Submissions from 2016
Attentional Flexibility and Memory Capacity in Conductors and Pianists, Andrea R. Halpern and Clemens Wöllner
On-sun testing of an advanced falling particle receiver system, Clifford K. Ho, Joshua M. Christian, Julius Yellowhair, Nathan P. Siegel, Sheldon Jeter, Matthew Golob, Said I. Abdel-Khalik, Clayton Nguyen, and Hany Al-Ansary
Reframing the Archive: Vietnamese Refugee Narratives in the Post-9/11 Period, Mai-Linh Hong
Arabic-Hebrew codeswitching: the case of the Druze community in Israel, Martin Isleem
Arabic-Hebrew codeswitching: the case of the Druze community in Israel, Martin Isleem
Arabic-Hebrew codeswitching: the case of the Druze community in Israel, Martin Isleem
'Nothing Is Sweet in My Mouth': Food, Identity, and Religion in African Lisbon, Michelle C. Johnson
The New Normal? Enhanced Psychological Well-Being from Public Accounting: Mitigating Conflict with Flexibility and Role Clarity, Ambrose Jones III and Cindy Guthrie
Unconventional Gas and Oil Development in the United States: Economics Experience and Policy Issues, Timothy W. Kelsey, Mark D. Partridge, and Nancy E. White
Enhanced Stability of the Fe(II)/Mn(II) State in a Synthetic Model of Heterobimetallic Cofactor Assembly, William D. Kerber, Joshua T. Goheen, Kaitlyn A. Perez, and Maxime A. Siegler
The Effect of Youth Poverty Rates and Migration on Adult Wages, Thomas A. Knapp and Nancy E. White
A Brain System for Auditory Working Memory, Sukhbinder Kumar, Sabine Joseph, Phillip E. Gander, Nicolas Barascud, Andrea R. Halpern, and Timothy D. Griffiths
Reply to Davis: Nitric Oxide Regulates Lymphatic Contractions, Christian Kunert, James W. Baish, Shan Liao, Timothy P. Padera, and Lance L. Munn
Subharmonicity, Comparison Results, and Temperature Gaps in Cylindrical Domains, Jeffrey J. Langford
The Clamped Plate in Gauss Space, Jeffrey J. Langford and Laura Mercredi Chasman
Avalanche Statistics from Data with Low Time Resolution, Michael LeBlanc, Aya Nawano, Wendelin J. Wright, Xiaojun Gu, Jonathan T. Uhl, and Karin A. Dahmen
The Experience of Magic, Jason Leddington
White-Nose Syndrome Survivors Do Not Exhibit Frequent Arousals Associated With Pseudogymnoascus destructans Infection, Thomas Mikael Lilley, Joseph Samuel Johnson, Lasse Ruokolainen, Elisabeth Jeanine Rogers, Cali Ann Wilson, Spencer Mead Schell, Ken Field, and DeeAnn Marie Reeder
The Effects of the Minimum Wage on Earnings Inequality: Evidence from China, Carl Lin and Myeong-Su Yun
Superiority in Humor Theory, Sheila Lintott
Inclusive Pedagogy: Beyond Simple Content, Sheila Lintott and LIssa Skitolsky
Adapting Female Agency: Rape in The Outrage and Rashōmon, Erik R. Lofgren
Differential Gaze Patterns on Eyes and Mouth During Audiovisual Speech Segmentation, Laina G. Lusk and Aaron D. Mitchel
Unused Medications and Disposal Patterns at Home: Findings from a Medicare Patient Survey and Claims Data, Daniel D. Maeng, Ryan Snyder, Charles J. Medico, Winona M. Mold, and James E. Maneval
Membrane Efficiency and Diffusive Tortuosity of a Dense Prehydrated Geosynthetic Clay Liner, Michael A. Malusis and Akmal S. Daniyarov
Prenatal Stress and Newborn Telomere Length, Nicole M. Marchetto, Rebecca A. Glynn, Mackenzie L. Ferry, Maja Ostojic, Sandra M. Wolff, Ruofan Yao, and Mark F. Haussmann
Evidence of Rock Kangaroo Seed Dispersal via Faecal Seed Storage in a Tropical Monsoon Community, Chris Martine, Ally Boni, Elizabeth Capaldi, Gemma Lionheart, and Ingrid E. Jordon-Thaden
New Functionally Dioecious Bush Tomato, Solanum ossicruentum, May Utilize “Trample Burr” Seed Dispersal., Chris Martine, Jason T. Cantley, Emma S. Frawley, Alice R. Butler, and Ingrid E. Jordon-Thaden
Solanum watneyi, a new bush tomato species from the Northern Territory, Australia named for Mark Watney of the book and film “The Martian”, Chris Martine, Emma S. Frawley, Jason T. Cantley, and Ingrid E. Jordon-Thaden
Communication, Cooperation, Coordination, Collaboration - The 4Cs: Interorganizational Partnering in Haiti, Eric C. Martin, Isabella Nolte, and Emma Vitola
Shirdi Sai Baba as Guru and God: Narasimhaswami’s Vision of the Samartha Sadguru, Karline McLain
Re-Building Coal Country: A Church/University Partnership, Carl Milofsky and Brandn Green
Morphology and Toughness Enhancements in Recycled High-Density Polyethylene (rHDPE) via Solid-State Shear Pulverization (SSSP) and Solid-State/Melt Extrusion (SSME), Evan V. Miu, Andrew J. Fox, Samuel H. Jubb, and Katsuyuki Wakabayashi
Carceral Space: Prisoners and Animals, Karen M. Morin
The Late-Modern American Jail: Epistemologies of Space and Violence, Karen M. Morin
Introduction to the Special Issue: Feminist Historical Geographies, Karen M. Morin, Tamar Rothenberg, and Mona Domosh
'As a Lever Gains Power by Its Distance from the Fulcrum’: Tracing Frederick Douglass in the Irish Atlantic World, Adrian N. Mulligan
Solid Stress and Elastic Energy as Measures of Tumour Mechanopathology, Hadi T. Nia, Hao Liu, Giorgio Seano, Meenal Datta, Dennis Jones, Nuh Rahbari, Joao Incio, Vikash P. Chauhan, Keehoon Jung, John D. Martin, Vasileios Askoxylakis, Timothy P. Padera, Dai Fukumura, Yves Boucher, Francis J. Hornicek, Alan J. Grodzinsky, James W. Baish, Lance L. Munn, and Rakesh K. Jain
Solar thermoelectricity via advanced latent heat storage, Michele L. Olsen, Jonathan E. Rea, Greg C. Glatzmaier, Corey L. Hardin, Christopher J. Oshman, J Vaughn, T. Roark, J. W. Raade, R. W. Bradshaw, Jeff Sharp, A. D. Avery, D. Bobela, R. Bonner, R. Wiegand, D. Campo, Philip A. Parilla, Nathan P. Siegel, E. S. Toberer, and D. S. Ginley
Improving Bayesian Reasoning: The Effects of Phrasing, Visualization, and Spatial Ability, Alvitta Ottley, Evan M. Peck, Lane T. Harrison, Daniel Afergan, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Holly A. Taylor, Paul K.J. Han, and Remco Chang
Do Hormones, Telomere Lengths, and Oxidative Stress form an Integrated Phenotype? A Case Study in Free-Living Tree Swallows., Jenny Q. Ouyang, Adam Z. Lendvai, Ignacio T. Moore, Frances Bonier, and Mark F. Haussmann
Modern ‘Junk Food’ and Minimally-processed ‘Natural Food’ Cafeteria Diets Alter the Response to Sweet Taste but Do Not Impair Flavor-Nutrient Learning in Rats, Kristen M. Palframan and Kevin P. Myers
Balancing the Costs of Wildlife Research with the Benefits of Understanding a Panzootic Disease, White-Nose Syndrome, DeeAnn Marie Reeder, Ken Field, and Matthew H. Slater
Concerted Hydrogen-Bond Breaking by Quantum Tunneling in the Water Hexamer Prism, Jeremy O. Richardson, Cristobal Perez, Simon Lobsiger, Adam A. Reid, Berhane Temelso, George C. Shields, Zbigniew Kisiel, David J. Wales, Brooks H. Pate, and Stuart C. Althorpe
“Count Him a Human Being”: David Grossman’s See Under: Love and Holocaust Perpetrators in Israeli Fiction, Or Rogovin
Ka-Tzetnik's Moral Viewpoint, Or Rogovin
Against Critique: Fluxus and the Hacker Aesthetic, Roger Rothman
Computing Jacobi Forms, Nathan C. Ryan, Nicolás Sirolli, Nils-Peter Skoruppa, and Gonzalo Tornaría
Formulas for Central Values of Twisted Spin L-Functions Attached to Paramodular Forms, Nathan C. Ryan, Gonzalo Tornaría, and Ralf Schmidt
Restaurants, Fields, Markets, and Feasts: Food and Culture in Semi-Public Spaces, Clare Sammells and Edmund Searles
To Sell Or Not to Sell: Country Food Markets and Inuit Identity in Nunavut, Edmund Searles
Peasant Revolts as Anti-authoritarian Archetypes for Radical Buddhism in Modern Japan, James Mark Shields
Comparative Life Cycle and Technoeconomic Assessment for Energy Recovery from Dilute Wastewater, Deborah L. Sills, Valerie L. Wade, and Thomas D. DiStefano
Lessons Learned from Implementing Application-Oriented Hands-On Activities for Continuous-Time Signal Processing Courses, Mario Simoni and Maurice F. Aburdene
Oil Capture from a Water Surface by a Falling Sphere, Linda Smolka, Clare K. McLaughlin, and Thomas P. Witelski
Perceived and Induced Emotion Responses to Popular Music: Categorical and Dimensional Models, Yading Song, Simon Dixon, Marcus T. Pearce, and Andrea R. Halpern
Ghrelin Receptor (GHS-R1A) Antagonism Alters Preference for Ethanol and Sucrose in a Concentration-Dependent Manner in Prairie Voles, Jennie Stevenson, Lisa Francomacaro, Amelia Bohidar, K. A. Young, B. F. Pesarchick, J. M. Buirkle, Elyse McMahon, and C. M. O'Bryan
Facultative Oviposition of Eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) in Response to Water Reduction of Aquatic Habitats, Mizuki Takahashi and Carolyn McPhee
From Embryos to Larvae: Seven-Month-Long Paternal Care by Male Japanese Giant Salamander, Mizuki Takahashi, Sumio Okada, and Yukihiro Fukuda
Toxic Residents: Health and Citizenship at Love Canal, Jennifer Thomson
Waiting for a Place: At Gravedigger’s Pub, Jeffrey Alan Tolbert
Queen of the Corporate Gadflies: Wilma Porter Soss, Janice Traflet
The Product Archaeology Canvas, Joseph Tranquillo
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Professional Development and Continuing Education for the Health Professions, Joseph Tranquillo and M Stecker
Tilasite From Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey: A Newly Recognized Assemblage, James A. Van Fleet and Earl R. Verbeek
Universal Scaling in the Aging of the Strong Glass Former SiO2, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, Christopher H. Gorman, and Horacio E. Castillo
Does Skin Color, Facial Shape, and Facial Width to Height Ratio (FWHR) Play a Role in Black Male Facial Evaluation, T. Joel Wade
Sex and the Perceived Effectiveness of Flirtation Techniques, T. Joel Wade and Andrea Feldman
Algal food and fuel coproduction can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions while improving land and water-use efficiency, Michael J. Walsh, Leda Gerber Van Doren, Deborah L. Sills, Ian Archibald, Colin M. Beal, Xin Gen Lei, Mark E. Huntley, and Zackary Johnson
How Game Changers Catalyzed, Disrupted, and Incentivized Social Innovation: Three Historical Cases of Nature Conservation, Assimilation, and Women’s Rights, Frances R. Westley, Katharine A. McGowan, Nino Antadze, Jaclyn Blacklock, and Ola Tjornbo
Staging (Within) Violence: A Conversation with Frank Wilderson and Jaye Austin Williams, Jaye Austin Williams
Resource Allocation in Food-Restricted Male Physocyclus mexicanus (Banks 1898) Spiders Does Not Favor Proportionally Larger Testes (Araneae: Pholcidae), Diane E. Wilson, Leocadia V. Paliulis, Kristen D. Felt, Emily N. Campbell, Olivia R. Cohen, Lauren E. Geisel, and Jove H. Graham
Attentional Flexibility and Memory Capacity in Conductors and Pianists, Clemens Wöllner and Andrea R. Halpern
Experimental Evidence for Both Progressive and Simultaneous Shear During Quasistatic Compression of a Bulk Metallic Glass, Wendelin J. Wright, Yun Liu, Xiaojun Gu, Katherine D. Van Ness, Steven L. Robare, Xin Liu, James Antonaglia, Michael LeBlanc, Jonathan T. Uhl, Todd C. Hufnagel, and Karin A. Dahmen
Telomere Length and Environmental Conditions Predict Stress Levels But Not Parental Investment in a Long-Lived Seabird, Rebecca C. Young, Christopher P. Barger, I Dorresteijm, Mark F. Haussmann, and Alexander S. Kitaysky
Characterization of Stiffness Degradation Caused By Fatigue Damage of Additive Manufactured Parts, Constance W. Ziemian, Ronald D. Ziemian, and Kellen V. Haile
Submissions from 2015
Synergistic Co-Digestion of Solid-Organic-Waste and Municipal-Sewage-Sludge: 1 plus 1 Equals More than 2 in Terms of Biogas Production and Solids Reduction, Peter Aichinger, Tanush Wadhawan, Martin Kuprian, Matthew Higgins, Christian Ebner, Christian Fimml, Sudhir Murthy, and Bernhard Wett
Constructing Frostman-Blaschke Products and Applications to Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces, John R. Akeroyd and Pamela Gorkin
A Recently Discovered Pathogenic Paramyxovirus, Sosuga Virus, is Present in Rousettus aegyptiacus Fruit Bats at Multiple Locations in Uganda, Brian R. Ammon, Cesar G. Albarino, Brian H. Bird, Luke Nyakarahuka, Tara K. Sealy, Stephen Balinandi, Amy J. Schuh, Shelly M. Campbell, Ute Stroher, Megan E.B. Jones, Megan E. Vodzak, DeeAnn Reeder, Winyi Kaboyo, Stuart T. Nichol, and Jonathan S. Towner
Examining the Role of Substantive Justice in Planning Controversial Facilities, Nino Antadze
Mapping Properties of the Heat Operator on Edge Manifolds, Eric Bahuaud, Emily Dryden, and Boris Vertman
Capital Accumulation, Profitability, and Crisis: Neoliberalism in the United States, Erdogan Bakir
Is Over-investment the Cause of the Post-2007 US Economic Crisis?, Erdogan Bakir and Al Campbell
Algal Biofuel Production for Fuels and Feed in a 100-Ha Facility: A Comprehensive Techno-Economic Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment, Colin M. Beal, Leda N. Gerber, Deborah L. Sills, Mark E. Huntley, Stephen C. Machesky, Michael J. Walsh, Jefferson W. Tester, Ian Archibald, Joe Granados, and Charles H. Greene
Aligning IT Funding Models to the Pace of Technology Change: Enabling Financial Flexibility for Core, Flexible, and Transformative Services, Param Bedi, Michael Biagini, Jennifer Burns, Michael D. Erickson, Christopher Falldine, Paige Francis, Jagan Gudur, Kyle Johnson, Gerard Krawczyk, Heather Maddox White, Angela Neria, Steven Smith, Nadine Stern, Jerome F. Waldron, and Deborah B. Whitten
Making a Difference: Moving Your Organization from Transactional to Transformational, Param Bedi and Jason Snyder
Evaluating the Impact of Rail-Trails: A Methodology for Assessing Travel Demand and Economic Impacts, Michelle Beiler, Kelly Burkhart, and Mike Nicholson
Teaching Sustainability Topics to Attract and Inspire the Next Generation of Civil Engineers, Michelle Beiler and Jeffrey C. Evans
Measuring the Sustainability of Shared-Use Paths: Development of the GreenPaths Rating System, Michelle Oswald Beiler and Emily Waksmunski
Integrating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Principles into the Civil Engineering Curriculum, Michelle R. Beiler
Effects of Prenatal Environment Are Revealed by Post-natal Challenges: Embryonic Hormone Exposure, Adrenocortical Function and Food in Seabird Chicks, Z. Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, Jannik Schultner, and Alexander S. Kitaysky
Effects of Prenatal Environment on Phenotype Are Revealed by Postnatal Challenges: Embryonic Hormone Exposure, Adrenocortical Function, and Food in Seabird Chicks, Z. Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, J. Schutner, and A. S. Kitaysky
Impulsive People Have a Compulsion for Immediate Gratification - Certain or Uncertain, Wojciech Bialaszek, Maciej Gaik, Elton G. McGoun, and Piotr Zielonka
Xbox Kinect Training to Improve Clinical Measures of Balance in Older Adults: A Pilot Study, Kathleen Bieryla
Effects of Age and Step Length on Joint Kinetics During Stepping Task, Kathleen Bieryla and Christine Buffinton
Effects of Age and Step Length on Joint Kinetics During Stepping Task, Katie Bieryla and Christine Buffinton
Macrocyclic Poly(Methyl Acrylate) and Macrocyclic Poly(Methyl Acrylate-Block-Styrene) Synthesized by Radical Trap-Assisted Atom Transfer Radical Coupling, Scott C. Blackburn, Kenneth D. Myers, and Eric Tillman
Synthesis of Cyclic Poly(methyl methacrylate) Directly from Dihalogenated Linear Precursors, Scott C. Blackburn and Eric Tillman
Introducing Thriving at Work to the Field of Community Psychology, Neil Boyd
Organization Theory in Community Contexts, Neil Boyd