Submissions from 2011
The Priority of Racial Constituency over Descriptive Representation, Michael James
Picture Recognition of Food by Macaques (Macaca silenus), Peter G. Judge
Perseveration on a reversal-learning task correlates with rates of self-directed behavior in nonhuman primates, Peter G. Judge, David W. Evans, Kara K. Schroepfer, and Alyssa C. Gross
Economic Policies to Address the Environmental Consequences of Global Reuse, Thomas C. Kinnaman
The Economic Impacts of Shale Gas Extraction: Moving Beyond Jobs and Tax Revenues, Thomas C. Kinnaman
Opening the System: (Re)Writing Value Theory Discursively, David Kristjanson-Gural
Value, Cooperatives, and Class Justice, David Kristjanson-Gural
Interactions between forming stars and dense gas in the small low mass cluster Cederblad 110, Edwin F. Ladd, T. Wong, T. L. Bourke, and K. L. Thompson
Poema of Lieutenant Schmidt’s End: Pasternak’s Dialogue with Tsvetaeva through the Prism of Genre., Ludmila Lavine
Small-sized dichroic atomic vapor laser lock, Changmin Lee, G. Z. Iwata, E. Corsini, James M. Higbie, S. Knappe, M. P. Ledbetter, and D. Budker
Propagation of quantized fields in negative-index media, Martin K. Ligare and J. Mod
Preservation, Passivity, and Pessimism, Sheila Lintott
Experimental Infection of Bats with Geomyces destructans Causes White-nose Syndrome, Jeffrey M. Lorch, Carol U. Meteyer, Melissa J. Behr, Justin G. Boyles, Paul M. Cryan, Alan C. Hicks, Anne E. Ballmann, Jeremy T.H. Coleman, David N. Redell, DeeAnn Reeder, and David S. Blehert
Hydraulic Conductivity of Model Soil-Bentonite Backfills Subjected to Wet-Dry Cycling, Michael A. Malusis, Jeffrey C. Evans, and SeungChoel Yeom
Market Botany: A Plant Biodiversity Lab Module, Chris Martine
DNA Analysis Identifies Solanum from Litchfield National Park as a Lineage of S. dioicum, Chris Martine, E. M. Lavoie, N. P. Tippery, and D. H. Les
Media reform and development in Bosnia: An interorganizational account of the Media Issues Group, Eric Martin
Male-biased reproductive effort in a long-lived seabird., Robert A. Mauck, Jennifer L. Zangmeister, Jack Cercihara, Chalres E. Huntington, and Mark F. Haussmann
Tailoring Instructional Tasks to Meet Students’ Needs, A. R. McDuffie, K. Wohlhuter, and M. L. Breyfogle
Be United, Be Virtuous: Composite Culture and the Growth of Shirdi Sai Baba Devotion, Karline McLain
Review of Women Elders' Life Stories of the Omaha Tribe: Macy, Nebraska, 2004-2005, Karen M. Morin
Our Theories, Ourselves: Hierarchies of Place and Status in U.S. Academia, Karen M. Morin and Tamar Rothenberg
Levels-of-Processing Effects on "Remember" Responses in Recognition For Familiar and Unfamiliar Tunes, Esra Mungan, Zehra F. Peynircioğlu, and Andrea R. Halpern
Rats' Learned Preferences for Flavors Encountered Early or Late in a Meal Paired with the Postingestive Effects of Glucose, Kevin P. Myers and Margaret C. Whitney
Pinning and mode-locking of reaction fronts by vortices, G. M. O'Malley, M. S. Paoletti, M. E. Schwartz, and Thomas H. Solomon
Learning to write about mathematics, R. Parker and M. L. Breyfogle
Probing the Effects of Pi-pi Stacking on the Controlled Radical Polymerization of Styrene and Fluorinated Styrene, P. D. Pickett, S. C. Radzinski, and Eric Tillman
Effect of Pi-pi Stacking on the Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Styrene, P. D. Pickett, Eric Tillman, and A. F. Voter
Probing the Steric Limits of Rhodium Catalyzed Hydrophosphinylation. E-H addition vs. Dimerization/Oligomerization/Polymerization, M. E. Richard, K. P. Reese, J. J. Stone, P. D. Pickett, Eric Tillman, and R. A. Stockland Jr.
Testing the Functional Equation of High-degree Euler Products, Nathan C. Ryan, David W. Farmer, and Raf Schmidt
A Böcherer-Type Conjecture for Paramodular Forms, Nathan C. Ryan and Gonzalo Tornaría
Fatigue Behavior of SiC Particulate Reinforced Spray-Formed 7XXX Series Aluminum Alloys, Mala Sharma, Constance Ziemian, and Timothy Eden
Smashing the Mirror of Yamato: Sakaguchi Ango, Decadence & a Postmetaphysical Buddhist Critique of Culture, James Mark Shields
Genisses, exiles and (liberal) postmodern subjectivities, Rosemary E. Shinko
Assessment of commercial hemicellulases for saccharification of alkaline pretreated perennial biomass, Deborah L. Sills and James M. Gossett
Fingering instability down the outside of a vertical cylinder, Linda Smolka and Marc SeGall
Changes in Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy: From Science Methods to Student Teaching, Lori Smolleck
Playing with Science: An Investigation of Young Children’s Science Conceptions and Misconceptions, Lori Smolleck
Investigating the Effects of Conductivity of Zone Overlap with EMMA: Computer Simulation and Experiment, J. W. Stahl, A. D. Catherman, S. K. Ranasinghe, C. A. Seniveratne, and Timothy G. Strein
Biomechanics on the Half Shell: Functional Performance Influences Patterns of Morphological Variation in the Emydid Turtle carapace, Tristan Stayton
Terrestrial feeding in aquatic turtles: environment-dependent feeding behavior modulation and the evolution of terrestrial feeding in Emydidae, Tristan Stayton
Finite Element Modeling of Shell Shape in the Freshwater Turtle Pseudemys concinna Reveals a Trade-Off between Mechanical Strength and Hydrodynamic Efficiency, Tristan Stayton and Gabriel Rivera
Extensive clonal spread and extreme longevity in saw palmetto, a foundation clonal plant, Mizuki K. Takahashi, Liana M. Horner, Toshiro Kubota, Nathan A. Keller, and Warren G. Abrahamson II
Benchmark Structures and Binding Energies of Small Water Clusters with Anharmonicity Corrections, Berhane Temelso, Kaye A. Archer, and George C. Shields
The Role of Anharmonicity in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems: The Case of Water Clusters, Berhane Temelso and George C. Shields
The Role of Anharmonicity in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems: The Case of Water Clusters, Berhane Temelso and George C. Shields
Six-month-olds Comprehend Words That Refer to Parts of the Body, Ruth Tincoff
A Five-year Assessment of Mortality and Geographic Spread of White-Nose Syndrome in North American Bats, with a Look at the Future. Update of White-Nose Syndrome in Bats., Gregory G. Turner, DeeAnn Reeder, and Jeremy T.H. Coleman
Judaica, Rivka Ulmer
Judaica, Rivka Ulmer
Intravalley multiple scattering of quasiparticles in graphene, J. Vaishnav, J. Anderson, and J. Walls
Yellow-fluorescing calcite from Sterling Hill, James A. Van Fleet and E. R. Verbeek
Dimorphism in Shell Shape and Strength in Two Species of Emydid Turtle, Christine Vega and Tristan Stayton
Hydrodynamic correlation functions of a driven granular fluid in steady state, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, Timo Aspelmeier, and Annette Zippelius
Jealousy induction methods, sex, and the Big-5 personality dimensions, T. Joel Wade
Jealousy induction: Which tactics are perceived as most effective?, T. Joel Wade
A Simple Visual Demonstration of Phase Diagram Concepts for an Introductory Materials Science Course Using Colored Solvents, Katsuyuki Wakabayashi
"Alternate Solutions for Two Particular Third Order Kinetic Rate Laws", Brian W. Williams
Class Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758, Don E. Wilson and DeeAnn Reeder
China-India Relations in the 21st Century: A Critical Inquiry, Zhiqun Zhu
Submissions from 2010
Buddhist Thought: Murakami Senshō and Critical Buddhism, A. Aguilar-Arevalo and Sally Koutsoliotas
Measurement of the neutrino neutral-current elastic differential cross section on mineral oil at E(ν)~1 GeV, A. Aguilar-Arevalo and Sally Koutsoliotas
Discovery of a young L dwarf binary, SDSS224953.47+004404.6AB, Katelyn N. Allers, Michael C. Liu, Trent J. Dupuy, and Michael C. Cushing
Theoretical Calculations of Acid Dissociation Constants: A Review Article, Kristin S. Alongi and George C. Shields
Bundling Strategies When Products Are Vertically Differentiated and Capacities Are Limited, Mihai Banciu, Esther Gal-Or, and Prakash Mirchandani
Infrared diagnostics for the extended 12 μm sample of Seyferts, Stefi A. Baum, Jack F. Gallimore, Christopher P. O'Dea, Catherine L. Buchanan, Jacob Noel-Storr, David J. Axon, Andy Robinson, Moshe Elitzur, Meghan Dorn, Shawn Staudaher, and Martin Elvis
Empirically Based Ground Truth Criteria for Seismic Events Recorded at Local Distances on Regional Networks with Application to Southern Africa, K B. Boomer, Richard A. Brazier, and Andrew A. Nyblade
Secure Private Fragile Watermarking Scheme with Improved Tampering Localisation Accuracy, S. Bravo, Lu Gan, A. K. Nandi, and Maurice Aburdene
Influences on career choice in music education audition candidates: Pilot study, Kimberly H. Councill, D. A. Rickels, W. Fredrickson, M. Hairston, A. Porter, and M. Schmidt
Radical-radical Coupling of Polystyrene Chains Using AGET ATRP, K. D. Domingues and Eric Tillman
The Constitution of Toussaint, Michael J. Drexler and Ed White
The physical and dynamical structure of Serpens - Two very different sub-(proto)clusters, A. Duarte-Cabral, G. A. Fuller, N. Peretto, J. Hatchell, Edwin F. Ladd, J. Buckle, J. Richer, and S. F. Graves
Critical role of regulatory T cells in Th17-mediated minor antigen-disparate rejection, Ken Field
Effects of Damage to Auditory Cortex on the Discrimination of Speech Sounds by Rats, Owen Floody
The Effects of Airbags and Seatbelts on Occupant Injury in Longitudinal Barrier Crashes, Doug Gabauer and Hampton C. Gabler
Pendulum Testing as a Means of Assessing the Crash Performance of Longitudinal Barrier with Minor Damage, Doug Gabauer, Kristofer D. Kusano, Dhafer Marzougui, Kenneth Opiela, Martin Hargrave, and Hampton C. Gabler
We Did It Our Way: Motivations, Satisfactions, and Accomplishments of Senior Academic Women, Eugenia P. Gerdes
A Spitzer search for planetary-mass brown dwarfs with circumstellar disks: Candidate selection, Paul M. Harvey, Daniel T. Jaffe, Katelyn N. Allers, and Michael Liu
Telomeres: Linking stress and survival, ecology and evolution., Mark F. Haussmann
Parameters of Reform and Unifification in Modern Japanese, R. Holzlöhner, S. M. Rochester, D. Bonaccini Calia, D. Budker, James M. Higbie, and W. Hackenberg
Estimating Willingness to Pay for River Amenities and Safety Measures Associated with Shale Gas Extraction, Thomas C. Kinnaman
Global Reuse and Optimal Waste Policy, Thomas C. Kinnaman
Optimal Solid Waste Policy with Centralized Recycling Opportunities, Thomas C. Kinnaman
Solid Waste Management in the Caribbean, Thomas C. Kinnaman
The Costs of Municipal Curbside Recycling and Waste Collection, Thomas C. Kinnaman
The Economic Impact of Shale Gas Extraction: A Review of Existing Studies, Thomas C. Kinnaman
The Optimal Recycling Rate, Thomas C. Kinnaman
"Tethnaken a'dolos thelo:" Reading Sappho's 'Confession' (fr. 94) through Penelope, Stephanie Larson
Case and Events in Transitive Impersonals, James Lavine
Case and Events in Ukrainian Experiencer Predicates, James Lavine
Mood and a Transitivity Restriction in Lithuanian: The Case of the Inferential Evidential, James Lavine
From Lyric Indulgence to Epic Utopia: Vladimir Mayakovsky’s The Backbone Flute and War and the Universe., Ludmila Lavine
Effect of Temperature, Solvent, Lewis Acid, and Additives on the Polymerization of t-Butyl Vinyl Ether Using Lewis Acid-induced N-Methyleneamines as Cationic Initiators, J. G. Leasure, Eric Tillman, C. E. Brinkman, I. W. Monk, and N. A. Cohen
Classical thermodynamics of particles in harmonic traps, Martin K. Ligare
Feminist Aesthetics and the Neglect of Natural Beauty, Sheila Lintott
Perception of Emotion in Sounded and Imagined Music, Brian L. Lucas, Emery Schubert, and Andrea R. Halpern
Infinite Log-concavity: Developments and Conjectures, Peter McNamara and Bruce Sagan
Author Response, Review Essay Forum on Frontiers of Femininity: A New Historical Geography of the 19th Century American West, Karen M. Morin