte, and Emma Vitola
A Novel ATR-FTIR Technique for Identifying Colloid Composition in Natural Waters, Molly M. McGuire and Ellen K. Herman
On the Topology of the Permutation Pattern Poset, Peter R. W. McNamara and Einar Steingrímsson
Pinning of Reaction Fronts by Burning Invariant Manifolds in Extended Flows, P. W. Megson, M. L. Najarian, Katie Lilienthal, and Thomas H. Solomon
Bayesian Function-on-Function Regression for Multilevel Functional Data, Mark J. Meyer, Brent A. Coull, Francesco Versace, Paul Cinciripini, and Jeffrey S. Morris
The Positive and Negative Consequences of Stressors during Early Life, Pat Monaghan and Mark F. Haussmann
The Role of Parental Cognitive, Behavioral, and Motor Profiles in Clinical Variability in Individuals with Chromosome 16p11.2 Deletions, Andres Moreno-De-Luca, David W. Evans, K B. Boomer, Ellen Hanson, R Bernier, R. P. Goin-Kochel, S. M. Myers, Thomas D. Challman, Daniel Moreno-De-Luca, Mylissa M. Slane, Abby E. Hare, W K. Chung, J. Spiro, W. A. Faucett, C. L. Martin, and David H. Ledbetter
Hydraulic Interaction between Rock Cross Vane Stream Restoration Structures and a Bridge Crossing, Jessica Newlin and B. P. Schultz
Paternal Care Behaviors of Japanese Giant Salamander Andrias japonicus in Natural Populations, Sumio Okada, Yukihiro Fukuda, and Mizuki Takahashi
Programming in the Digital Humanities, James O'Sullivan, Diane K. Jakacki, and Mary Galvin
Integrating GIS and AHP to Prioritize Transportation Infrastructure Using Sustainability Metrics, Michelle R. Oswald and Christian Treat
Weathering the Storm: Parental Effort and Experimental Manipulation of Stress Hormones Predict Brood Survival, J. Q. Ouyang, A. Z. Lendvai, R. Dakin, A. D. Domalik, V. J. Fasanello, B. G. Vassallo, Mark F. Haussmann, I. T. Moore, and F. Bonier
Chromosome Interaction over a Distance in Meiosis, Leocadia V. Paliulis and Mary Brady
Back to the Roots: Segregation of Univalent Sex Chromosomes in Meiosis., Leocadia V. Paliulis, Gunar Fabig, and Thomas Müller-Reichert
Sensitivity of Nonuniform Sampling NMR, Melissa R. Palmer, Christopher L. Suiter, Geneive E. Henry, James Rovnyak, Jeffrey C. Hoch, Tatyana Polenova, and David Rovnyak
Age-Related Patterns in Emotions Evoked by Music, Marcus T. Pearce and Andrea R. Halpern
Crowding increases salivary cortisol but not self-directed behavior in captive baboons, Brandon L. Pearson, DeeAnn Reeder, and Peter G. Judge
Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Attention-Aware Systems, Evan M. Peck, Emily Carlin, and Robert Jacob
Fed to Perfection: Mother's Milk, Roman Family Values, and the Transformation of the Soul in Gregory of Nyssa, John David Penniman
"The Health-Giving Cup": Cyprian's Ep. 63 and the Medicinal Power of Eucharistic Wine, John David Penniman
Two Transiting Earth-Size Planets Near Resonance Orbiting a Nearby Cool Star, Erik A. Petigura, Joshua E. Schlieder, Ian J.M. Crossfield, Andrew W. Howard, Katherine M. Deck, David R. Ciardi, Evan Sinukoff, Katelyn N. Allers, William M.J. Best, Michael C. Liu, Charles A. Beichman, Howard Isaacson, Brad M.S. Hansen, and Sebastien Lepine
A Mechanism for Sensorimotor Translation in Singing: the Multi-Modal Imagery Association (MMIA) Model, Peter Q. Pfordresher, Andrea R. Halpern, and Emma B. Greenspon
On Groups Presented by Monadic Rewriting Systems with Generators of Finite Order, Adam Piggott
Ethnography of the Ek-Static Experience: Poesie Auto-Socioanalytique in the Work of Michel Leiris, Alexander Riley
Environmental Management and Open-Air Experiments in Brazilian Amazonia, David Rojas
Fluxus, or the Work of Art in the Age of Information, Roger Rothman
Is Any Job Better than No Job? Labor Market Experiences and Depressive Symptoms in People Living with HIV, Sergio Rueda, Peter Smith, Tsegaye Bekele, Kelly O'Brien, Winston Husbands, Alan Li, Murray Jose-Boerbridge, Nicole Mittmann, Anita Rachlis, Liza Conyers, K B. Boomer, and Sean O'Rouke
Dynamic Blockage in an Exclusion Process, Mamata Sahoo, Jiajia Dong, and Stefan Klumpp
An Embedded Active Nucleus in the OH Megamaser Galaxy IRAS16399-0937, Dinalva Sales, Andy Robinson, David J. Axon, Jack F. Gallimore, Preeti Kharb, Rachel L. Curran, Christopher P. O'Dea, Stefi A. Baum, Moshe Elitzur, and Rupal Mittal
Assessment of Dynamic Properties of a Crowd Model for Human-Structure Interaction Modeling, Kelly A. Salyards and Yue Hua
Right Parietal Cortex Mediates Recognition Memory for Melodies, Nora K. Schaal, Amir-Homayoun Javadi, Andrea R. Halpern, Bettina Pollok, and Michael J. Banissy
Nycteria Parasites of Afrotropical Insectivorous Bats, Juliane Schaer, DeeAnn Reeder, Megan E. Vodzak, Kevin J. Olival, Natalie Weber, Frieder Mayer, Kai Matuschewski, and Susan L. Perkins
Shayma Interviewed by a Medical Red Cross Staff Member in Corigliano, Calabro, Harold Schweizer
Emission of herbivore elicitor-induced sesquiterpenes is regulated by stomatal aperture in maize (Zea mays) seedlings, I. Seidl-Adams, A. Richter, K B. Boomer, N. Yoshinaga, and J. H. Tumlinson
Why the Body Comes First: Effects of Experimenter Touch on Infants' Word Finding, Amanda Seidl, Ruth Tincoff, Christopher Baker, and Alejandrina Cristia
Effect of Surface Preparation on the Microstructure, Adhesion, and Tensile Properties of Cold-Sprayed Aluminum Coatings on AA2024 Substrates, Mala M. Sharma, Timothy Eden, and Brock T. Golesich
A Microscopic Study on the Corrosion Fatigue of Ultra-Fine Grained and Conventional Al–Mg Alloy, Mala M. Sharma, Josh D. Tomedi, and Jeffery M. Parks
Development of an Observation Protocol to Study Undergraduate Engineering Student Resistance to Active Learning, Prateek Shekhar, Matt Demonbrun, Maura Borrego, Cynthia Finelli, Michael J. Prince, Charles Henderson, and Cynthia Waters