Submissions from 2014
Maternal and Postweaning High-Fat Diets Disturb Hippocampal Gene Expression, Learning, and Memory Function, Kathleen C. Page, Elizabeth K. Jones, and Endla K. Anday
Performance Tuning Non-Uniform Sampling for Sensitivity Enhancement of Signal-Limited Biological NMR, Melissa R. Palmer, Broc R. Wenrich, Phillip Stahlfeld, and David Rovnyak
Hydrogen Bond Cooperativity and the Three-Dimensional Structures of Water Nonamers and Decamers, Cristobal Perez, Daniel P. Zaleski, Nathan A. Seifert, Berhane Temelso, George C. Shields, Zbigniew Kisiel, and Brooks Pate
Perspectives on Languages for Specifying Simulation Experiments, Luiz Felipe Perrone, Johannes Schützel, Danhua Peng, and Adelinde Urhmacher
Data Visualization for Network Simulations, Luiz Felipe Perrone, Greg L. Shrock, and Christopher S. Main
What Ended the Great Depression? Re-Evaluating the Role of Fiscal Policy, Nathan Perry and Matias Vernengo
The Bieri-Neumann-Strebel Invariant of the Pure Symmetric Automorphisms of a Right-Angled Artin Group, Adam Piggott and Nic Koban
Oral Self-Administration of EtOH: Sex-Dependent Modulation by Running Wheel Access in C57BL/6J Mice, Carlos Piza-Palma, Elizabeth T. Barfield, Jadeda A. Brown, James C. Hubka, Cade Lusk, Charles A. Schonhar, Sean C. Sweat, and Judith E. Grisel
Vertical Integration of Biometrics Across the Curriculum: Case Study of Speaker, Face and Iris Recognition, Ravi P. Ramachandran, Kevin D. Dahm, Robert Nickel, Richard J. Kozick, Sachin S. Shetty, Liang Hong, Steven H. Chin, Robi Polikar, and Ying Tang
Insights into the Design of SOFC Infiltrated Electrodes with Optimized Active TPB Density via Mechanistic Modeling, Andrew J.L. Reszka, Ryan Snyder, and Michael D. Gross
Insights into the Design of SOFC Infiltrated Electrodes with Optimized Active TPB Density via Mechanistic Modeling, Andrew J.L. Reszka, Ryan Snyder, and Michael D. Gross
AAC&U's Integrative Liberal Learning and the CAS Standards: Advising for a 21st Century Liberal Education, Rich Robbins
Evaluating L-functions with few known coefficients., Nathan C. Ryan and David W. Farmer
Nonvanishing of twists of L-functions attached to Hilbert modular forms., Nathan C. Ryan, John Voight, and Gonzalo Tornaría
Significance of the Deformation History within the Hinge Zone of the Pennsylvania Salient, Appalachian Mountains, Peter B. Sak, Mary Beth Gray, and Zeshan Ismat
Experimental Evaluation of the Influence of Human-Structure Interaction for Vibration Serviceability, Kelly A. Salyards and Nicholas C. Noss
Local Impacts of Unconventional Gas Development within Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale Region: Gauging Boomtown Development through the Perspectives of Educational Administrators, Kai A. Schafft, Leland L. Glenna, Brandn Green, and Yetkin Borlu
Combined Effect of Hot Extrusion and Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Behavior of 7055 AA Processed via Spray Metal Forming, J. M. Schreiber, Z. R. Omcikus, Timothy Eden, Mala Sharma, V. Champagne, and S. N. Patankar
Combined Effect of Hot Extrusion and Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Behavior of 7055 AA Processed via Spray Metal Forming, J. M. Schreiber, Z. R. Omcikus, T. J. Eden, Mala M. Sharma, V. Champagne, and S. N. Patankar
"But Do Not Let Them Know You Were Alone When You Died", Harold Schweizer
Slow Strain Rate Testing and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Ultra-Fine Grained and Conventional Al-Mg Alloy, Mala M. Sharma, Josh D. Tomedi, and Timothy J. Weigley
Slow Strain Rate Testing and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Ultra-Fine Grained and Conventional Al–Mg Alloy, Mala M. Sharma, Josh D. Tomedi, and Timothy J. Weigley
Introduction to Against Harmony: Radical Buddhism in Thought and Practice, James Mark Shields
Zen and the Art of Treason: Radical Buddhism in Meiji Era (1868–1912) Japan, James Mark Shields
Physical properties of solid particle thermal energy storage media for concentrating solar power applications, Nathan P. Siegel, M. Gross, Clifford K. Ho, T. Phan, and J. Yuan
Multiscale Characterization of Acrylic Bone Cement Modified with Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles, Josh Slane, Juan Vivanco, Donna Ebenstein, Matthew Squire, and Heidi-Lynn Ploeg
Social cognition, face processing, and oxytocin receptor single nucleotide polymorphisms in typically developing children, Mylissa M. Slane, Laina Lusk, K B. Boomer, Abby E. Hare, Margaret K. King, and David W. Evans
Shear bands in metallic glasses are not necessarily hot, Stephanie K. Slaughter, Felicitee Kertis, Erin Deda, Xiaojun Gu, Wendelin J. Wright, and Todd C. Hufnagel
Effect of Classroom Gender Composition on Students' Development of Self-Regulated Learning Competencies, Candice Stefanou, Susan M. Lord, Michael J. Prince, and John C. Chen
Sensitivity Gains, Linearity, and Spectral Reproducibility in Nonuniformly Sampled Multidimensional MAS NMR Spectra of High Dynamic Range, Christopher L. Suiter, Sivakumar Paramasivam, Guangjin Hou, Shangjin Sun, David Rice, Jeffrey C. Hoch, David Rovnyak, and Tatyana Polenova
Paleoenvironment and Paleoecology of a Late Paleocene High-Latitude Terrestrial Succession, Arkose Ridge Formation at Box Canyon, Southern Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska, David Sunderlin, Jeffrey M. Trop, Bruce D. Idleman, Alexandria Brannick, Jaclyn G. White, and Lance Grande
A Stable Niche Assumption-free Test of Ecological Divergence, Mizuki Takahashi, Jonathan M. Eastman, Duane Griffin, Jason Baumsteiger, Matthew J. Parris, and Andrew Storfer
Structural Analysis of alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)-like Peptides with Anti-Breast-Cancer Properties, Berhane Temelso, Katherine A. Alser, Arianne Gauthier, Amber Kay Palmer, and George C. Shields
The FINS Framework: An Open Source Userspace Networking Subsystem for Linux, Michael S. Thompson, Abdallah S. Abdallah, Jonathan M. Reed, Allen B. MacKenzie, and Luiz A. DaSilva
Full Cups, Full Coffers: Tax Strategies and Consumer Culture in the Early Modern German Cities, B. Ann Tlusty
Nonlethal Screening of Bat-Wing Skin with the Use of Ultraviolet Fluorescence to Detect Lesions Indicative of White-Nose Syndrome, Gregory G. Turner, Carol Uphoff Meteyer, Hazel Barton, John F. Gumbs, DeeAnn Reeder, Barrie Overton, Hana Bandouchova, Tomas Bartonicka, Natalia Martinkova, Jiri Pikula, Jan Zukal, and David S. Blehert
Tempering the EU? NGO Advocacy in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice, Emek M. Ucarer
Dimerization of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Chains Using Radical Trap-Assisted Atom Transfer Radical Coupling, Christopher J. Valente, Autumn M. Schellenberger, and Eric Tillman
Isospectrality and Heat Content, M. van den Berg, Emily Dryden, and T. Kappeler
Hardystonite From the Desert View Mine, California, James A. Van Fleet and Earl R. Verbeek
Glucocorticoid Metabolism in the In Ovo Environment Modulates Exposure to Maternal Corticosterone in Japanese Quail Embryos (Coturnix japonica), Brian G. Vassallo, Ryan T. Paitz, Vincent J. Fasanello, and Mark F. Haussmann
Everything Must Change so that the IMF Can Remain the Same: The World Economic Outlook and the Global Financial Stability Report, Matias Vernengo and Kirsten Ford
A New Eurypterid Lagerstatte from the Upper Silurian of Pennsylvania, Matthew B. Vrazo, Jeffrey M. Trop, and Carlton E. Brett
Comparative Ultrastructure and Molecular Phylogeny of Selenidium melongena n. sp and S. terebellae Ray 1930 Demonstrate Niche Partitioning in Marine Gregarine Parasites (Apicomplexa), Kevin C. Wakeman, Matthew B. Heintzelman, and Brian S. Leander
From Testament Part IV: Infolds & Unspires, G. C. Waldrep
A Closed-Form Solution for the Optimal Time Evolution of an Exponentially Decaying Signal with Thermal Noise, Brian W. Williams and David Rovnyak
Tributary and Mainstem Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities Linked By Direct Dispersal and Indirect Habitat Alteration, Matthew J. Wilson and Matthew McTammany
Prevalence of the Amphibian Chytrid Fungus among Zoo and Pet Store Collections in the Northeastern United States, Harrison D. Winters, Katherine M. Albertini, Laura E. Neely, and Mizuki Takahashi
Kyrgyzstan’s Dark Ages: Framing and the 2010 Hydroelectric Revolution, Amanda E. Wooden
Effect of substrate surface roughening and cold spray coating on the fatigue life of AA2024 specimens, Constance Ziemian, Mala M. Sharma, Ben D. Bouffard, Timothy Eden, and Travis Nissley
Storm and Stone: Accidental Archaeology at Skara Brae in Orkney, Virginia Zimmerman
Submissions from 2013
Tridiagonal Reproducing Kernels and Subnormality, Gregory Adams, Nathan S. Feldman, and Paul McGuire
A Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Young Field Ultracool Dwarfs, Katelyn N. Allers and Michael C. Liu
Symposium on Iris Murdoch: A Response to Nora Hamalainen and David Robjant, Maria Antonaccio
On Certain Applications of the Khukhro-Makarenko Theorem, Ahmet Arikan, Howard Smith, and Nadir Trabelsi
Paths of Discovery: Comparing the Search effectiveness of EBSCO Discovery Service, Summon, Google Scholar, and Conventional Library Resources, Andrew Asher, Lynda M. Duke, and Suzanne Wilson
Detection of Internal Defects in Concrete Members Using Global Vibration Characteristics, H. Sezer Atamturktur, Christopher R. Gilligan, and Kelly A. Salyards
The Financial Rate of Profit: What Is It, and How Has It Behaved in the United States?, Erdogan Bakir and Al Campbell
Hierarchical Approach for Survivable Network Design, Anantaram Balakrishnan, Mihai Banciu, Karolina Glowacka, and Prakash Mirchandani
New Results Concerning Probability Distributions with Increasing Generalized Failure Rates, Mihai Banciu and Prakash Mirchandani
Beta-Endorphin Modulates the Effect of Stress on Novelty-Suppressed Feeding, Elizabeth T. Barfield, V. Alexandra Moser, Annie Hand, and Judith E. Grisel
Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Stabilization at the Limits of Handling, Craig Earl Beal and J. Christian Gerdes
Characterization of HgCl2 Tridentate Amine Complexes by X-ray Crystallography, NMR and ESI-MS, Deborah C. Bebout, Edith V. Bowers, Rachel E. Freer, Margaret E. Kastner, Damon A. Parrish, and Raymond J. Butcher
Identifying Resiliency Performance Measures for Megaregional Planning Case Study of the Transportation Corridor Between Boston, Massachusetts, and Washington, DC, Michelle Oswald Beiler, Sue McNeil, David Ames, and Rebekah Gayley
Yolk Androstenedione in Domestic Chicks (Gallus Gallus Domesticus): Uptake and Sex-Dependent Alteration of Growth and Behavior, Z. Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks and Melissa Hodge
Effects of Food Availability on Yolk Androgen Deposition in the Black-Legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), a Seabird with Facultative Brood Reduction, Z. Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, Alexander S. Kitaysky, Jorg Welcker, and Scott A. Hatch
Changes in annual reporting rituals of financial services firms in periods of market crisis, Mark Bettner and Kate Sowinski
Changes in Annual Reporting Rituals of Financial Services Firms in Periods of Market Crisis, Mark Bettner and Kate Sowinski
Feasibility of Wii Fit Training to Improve Clinical Measures of Balance in Older Adults, Katie Bieryla and Neil M. Dold
From Craton to Rift: Empirically Based Ground-Truth Criteria for Local Events Recorded on Regional Networks, K. B. Boomer, R. A. Brazier, J. P. O'Donnell, A. A. Nyblade, J. Kokoska, and S. Liu
Fidelity of Implementation of Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) in Engineering Science Courses, Maura Borrego, Stephanie Cutler, Michael J. Prince, Charles Henderson, and Jeffrey E. Froyd
Influence of Engineering Instructors' Teaching and Learning Beliefs on Pedagogies in Engineering Science Courses, Maura Borrego, Jeffrey E. Froyd, Charles Henderson, Stephanie Cutler, and Michael J. Prince
Human Resource Performance Metrics: Methods & Processes That Demonstrate You Care, Neil Boyd
Groups Acting on Tensor Products, Peter A. Brooksbank and James B. Wilson
White-Nose Syndrome-Affected Litttle Brown Myotis (Myotis Lucifugus) Increase Grooming and Other Active Behaviors During Arousals from Hibernation, Sarah A. Brownlee-Bouboulis and DeeAnn Reeder
Processing-Structure-Property Relationships in Solid-State Shear Pulverization: Parametric Study of Specific Energy, Philip J. Brunner, Joshua T. Clark, John M. Torkelson, and Katsuyuki Wakabayashi
Engineering Ethics: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Richard A. Burgess, Michael Davis, Marilyn A. Dyrud, Joseph R. Herkert, Rachelle D. Hollander, Lisa Newton, Michael S. Pritchard, and P. Aarne Vesilind
Selective Formation of Diblock Copolymers Using Radical Trap-Assisted Atom Transfer Radical Coupling, William E. Butcher, Scott C. Radzinski, and Eric Tillman
One Pot, Two Step Sequence Converting Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization Directly to Radical Trap-Assisted Atom Transfer Radical Coupling, Elizabeth M. Carnicom, William E. Coyne, Kenneth D. Myers, and Eric Tillman
Prime and Semiprime Inner Functions, Isabelle Chalendar, Pamela Gorkin, and Jonathan R. Partington
Anisotropy in plastic deformation of extruded magnesium alloy sheet during tensile straining at high temperature, David E. Cipoletti, Allan F. Bower, and Paul E. Krajewski
UV Responses in Native Hawaiians or Other Pacific Islanders and Asians Residing in Hawaiʻi and in Maryland, Leticia U. Colmenares, Sergio Coelho, Sharon A. Miller, K B. Boomer, and Janusz Z. Beer
Interplay Between Finite Resources and a Local Defect in an Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process, L. Jonathan Cook, Jiajia Dong, and Alexander LaFleur
Developing the next generation of music teachers: Sample music education association programs that promote our profession and prepare future colleagues., Kimberly H. Councill
Career Influences of Music Education Audition Candidates, Kimberly H. Councill, W. D. Brewer, D. A. Rickels, W. Fredrickson, M. Hairston, D. L. Perry, A. Porter, and M. Schmidt
The Value of Intuitive Concepts in Evaporation Research, Richard Crago and Russell J. Qualls
Electrolyte Depletion in White-nose Syndrome Bats, Paul M. Cryan, Carol Uphoff Meteyer, David S. Blehert, Jeffrey M. Lorch, DeeAnn Reeder, Gregory G. Turner, Julie Webb, Melissa Behr, Michelle Verant, Robin E. Russe, and Kevin T. Castle
“Siempre quedará París: pasado y futuro del exilio femenino en Carmen Martín Gaite y Carme Riera”., Isabel Cuñado
Detrital Zircon Evidence for Non-Laurentian Provenance, Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1490-1450 Ma) Deposition and Orogenesis in a Reconstructed Orogenic Belt, Northern New Mexico, USA: Defining the Picuris Orogeny, Christopher G. Daniel; Lily S. Pfeifer; James V. Jones, III; and Christopher M. McFarlane
Factors Affecting Vocational Rehabilitation Service Use among Latino Men with HIV/AIDS: A National Perspective, Paul A. Datti, Liza M. Conyers, and K B. Boomer
Mass Transport Perspective on an Accelerated Exclusion Process: Analysis of Augmented Current and Unit-Velocity Phases, Jiajia Dong, Stefan Klumpp, and R K P Zia
The Turkish Drawbridge: European Integration and the Cultural Economics of National Planning, Mehmet Dosemeci
Equivariant Inverse Spectral Theory and Toric Orbifolds, Emily Dryden, Victor Guillemin, and Rosa Sena-Dias
Poetic Becomings: Studies in Contemporary French Literature, Nathalie Dupont
Health insurance coverage of Hispanic adults: An assessment of subgroup difference and the impact of immigration, Elizabeth Durden and Lucy G. Dean
Social Context and Economic Biases in Representation, Christopher Ellis
Planetary Gear Modal Vibration Experiments and Correlation against Lumped-Parameter and Finite Element Models, Tristan M. Ericson and Robert G. Parker
A New Reactor Concept for Efficient Solar-Thermochemical Fuel Production, Ivan Ermanoski, Nathan P. Siegel, and Ellen B. Stechel
Quadratically hyponormal weighted shifts with recursive tail, George R. Exner, Il Bong Jung, Mi Ryeong Lee, and Sun Hyun Park