Dynamic blockage in an exclusion process
Publication Date
Winter 12-8-2014
We study an asymmetric exclusion model with one dynamic roadblock particle. The roadblock particle is allowed to move diffusively as well as by long-range jumps mimicking an unbinding/rebinding process. Using Monte Carlo simulations and analytical arguments, the two types of roadblock moves are considered both separately and in combination. Several interesting dynamic phenomena are observed. The long-range jumps of the roadblock lead to a current that depends on the number of particles in the system rather than on the particle density, and thus scales linearly with the system size (up to a critical size). This behavior can be explained by a collective motion of all particles following the roadblock. The diffusive roadblock movements on the other hand lead to a ratcheting motion with the active (driven) particles pushing the roadblock forward.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Physics & Astronomy
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Recommended Citation
Dong, JiaJia. "Dynamic blockage in an exclusion process." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (2014) .