
Submissions from 2010


Unpopular Archives, Karen M. Morin

Atmospheric Implications for Formation of Clusters of Ammonium and 1−10 Water Molecules, Thomas E. Morrell and George C. Shields

Placing Identity: Town, Land, and Authenticity in Nunavut, Canada, Edmund Searles


Processing and Composition Effects on the Fracture Behavior of Spray-Formed 7XXX Series Al Alloys, Mala M. Sharma, Constance W. Ziemian, and Timothy J. Eden


Beyond Belief: Japanese Approaches to the Meaning of Religion, James Mark Shields


The Pursuit of Tangible Happiness: Religion and Politics in a Japanese New, New Religion, James Mark Shields


Accurate Predictions of Water Cluster Formation, (H2O)n=2−10, Robert M. Shields, Berhane Temelso, Kaye A. Archer, Thomas E. Morrell, and George C. Shields

The Egyptian Gods in Midrashic Texts, Rivka Ulmer

The Jerusalem Temple in Pesiqta Rabbati: From Creation to Apocalypse, Rivka Ulmer


Aging to equilibrium dynamics of SiO2, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, J. A. Roman, and J. Horbach

An Easy and Efficient Route to Macrocyclic Polymers Via Intramolecular Radical-Radical Coupling of Chain Ends, A. F. Voter and Eric Tillman


Water resources, institutions, & intrastate conflict, Amanda Wooden

Speech Enhancement With Inventory Style Speech Resynthesis, Xiaoqiang Xiao and Robert Nickel


Mental Reversal of Imagined Melodies: A Role for the Posterior Parietal Cortex, Robert J. Zatorre, Andrea R. Halpern, and Marc Bouffard

Submissions from 2009

The Alliance for Progress and Housing Policy in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires in the 1960s, Leandro Benmergui


Im/possible Lives: Gender, Class, Self-Fashioning, and Affinal Solidarity in Modern South Asia, Coralynn V. Davis


Talking Tools, Suffering Servants, and Defecating Men: The Power of Storytelling in Maithil Women’s Tales, Coralynn V. Davis


Delayed rejection of MHC class II-disparate skin allografts in mice treated with farnesyltransferase inhibitors, Ken Field


Evaluation of Current Repair Criteria for Longitudinal Barrier with Crash Damage, Doug Gabauer and Hampton C. Gabler


Landfill Closure and Housing Values, Thomas C. Kinnaman


The Economics of Municipal Solid Waste Management, Thomas C. Kinnaman


Post-Structural Logic in Marx's Theory of Value, David Kristjanson-Gural


Brain Activation During Anticipation of Sound Sequences, Amber M. Leaver, Jennifer Van Lare, Brandon Zielinski, Andrea R. Halpern, and Josef P. Rauschecker

The interorganizational challenge of agricultural reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eric Martin and B. Fahey


Positivity Results on Ribbon Schur Function Differences, Peter McNamara and Stephanie van Willigenburg


Towards a Combinatorial Classification of Skew Schur Functions, Peter McNamara and Stephanie van Willigenburg

“By a Thousand Ingenious Feminine Devices”: The Ladies’ Land League and the Development of Irish Nationalism, Adrian N. Mulligan


Localization of deformed wing virus (DWV) in the brains of the honey bee, Apis mellifera Linnaeus, Karan Samir Shah, Elizabeth Capaldi, and Marie Pizzorno

Computational approaches for the design of peptides with anti-breast cancer properties, George C. Shields

Antiestrogenic and anticancer activities of peptides derived from the active site of alpha-fetoprotein, George C. Shields, Leroy C. Joseph, James A. Bennett, Karl N. Kirschner, John Hughes, Nicole Lostritto, Herbert I. Jacobson, and Thomas T. Andersen

Ramachandran-type Plots for Glycosidic Linkages: Examples from Molecular Dynamics Simulations using the Glycam06 Force Field, George C. Shields, Amanda M. Salisburg, Ashley L. Deline, Katrina W. Lexa, and Karl N. Kirschner


The Art of Aidagara: Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Quest for an Ontology of Social Existence in Watsuji Tetsurō’s Rinrigaku, James Mark Shields

Analysis of candidate genes and hypertension in African American adults., Keith E. Witfield, X Yao, K B. Boomer, George P. Vogler, M. D. Hayward, and D. J. Vandendergh

Submissions from 2008


Shortest Path Network Interdiction with Asymmetric Information, Matthew D. Bailey and Halil Bayrak


The Optimal Time to Initiate HIV Therapy Under Ordered Health States, Matthew D. Bailey, Steven M. Shechter, Andrew J. Schaefer, and Mark S. Roberts

Time-varying vital rates in ecotoxicology: Selective pesticides and aphid population dynamics, John E. Banks, Lara Dick, H T. Banks, and John D. Stark

Fragile Logo Watermarking for Public Authentication, S. Bravo, Lu Gan, A.K. Nandi, and Maurice Aburdene

Fragile logo watermarking for public authentication, S. Bravo, Lu Gan, A.K. Nandi, and Maurice F. Aburdene


Is the next generation of music teachers in your classroom?, Kimberly H. Councill, M. Schmidt, M. Hairston, and A. Porter


Pond-Women Revelations: The Subaltern Registers in Maithil Women's Expressive Forms, Coralynn V. Davis


Melody Recognition at Fast and Slow Tempos: Effects of Age, Experience, and Familiarity, W. Jay Dowling, James C. Bartlett, Andrea R. Halpern, and Melinda W. Andrews


Comparison of Roadside Crash Injury Metrics using Event Data Recorders, Doug Gabauer and Hampton C. Gabler

Pascal Filters, T.J. Goodman and Maurice F. Aburdene


I Know What I Like: Stability of Aesthetic Preference in Alzheimer's Disease, Andrea R. Halpern, Jenny Ly, Seth Elkin-Franklin, and Margaret G. O'Connor


An ERP Study of Major-Minor Classification in Melodies, Andrea R. Halpern, Jeffrey S. Martin, and Tara D. Reed


Effects of Timbre and Tempo Change on Memory for Music, Andrea R. Halpern and Daniel Mullensiefen


Money is Time: The Monetary Expression of Value in Marx's Theory of Value, David Kristjanson-Gural

Building a new Afghanistan. Book Review, Eric Martin

Where is the Lone Ranger when you need him? Book Review, Eric Martin


Necessary Conditions for Schur-Positivity, Peter McNamara

Charles P. Daly's Gendered Geography, 1860-1890, Karen M. Morin

Review of American Commodities in an Age of Empire, by M. Domosh, Karen M. Morin

Countering exclusion: the 'St. Pats for all' parade, Adrian N. Mulligan

Does Mental Illness Affect Consumer Direction of Community-Based Care? Lessons From the Arkansas Cash and Counseling Program, Ce Shen, Michael A. Smyer, Kevin J. Mahoney, Dawn M. Loughlin, Lori Simon-Rusinowitz, and Ellen K. Mahoney

Thermodynamics of the Hydroxyl Radical Addition to Isoprene, George C. Shields, Marco A. Allodi, and Karl N. Kirschner

Experimental and Theoretical Study of the OH Vibrational Spectra and Overtone Chemistry of Gas-Phase Vinylacetic Acid, George C. Shields, Meghan E. Dunn, Kaito Takahashi, Rex T. Skodje, and Veronica Vaida

Hydration of OCS with One to Four Water Molecules in Atmospheric and Laboratory Conditions, George C. Shields, Greg M. Hartt, and Karl N. Kirschner

Efficient and Accurate Characterization of the Bergman Cyclization for an Expanded Substructure of Esperamicin A1, George C. Shields, Edward C. Sherer, Karl N. Kirschner, Frank C. Pickard IV, Chantelle Rein, and Steven Feldgus


Faith and the Sublation of Modernity: Kierkegaard and the Transformation of Fideism, James Mark Shields


Marx and the Bible: José Miranda’s Critique of the Philosophy of Oppression, James Mark Shields


The Social Principles of Jesus: A Critical Re-examination of Walter Rauschenbusch’s Social Gospel, James Mark Shields

Midrash and the Bible, Rivka Ulmer

Two men under one cloak—the Sages permit it: Homosexual Marriage in Judaism, Rivka Ulmer and Jacob A. Moss


Joseph B. Cooke safety lamp, James A. Van Fleet

Submissions from 2007

Estimation of dynamic rate parameters in insect populations undergoing sublethal exposure to pesticides, H T. Banks, John E. Banks, Lara Dick, and John D. Stark

Statistical Consulting Courses for Undergraduates: Fortune or Folly?, K B. Boomer, Neal Rogness, and Brian Jersky


Can Developing Women Create Primitive Art? and Other Questions of Value, Meaning and Identity in the Circulation of Janakpur Art, Coralynn V. Davis

On discrete Pascal transform, Poisson sequence and Laguerre polynomials, T J. Goodman and Maurice F. Aburdene

On the Pascal transform and threshold selection, T J. Goodman and Maurice F. Aburdene


Commentary on "Timbre as an Elusive Component of Imagery for Music" by Freya Bailes, Andrea R. Halpern

Nation building in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Cooperation, coordination and collaboration, Eric Martin

The co-evolution of development needs and IOR forms: development by committee in Bosnia, Eric Martin

IORs in development assistance: USAID's agricultural project in Bosnia, Eric Martin and B. Fahey

In search of CS2(H2O)n = 1–4 clusters, George C. Shields, Karl N. Kirschner, Gregory M. Hartt, and Timothy M. Evans

Computational Design and Experimental Discovery of an Anti-estrogenic Peptide Derived from Alpha-Fetoprotein, George C. Shields, Karl N. Kirschner, Katrina W. Lexa, Amanda M. Salisburg, Katherine A. Alser, Leroy Joseph, Thomas T. Andersen, James A. Bennett, and Herbert I. Jacobsen

The Search for Low Energy Conformational Families of Small Peptides: Searching for Active Conformations of Small Peptides in the Absence of a Known Receptor, George C. Shields, Katrina W. Lexa, Katherine A. Alser, Amanda M. Salisburg, Damien J. Ellens, Lorena Hernandez, Sam J. Bono, Heather C. Michael, Jennifer R. Derby, Jaime J. Skiba, Steven Feldgus, and Karl N. Kirschner


Parameters of Reform and Unification in Modern Japanese Buddhist Thought: Murakami Senshō and Critical Buddhism, James Mark Shields

The Meanings of Work for Older Workers, Michael A. Smyer and Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes

Egyptian Magic and the Osiris Myth in Midrash, Rivka Ulmer

Methodological Considerations in Respect to Egyptian Cultural Icons in Rabbinic Literature: Cleopatra, Isis and Serapis, Rivka Ulmer

Visions of Egypt and Roman Palestine: A Dialectical Relationship between History and Homoletical Midrash, Rivka Ulmer

When Rabbis Became Philosophers, Rivka Ulmer

Efficient implementation of discrete Pascal transform using difference operators, Q. C. Zhong, A. K. Nandi, and Maurice F. Aburdene

Submissions from 2006

Probability and image enhancement, Maurice F. Aburdene and T J. Goodman

Pedagogical techniques and student outcomes in applied instrumental lessons taught by experienced and pre-service American music teachers., Kimberly H. Councill, J. C. Henninger, and P. J. Flowers

Mental Health and Aging at the 2005 White House Conference on Aging: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, Deborah DiGilio and Michael A. Smyer


In the Loop: One Librarian's Experiences Teaching Within First-Year Learning Communities, Nancy Frazier

A hardware implementation of the discrete Pascal transform for image processing, T J. Goodman and Maurice F. Aburdene

Interpolation using the discrete Pascal transform, T J. Goodman and Maurice F. Aburdene

Magnetic Flip Flops for Space Applications, Kenneth J. Hass, Gregory W. Donohoe, Yang-Ki Hong, and Byoung C. Choi


Examining the Justification for Residential Recycling, Thomas C. Kinnaman

The discrete Gould transform and its applications, H M. Le and Maurice F. Aburdene


Toward Eco-Friendly Aeshetics, Sheila Lintott

Excellence in business teaching: A quick start guide. Book Review, Eric Martin

Cooperation after war: International development in Bosnia, 1995 to 1999, Eric C. Martin, S. R. Faerman, and D. P. McCaffrey


Cylindric Skew Schur Functions, Peter McNamara


Poset Edge-Labellings and Left Modularity, Peter R. W. McNamara and Hugh Thomas

Hands-on projects in wireless and mobile computer network courses, X Meng, L F. Perrone, and Maurice F. Aburdene

Review of Nineteenth-Century Geographies: The Transformation of Space from the Victorian Age to the American Century, eds. H. Michie and R. Thomas, Karen M. Morin

Do Hydroxyl Radical−Water Clusters, OH(H2O)n, n = 1−5, Exist in the Atmosphere?, George C. Shields, Marco A. Allodi, Meghan E. Dunn, Jovan Livada, and Karl N. Kirschner