Submissions from 2013
Masculinity in the Eighteenth-Century Moravian Mission Field:: Contact and Negotiation, Katherine Faull
Knuckling Under? School Superintendents and Accountability-Based Educational Reform, Abe Feuerstein
Anomalous Velocity Distributions in Active Brownian Suspensions, Andrea Fiege, Benjamin Vollmayr-Lee, and Annette Zippelius
Montaigne, Lying and Early Modern Self-Fashioning: A Discursive Dialogue with Lope's El perro del hortelano on the Page and on Stage, Susan L. Fischer
Oxotremorine Delays and Scopolamine Accelerates Sexual Exhaustion When Applied to the Preoptic Area in Male Hamsters, Owen R. Floody
Responses to Central Oxotremorine and Scopolamine Support the Cholinergic Control of Male Mating Behavior in Hamsters, Owen R. Floody and Laina G. Lusk
Accounting for Fetal Death: Vital Statistics and the Medicalization of Pregnancy in the United States, Lauren Fordyce
Common Parietal Activation in Musical Mental Transformations Across Pitch and Time, Nicholas E.V. Foster, Andrea R. Halpern, and Robert J. Zatorre
Quantum Energy Teleportation Between Spin Particles in a Gibbs State, Michael R. Frey, Karl Gerlach, and Masahiro Hotta
Estimates of Use of Research-Based Instructional Strategies in Core Electrical or Computer Engineering Courses, Jeffrey E. Froyd, Maura Borrego, Stephanie Cutler, Charles Henderson, and Michael J. Prince
Studying the Roles of Nonprofits, Government, and Business in Providing Activities and Services to Youth in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Joseph Galaskiewicz, Olga V. Mayorova, and Beth Duckles
Market Prices and Food Aid Local and Regional Procurement and Distribution: A Multi-Country Analysis, Teevrat Garg, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gomez, Erin C. Lentz, and William J. Violette
Zeros of Weakly Holomorphic Modular Forms of Levels 2 and 3, Sharon Garthwaite and Paul Jenkins
Dancing Diaspora: Chineseness as a Moving Concept, Eugenia P. Gerdes
The Chinese Currency and Global Rebalancing: A Discussion, Wei Ge
Computations of Vector-Valued Siegel Modular Forms, Alexandru Ghitza, Nathan C. Ryan, and David Sulon
Risk Judgment in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Testing a Dual-Systems Account, Gideon Goldin, Mascha Van 't Wout, Steven A. Sloman, David W. Evans, Benjamin D. Greenberg, and Steven A. Rasmussen
On the composition of Frostman Blaschke products, Pamela Gorkin and John R. Akeroyd
Prime and semiprime inner functions, Pamela Gorkin, Jonathan R. Partington, and isabelle Chalendar
Secondary collisions revisited: real-world crash data and relationship to crash test criteria, Randall C. Gowat and Douglas J. Gabauer
Cultural Dynamics and Ceramic Resource Use at Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Troy, Northwestern Turkey, Peter Grave, Lisa Kealhofer, Pavol Hnila, Ben Marsh, Carolyn Aslan, Diane Thumm-Dograyan, and Wendy Rigter
Stability of Art Preference in Frontotemporal Dementia, Andrea R. Halpern and Margaret G. O'Connor
Tradeoffs or Synergies? Assessing Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement through Case Studies in Burkina Faso and Guatemala, Aurelie P. Harou, Joanna B. Upton, Erin C. Lentz, Christopher B. Barrett, and Miguel I. Gomez
Congressional Endorsements in the Presidential Nomination Process: Democratic Superdelegates in the 2008 Election, Edward B. Hasecke, Scott Meinke, and Kevin M. Scott
Running Hot and Cold: Economic Liberalization and Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America by Sector, R Douglas Hecock and Eric M. Jepsen
Should Countries Engage in a Race to the Bottom? The Effect of Social Spending on FDI, R Douglas Hecock and Eric M. Jepsen
''Get Your Asphalt Off My Ancestors!'': Reclaiming Richmond's African Burial Ground, Mai-Linh Hong
Organic Interfaces; or, How Human Beings Augment Their Digital Devices, John Hunter
Druze linguistic landscape in Israel: indexicality of new ethnolinguistic identity boundaries, Martin Isleem
Integrated Geophysical Investigation of the St. James Fault Complex: A Case Study, Robert W. Jacob, Jeremy B. Byler, and Mary Beth Gray
Culture's Calling: Mobile Phones, Gender, and the Making of an African Migrant Village in Lisbon, Michelle C. Johnson
Culture's Calling: Mobile Phones, Gender, and the Making of an African Migrant Village in Lisbon, Michelle C. Johnson
Witnessing reconciliation reduces arousal of bystanders in a baboon group (Papio hamadryas hamadryas), Peter G. Judge and Katherine A. Bachmann
Witnessing reconciliation reduces arousal of bystanders in a baboon group (Papio hamadryas hamadryas), Peter G. Judge and Katherine A. Bachmann
Capuchin Monkeys Exercise Self-control by Choosing Token Exchange Over an Immediate Reward, Peter G. Judge and Jennifer L. Essler
Scaling Ceramic Provenience at Lydian Sardis, Western Turkey, Lisa Kealhofer, Peter Grave, and Ben Marsh
Attachment to God: A Qualitative Exploration of Emerging Adults’ Spiritual Relationship with God., Cynthia N. Kimball, Chris Boyatzis, Kaye V. Cook, Kathleen C. Leonard, and Kelly S. Flanagan
Meaning Making in Emerging Adults' Faith Narratives: Identity, Attachment, and Religious Orientation, Cynthia N. Kimball, Kaye V. Cook, Chris Boyatzis, and Kathleen C. Leonard
Study Abroad Increases Risk for Sexual Assault in Female Undergraduates: A Preliminary Report, Matthew Kimble, William F. Flack Jr., and Emily Burbridge
Estimating Willingness to Pay for River Amenities and Safety Measures Associated with Shale Gas Extraction, Thomas C. Kinnaman
Waste Disposal and Recycling, Thomas C. Kinnaman
A Departmental Focus on High Impact Undergraduate Research Experiences, Robin Kinnel, Adam W. Van Wynsberghe, Ian J. Rosenstein, Karen S. Brewer, Myriam Cotten, George C. Shields, Charles J. Borton, SueAnn Z. Senior, Gregory S. Rahn, and Timothy E. Elgren
The Returns to Migration: The Influence of Education and Migration Type, Thomas A. Knapp, Nancy E. White, and Amy M. Wolaver
Eliminating Adhesion Errors in Nanoindentation of Compliant Polymers and Hydrogels, Julie C. Kohn and Donna Ebenstein
The Centrality of Urban Economies to the Study of Competitiveness, Peter Karl Kresl
A Kinetostatic Formulation for Load-Flow Visualization in Compliant Mechanisms, Girish Krishnan, Charles Kim, and Sridhar Kota
A Metric to Evaluate and Synthesize Distributed Compliant Mechanisms, Girish Krishnan, Charles Kim, and Sridhar Kota
Cyclosporine A Drives a Th17‐and Th2‐Mediated Posttransplant Obliterative Airway Disease, Phillipe Lemaître, Benoit Vokaer, Louis-Marie Charbonnier, Y. Iwakura, Ken Field, M. Estenne, M. Goldman, O. Leo, M. Remmelink, and Alain Le Moine
The Economics and Nutritional Impacts of Food Assistance Policies and Programs, Erin C. Lentz and Christopher B. Barrett
On The Choice and Impacts of Innovative International Food Assistance Instruments, Erin C. Lentz, Christopher B. Barrett, Miguel I. Gomez, and Daniel G. Maxwell
The Timeliness and Cost-Effectiveness of the Local and Regional Procurement of Food Aid, Erin C. Lentz, Simone Passarelli, and Christopher B. Barrett
Parent-Child Dynamics and Emerging Adult Religiosity: Attachment, Parental Beliefs, and Faith Support, Kathleen C. Leonard, Kaye V. Cook, Chris Boyatzis, Cynthia N. Kimball, and Kelly S. Flanagan
Extremes of Lineage Plasticity in the Drosophila Brain, Suewei Lin, Elizabeth C. Marin, Ching-Po Yang, Chih-Fei Kao, Bettye A. Apenteng, Yaling Huang, Michael B. O'Connor, James W. Truman, and Tzumin Lee
Does the Presence of a Learning Disability Elicit a Stigmatization?, Kelsey Lisle and T. Joel Wade
Infrared Parallaxes of Young Field Brown Dwarfs and Connections to Directly Imaged Gas-Giant Exoplanets, M. C. Liu, T. J. Dupuy, and Katelyn N. Allers
The Extremely Red, Young L Dwarf PSO J318.5338-22.8603: a Free-Floating Planetary-Mass Analog to Directly Imaged Young Gas-Giant Planets, Michael C. Liu, Eugene A. Magnier, Niall R. Deacon, and Katelyn N. Allers
Untitled (2 October 1910), Untitled (6 October 1910), and Untitled (7 October 1910) by Natsume Sōseki, Erik R. Lofgren
On Groups with Two Isomorphism Classes of Derived Subgroups, Patrizia Longobardi, Mercede Maj, Derek J.S. Robinson, and Howard Smith
Suitability of real-time quantitative PCR to estimate the relative telomere length in European Hake (Merluccius merluccius Linnaeus, 1758), Estabaliz López de Abechuco, Manuel Soto, Miguel Angel Pardo, Mark F. Haussmann, and Guzmán Díez
Chemical Compatibility of Model Soil-Bentonite Backfill Containing Multiswellable Bentonite, Michael A. Malusis and Matthew D. McKeehan
Feature Versus Spatial Strategies by Orangutans (Pongo abelii) and Human Children (Homo sapiens) in a Cross-Dimensional Task, Heidi L. Marsh, Laura Adams, Catherine Floyd, and Suzanne E. MacDonald
A New Cryptically Dioecious Species of Bush Tomato (Solanum) From the Northern Territory, Australia, Chris Martine, David E. Symon, and Elizabeth Capaldi Evans
Establishment of Regional Herbarium Leads to More Than 200 New Flora Atlas Records for New York State, Chris Martine and Megan E. Ward
Millennials: What Do We Really Know About Them?, Stacy Mastrolia and Stephen D. Willits
Mythologizing Greed and Betrayal in the Strait of Magellan in Juan de Miramontes' Armas Antarticas, Jason McCloskey
"Navegaba Leandro el Helesponto": Love and Early Modern Navigation in Juan Boscan's Leandro, Jason McCloskey
Use and Performance of In-Stream Structures for River Restoration: a Case Study from North Carolina, Jerry R. Miller and R. Craig Kochel
Friendship as a relationship infiltration tactic during human mate poaching., Justin Mogilski and T. Joel Wade
Developmental Brain Dysfunction: Revival and Expansion of Old Concepts Based on New Genetic Evidence, Andres Moreno-De-Luca, Scott M. Myers, Thomas D. Challman, Daniel Moreno-De-Luca, David W. Evans, and David H. Ledbetter
Distinguished Historical Geography Lecture: Carceral Space and the Usable Past, Karen M. Morin
Geographical Literacies and their Publics: Reflections on the American Scene, Karen M. Morin
Geographical Literacies and Their Publics: Reflections on the American Scene, Karen M. Morin
Men's Modesty, Religion, and the State: Spaces of Collision, Karen M. Morin
Men's Modesty, Religion, and the State: Spaces of Collision, Karen M. Morin
Security Here is Not Safe': Violence, Punishment, & Space in the Contemporary U.S. Penitentiary, Karen M. Morin
Rats Acquire Stronger Preference for Flavors Consumed Towards the End of a High-fat Meal, Kevin P. Myers
Rats Acquire Stronger Preference for Flavors Consumed Towards the End of a High-fat Meal, Kevin P. Myers
Sensory-specific Appetition: Postingestive Detection of Glucose Rapidly Promotes Continued Consumption of a Recently Encountered Flavor, Kevin P. Myers, Marisa S. Taddeo, and Emily K. Richards
Corpus-Based Speech Enhancement With Uncertainty Modeling and Cepstral Smoothing, Robert Nickel, Ramon Fernandez Astudillo, Dorothea Kolossa, and Rainer Martin
Climate Change Adaptation Tool for Transportation: Mid-Atlantic Region Case Study, Michelle R. Oswald and Sue McNeil
Broadband Fourier transform rotational spectroscopy for structure determination: The water heptamer, Cristóbal Pérez, Simon Lobsiger, Nathan A. Seifert, Daniel P. Zaleski, Berhane Temelso, George C. Shields, Zbigniew Kisiel, and Brooks H. Pate
The Design of an Output Data Collection Framework for ns-3, Luiz Felipe Perrone, Thomas R. Henderson, Mitchell J. Watrous, and Vinícius D. Felizardo
Auditory Imagery and the Poor-Pitch Singer, Peter Q. Pfordresher and Andrea R. Halpern
Cluster J mycobacteriophages: intron splicing in capsid and tail genes, Welkin H. Pope, Deborah Jacobs-Sera, Aaron A. Best, Gregory W. Broussard, Pamela L. Connerly, Rebekah M. Dedrick, Timothy A. Kremer, Susan Offner, Amenawon H. Ogiefo, Marie Pizzorno, Kate Rockenbach, Daniel A. Russell, Emily L. Stowe, Joseph Stukey, Sarah A. Thibault, James F. Conway, Roger W. Hendrix, and Graham F. Hatfull
A New Genus for a Rare African Vespertilionid Bat: Insights from South Sudan, DeeAnn Reeder, Kristofer M. Helgen, Megan E. Vodzak, Darrin P. Lunde, and Imran Ejotre
Sarkozy's theorem for P-intersective polynomials, Alex Rice
Acid, Silver, and Solvent-Free Gold-Catalyzed Hydrophenoxylation of Internal Alkynes, Marcia E. Richard, Daniel V. Fraccica, Kevin J. Garcia, Erica J. Miller, Rosa M. Ciccarelli, Erin C. Holahan, Victoria L. Resh, Shah Aakash, Peter M. Findesi, and Robert A. Stockland Jr.
Cosmologies and Regionalisms from "Above' and "Below' in the Post-Cold War Americas: the Relevance of Karl Polanyi for the 21st Century, Alejandra Roncallo
Survey article: Characterizations of the Saito-Kurokawa lifting, Nathan C. Ryan, David W. Farmer, Ameya Pitale, and Ralf Schmidt
Complicating the Local: Defining the Aymara at Tiwanaku, Bolivia, Clare A. Sammells
"The Materialist Dreams of Angels", Harold Schweizer
"To Suffer to Wait: Reading Trauma in Two Poems", Harold Schweizer
A New Crystalline LiPON Electrolyte: Synthesis, Properties, and Electronic Structure, Keerthi Senevirathne, Cynthia S. Day, Michael D. Gross, Abdessadek Lachgar, and N. A. W. Holzwarth
Liberation as Revolutionary Praxis: Rethinking Buddhism Materialism, James Mark Shields
Revisioning a Japanese Spiritual Recovery Through Manga: Kobayashi Yoshinori’s ‘Gōmanism’ as Aesthetics and Ideology, James Mark Shields
Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Solar Driven Metal Oxide Thermochemical Cycles, Nathan P. Siegel, James E. Miller, Ivan Ermanoski, Ellen B. Stechel, and Richard B. Diver
Quantitative Uncertainty Analysis of Life Cycle Assessment for Algal Biofuel Production, Deborah L. Sills, Vidia Paramita, Michael J. Franke, Michael C. Johnson, Tal M. Akabas, Charles H. Greene, and Jefferson W. Testert
Cell Types as Natural Kinds, Matthew H. Slater
Biaxial extensional motion of an inertially driven radially expanding liquid sheet, Linda Smolka and Thomas P. Witelski
Characterization of Halyomorpha halys (brown marmorated stink bug) biogenic volatile organic compound emissions and their role in secondary organic aerosol formation., Danielle Solomon, Dabrina Dutcher, and Timothy M. Raymond