
Submissions from 2015


Restricted Salt Diffusion in a Geosynthetic Clay Liner, Michael A. Malusis, Jong Beom Kang, and Charles D. Shackelford

Understanding the Role of Social Factors in Farmworker Housing and Health, Ben Marsh, Carl Milofsky, Edward Kissam, and Thomas A. Arcury

Inference by Exclusion in Lion-Tailed Macaques (Macaca silenus), a Hamadryas Baboon (Papio hamadryas), Capuchins (Sapajus apella), and Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), Heidi L. Marsh, Alexander Q. Vining, Emma K. Levendoski, and Peter G. Judge

Parasitism Disruption a Likely Consequence of Belowground War Waged by Exotic Plant Invader, Chris Martine and Alison N. Hale


European Frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) in the Champlain/Adirondack Region: Recent Inferences, Chris Martine, Stephen Langdon, Timothy Shearman, Casey Binggeli, and Timothy B. Mihuc

Communication, Cooperation, Coordination, Collaboration - The 4Cs: Interorganizational Partnering in Haiti, Eric C. Martin, Isabella Nolte, and Emma Vitola

A Novel ATR-FTIR Technique for Identifying Colloid Composition in Natural Waters, Molly M. McGuire and Ellen K. Herman


On the Topology of the Permutation Pattern Poset, Peter R. W. McNamara and Einar Steingrímsson

Pinning of Reaction Fronts by Burning Invariant Manifolds in Extended Flows, P. W. Megson, M. L. Najarian, Katie Lilienthal, and Thomas H. Solomon


Bayesian Function-on-Function Regression for Multilevel Functional Data, Mark J. Meyer, Brent A. Coull, Francesco Versace, Paul Cinciripini, and Jeffrey S. Morris


Chaining and Virtual Organization in a Slow Sociology Project: The Brown Ridge School District Health Needs Assessment Becomes the Central Susquehanna Affordable Care Act Project, Carl Milofsky

The Positive and Negative Consequences of Stressors during Early Life, Pat Monaghan and Mark F. Haussmann


The Role of Parental Cognitive, Behavioral, and Motor Profiles in Clinical Variability in Individuals with Chromosome 16p11.2 Deletions, Andres Moreno-De-Luca, David W. Evans, K B. Boomer, Ellen Hanson, R Bernier, R. P. Goin-Kochel, S. M. Myers, Thomas D. Challman, Daniel Moreno-De-Luca, Mylissa M. Slane, Abby E. Hare, W K. Chung, J. Spiro, W. A. Faucett, C. L. Martin, and David H. Ledbetter

Hydraulic Interaction between Rock Cross Vane Stream Restoration Structures and a Bridge Crossing, Jessica Newlin and B. P. Schultz


Paternal Care Behaviors of Japanese Giant Salamander Andrias japonicus in Natural Populations, Sumio Okada, Yukihiro Fukuda, and Mizuki Takahashi

Programming in the Digital Humanities, James O'Sullivan, Diane K. Jakacki, and Mary Galvin

Integrating GIS and AHP to Prioritize Transportation Infrastructure Using Sustainability Metrics, Michelle R. Oswald and Christian Treat

Weathering the Storm: Parental Effort and Experimental Manipulation of Stress Hormones Predict Brood Survival, J. Q. Ouyang, A. Z. Lendvai, R. Dakin, A. D. Domalik, V. J. Fasanello, B. G. Vassallo, Mark F. Haussmann, I. T. Moore, and F. Bonier

Chromosome Interaction over a Distance in Meiosis, Leocadia V. Paliulis and Mary Brady

Back to the Roots: Segregation of Univalent Sex Chromosomes in Meiosis., Leocadia V. Paliulis, Gunar Fabig, and Thomas Müller-Reichert

Sensitivity of Nonuniform Sampling NMR, Melissa R. Palmer, Christopher L. Suiter, Geneive E. Henry, James Rovnyak, Jeffrey C. Hoch, Tatyana Polenova, and David Rovnyak


Age-Related Patterns in Emotions Evoked by Music, Marcus T. Pearce and Andrea R. Halpern


Crowding increases salivary cortisol but not self-directed behavior in captive baboons, Brandon L. Pearson, DeeAnn Reeder, and Peter G. Judge

Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Attention-Aware Systems, Evan M. Peck, Emily Carlin, and Robert Jacob

Fed to Perfection: Mother's Milk, Roman Family Values, and the Transformation of the Soul in Gregory of Nyssa, John David Penniman

"The Health-Giving Cup": Cyprian's Ep. 63 and the Medicinal Power of Eucharistic Wine, John David Penniman

Two Transiting Earth-Size Planets Near Resonance Orbiting a Nearby Cool Star, Erik A. Petigura, Joshua E. Schlieder, Ian J.M. Crossfield, Andrew W. Howard, Katherine M. Deck, David R. Ciardi, Evan Sinukoff, Katelyn N. Allers, William M.J. Best, Michael C. Liu, Charles A. Beichman, Howard Isaacson, Brad M.S. Hansen, and Sebastien Lepine


A Mechanism for Sensorimotor Translation in Singing: the Multi-Modal Imagery Association (MMIA) Model, Peter Q. Pfordresher, Andrea R. Halpern, and Emma B. Greenspon

On Groups Presented by Monadic Rewriting Systems with Generators of Finite Order, Adam Piggott

Ethnography of the Ek-Static Experience: Poesie Auto-Socioanalytique in the Work of Michel Leiris, Alexander Riley

Environmental Management and Open-Air Experiments in Brazilian Amazonia, David Rojas

Fluxus, or the Work of Art in the Age of Information, Roger Rothman


Is Any Job Better than No Job? Labor Market Experiences and Depressive Symptoms in People Living with HIV, Sergio Rueda, Peter Smith, Tsegaye Bekele, Kelly O'Brien, Winston Husbands, Alan Li, Murray Jose-Boerbridge, Nicole Mittmann, Anita Rachlis, Liza Conyers, K B. Boomer, and Sean O'Rouke

Dynamic Blockage in an Exclusion Process, Mamata Sahoo, Jiajia Dong, and Stefan Klumpp

An Embedded Active Nucleus in the OH Megamaser Galaxy IRAS16399-0937, Dinalva Sales, Andy Robinson, David J. Axon, Jack F. Gallimore, Preeti Kharb, Rachel L. Curran, Christopher P. O'Dea, Stefi A. Baum, Moshe Elitzur, and Rupal Mittal

Assessment of Dynamic Properties of a Crowd Model for Human-Structure Interaction Modeling, Kelly A. Salyards and Yue Hua


Right Parietal Cortex Mediates Recognition Memory for Melodies, Nora K. Schaal, Amir-Homayoun Javadi, Andrea R. Halpern, Bettina Pollok, and Michael J. Banissy

Nycteria Parasites of Afrotropical Insectivorous Bats, Juliane Schaer, DeeAnn Reeder, Megan E. Vodzak, Kevin J. Olival, Natalie Weber, Frieder Mayer, Kai Matuschewski, and Susan L. Perkins

Shayma Interviewed by a Medical Red Cross Staff Member in Corigliano, Calabro, Harold Schweizer

Emission of herbivore elicitor-induced sesquiterpenes is regulated by stomatal aperture in maize (Zea mays) seedlings, I. Seidl-Adams, A. Richter, K B. Boomer, N. Yoshinaga, and J. H. Tumlinson

Why the Body Comes First: Effects of Experimenter Touch on Infants' Word Finding, Amanda Seidl, Ruth Tincoff, Christopher Baker, and Alejandrina Cristia

Effect of Surface Preparation on the Microstructure, Adhesion, and Tensile Properties of Cold-Sprayed Aluminum Coatings on AA2024 Substrates, Mala M. Sharma, Timothy Eden, and Brock T. Golesich


A Microscopic Study on the Corrosion Fatigue of Ultra-Fine Grained and Conventional Al–Mg Alloy, Mala M. Sharma, Josh D. Tomedi, and Jeffery M. Parks

Development of an Observation Protocol to Study Undergraduate Engineering Student Resistance to Active Learning, Prateek Shekhar, Matt Demonbrun, Maura Borrego, Cynthia Finelli, Michael J. Prince, Charles Henderson, and Cynthia Waters


The Development of Direct Absorption and Storage Media for Falling Particle Solar Central Receivers, Nathan P. Siegel, Michael D. Gross, and Robert Coury


Two-Band Fast Hartley Transform, A. N. Skodras, Maurice F. Aburdene, and A. K. Nandi


Natural Kindness, Matthew H. Slater

Healthcare under Siege: Geopolitics of Medical Service Provision in the Gaza Strip, Ron J. Smith

The Engagement Gap: Social Mobility and Extracurricular Participation among American Youth, Kaisa Snellman, Jennifer Silva, Carl B. Frederick, and Robert D. Putnam

The Definition, Recognition, and Interpretation of Convergent Evolution, and Two New Measures for Quantifying and Assessing the Significance of Convergence, Tristan Stayton


GHS-R1A Antagonism Reduces Alcohol but Not Sucrose Preference in Prairie Voles, Jennie Stevenson, J M. Buirkle, L E. Buckley, Katelyn Young, K M. Albertini, and Amelia Bohidar

Origin of Brines, Salts and Carbonate from Shales of the Marcellus Formation: Evidence from Geochemical and Sr Isotope Study of Sequentially Extracted Fluids, Brian W. Stewart, Elizabeth C. Chapman, Rosemary C. Capo, Jason D. Johnson, Joseph R. Graney, Carl S. Kirby, and Karl T. Schroeder

Towards Optimal Design of Cancer Nanomedicines: Multi-stage Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Solid Tumors, Triantafyllos Stylianopoulos, Eva-Athena Economides, James W. Baish, Dai Fukumura, and Rakesh K. Jain

Thirty Years of Hybridization between Toads along the Agua Fria River in Arizona: I. Evidence from Morphology and mtDNA, Brian K. Sullivan, Jessica Wooten, Terry D. Schwaner, Keith O. Sullivan, and Mizuki Takahashi

Formation of Deprotonated 2-Imidazoline-4(5)-One Product Ions in the Collision-Induced Dissociation of Some Serine-Containing Dipeptides, James Swan, Peter M. Findeis, Sheena Hilton, Kathryn M. Lebold, Berhane Temelso, and George C. Shields

Importance and Reliability of Small Basis Set CCSD(T) Corrections to MP2 Binding and Relative Energies of Water Clusters, Berhane Temelso, Carla R. Renner, and George C. Shields

Invincible Blades and Invulnerable Bodies: Weapons Magic in Early Modern Germany, B. Ann Tlusty

Invincible Blades and Invulnerable Bodies: Weapons Magic in Early-Modern Germany, B. Ann Tlusty


"Dark and Wicked Things": Slender Man, the Folkloresque, and the Implications of Belief, Jeffrey A. Tolbert

Comparison of Spherical and Flat Tips for Indentation of Hydrogels, Kelly J. Tong and Donna M. Ebenstein


The Quixotic Quest for Fairness: The SEC's Role in the Rise of High Frequency Trading, Jan Traflet and William R. Gruver

Rich Sentiments and the Cultural Politics of Emotion in Postreform Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Allen L. Tran

Product Archaeology: Unearthing Business Decisions, Joe Tranquillo, Donna Ebenstein, Eric Kennedy, Kathleen Bieryla, and Dan Cavanagh

Coding to Think: Teaching Algorithmic Thinking from Idea to Code, Joseph Tranquillo

Iteration by Design: Development of a Game-based Workshop for Teaching Innovation and Entrepreneurship Concepts, Joseph Tranquillo, C Bodnar, V Matthews, L Cavagnaro, T Monroe-White, and A Turrentine

Universal Quake Statistics: From Compressed Nanocrystals to Earthquakes, Jonathan T. Uhl, Shivesh Pathak, Danijel Schorlemmer, Xin Liu, Ryan Swindeman, Braden A.W. Brinkman, Michael LeBlanc, Georgios Tsekenis, Nir Friedman, Robert Behringer, Dmitry Denisov, Peter Schall, Xiaojun Gu, Wendelin J. Wright, Todd Hufnagel, Andrew Jennings, Julia R. Greer, P.K. Liaw, Thorsten Becker, Georg Dresen, and Karin A. Dahmen

From Restrained Golden Age to Creeping Platinum Age: A Periodization of Latin American Development in the Robinsonian Tradition = Da Idade do Ouro a Era Platinum Rastejante: Uma Periodização do Desenvolvimento Latino Americano na Tradição Robinsoniana, Matias Vernengo


How to Flirt Best: the Perceived Effectiveness of Flirtation Techniques, T. Joel Wade

How to Flirt Best: the Perceived Effectiveness of Flirtation Techniques, T. Joel Wade and Jennifer Slemp

I Can Dance: Further Investigations of the Effect of Dancing Ability on Mate Value, T. Joel Wade, Erin Weinstein, Nina Dalal, and Kelsey J. Salerno


I Can Dance: Further Investigations of the Effect of Dancing Ability on Mate Value, T. Joel Wade, Erin Weinstein, Nina Dalal, and Kelsey J. Salerno

Active, Collaborative Learning via Real-World Projects with Local Industrial Clients: Materials Selection and Product Design in an Upper-Level Undergraduate Elective, Katsuyuki Wakabayashi

Enhanced Flavor-Nutrient Conditioning in Obese Rats on a High-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Choice Diet, Hallie S. Wald and Kevin P. Myers

Enhanced Biosynthetically Directed Fractional Carbon-13 Enrichment of Proteins for Backbone NMR Assignments, Broc Wenrich, Reilly Sonstrom, Riju A. Gupta, and David Rovnyak


Combining Data from Multiple Agencies to Assess Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in a Large Gravel-Bed River, Matthew J. Wilson, Matthew McTammany, Michael D. Bilger, Sean Reese, and Benjamin R. Hayes

The Timing of Embryonic Exposure to Elevated Temperature Alters Stress Endocrinology in Domestic Chickens (Gallus domesticus), Kathryn Wilsterman, Andrew D. Mast, Thuyvan H. Luu, and Mark F. Haussmann

Ase and Amen, Sister! Black Feminist Scholars Engage in Interdisciplinary, Dialogical, Transformative Ethical Praxis, Thelathia Young and Shannon J. Miller

Brown Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus apella) Plan Their Movements on a Grasping Task, Stacey L. Zander and Peter G. Judge

Tensile and Fatigue Behavior of Layered Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, Sophia Ziemian, Maryvivian Okwara, and Constance W. Ziemian

The Curating Child: Runaways and Museums in Children's Fiction, Virginia Zimmerman

Submissions from 2014

The Reproduction and Ecology of Hypericum edisonianum: An Endangered Florida Endemic, Warren G. Abrahamson II and Sam P. Vander Kloet

k-Hyponormality and n-Contractivity for Agler-Type Shifts, Gregory Adams and George Exner


Novel Paramyxovirus Associated with Severe Acute Febrile Disease, South Sudan and Uganda, 2012, César G. Albariño, Michael Foltzer, Jonathan S. Towner, Lory A. Rowe, Shelley Campbell, Carlos M. Jaramillo, Brian H. Bird, DeeAnn Reeder, Megan E. Vodzak, Paul Rota, Maureen G. Metcalfe, Christina F. Spiropoulou, Barbara Knust, Joel P. Vincent, Michael A. Frace, Stuart T. Nichol, Pierre E. Rollin, and Ute Ströher

Bulk Metallic Glasses Deform via Slip Avalanches, James Antonaglia, Wendelin Wright, Xiaojun Gu, Rachel R. Byer, Todd C. Hufnagel, Michael LeBlanc, Jonathan T. Uhl, and Karin A. Dahmen

Strong Dynamical Heterogeneity and Universal Scaling in Driven Granular Fluids, Karina E. Avila, Horacio E. Castillo, Andrea Fiege, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, and Annette Zippelius

A ten-year retrospective of organization studies in community psychology: Content, theory, and impact, Neil Boyd

A ten-year Retrospective of Organization Studies in Community Psychology: Content, Theory, and Impact, Neil Boyd


Psychological Sense of Community: A New Construct for the Field of Management, Neil Boyd and Branda Nowell

Advantages and applications of transforming empirical model input space with dimensional models, Indranil Brahma

Analysis and prediction of transient opacity spikes using dimensional modeling, Indranil Brahma

An Investigation into the Accuracy of Orifice Based Flow Estimates for Pulsating Compressible Flows, Indranil Brahma


Groups Acting on Tensor Products, Peter A. Brooksbank


On Groups with a Class-Preserving Outer Automorphism, Peter A. Brooksbank

Distinctive Convergence in Australian Floral Colours Seen Through the Eyes of Australian Birds, Martin Burd, Tristan Stayton, Mani Shrestha, and Adrian G. Dyer

Hydration of the Sulfuric Acid-Methylamine Complex and Implications for Aerosol Formation, Danielle J. Bustos, Berhane Temelso, and George C. Shields


Hydration of the Sulfuric Acid−Methylamine Complex and Implications for Aerosol Formation, Danielle J. Bustos, Berhane Temelso, and George C. Shields

Effect of Trapping Agent and Polystyrene Chain End Functionality on Radical Trap-Assisted Atom Transfer Radical Coupling, Elizabeth M. Carnicom, Jessica A. Abruzzese, Yacouba Sidibe, Kenneth D. Myers, and Eric Tillman

Polymerization of Styrene and Cyclization to Macrocyclic Polystyrene in a One-Pot, Two-Step Sequence, Elizabeth M. Carnicom and Eric Tillman


Quotients of Koszul algebras and 2-d-determined algebras, Thomas Cassidy and Christopher Phan

Corrigendum to ``Generalizations of Graded Clifford Algebras and of Complete Intersections", Thomas Cassidy and Michaela Vancliff