Submissions from 2025
Using a community of practice perspective to analyze MTE learning during lesson study, Mollie Appelgate, Lara Dick, Dittika Gupta, Melissa Soto, and Shawn Broderick
Stable polynomials and admissible numerators in product domains, Kelly Bickel, Greg Knese, James Pascoe, and Alan Sola
Submissions from 2024
Designing Approximations of Practice: The Case of Teacher Noticing JERM Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics, Nina G. Bailey, Lara Dick, Allison McCulloch, Demet D. Ozen, Jennifer Lovett, and Charity Cayton
Clark measures for rational inner functions II: general bidegrees and higher dimensions, Kelly Bickel, John Anderson, Linus Bergqvsist, Joseph Cima, and Alan Sola
Crouzeix's conjecture, compressions of shifts, and classes of nilpotent matrices, Kelly Bickel, Georgia Corbett, Annie Glenning, Changkun Guan, and Martin Vollmayr-Lee
Blaschke products, level sets, and Crouzeix's conjecture, Kelly Bickel and Pamela Gorkin
Local theory of stable polynomials and bounded rational functions of several variables, Kelly Bickel, Greg Knese, James Pascoe, and Alan Sola
Faces of Success: Highlighting the Benefits of Engaging Students in Undergraduate Research, Lynn Breyfogle and Karen Castle
The Formal Demography of Peak Population, Thomas Cassidy and Joshua R. Goldstein
Preparing Secondary Prospective Teachers to Teach Mathematics With Technology, chapter 11, Lara K. Dick
Lessons learned from researching online mathematics curriculum supplementation, Lara Dick and Amanda Sawyer
Decomposing the complex practice of whole class instructional decision making, Lara Dick, Melissa M. Soto, Mollie Appelgate, and Dittika Gupta
Applications of possibly hidden symmetry to Steklov and mixed Steklov problems on surfaces, Emily Dryden, Teresa Arias-Marco, Carolyn S. Gordon, Asma Hassannezhad, Allie Ray, and Elizabeth Stanhope
Characterizing Linearizable QAPs by the Level-1 Reformulation-Linearization Technique, Lucas Waddell and Warren Adams
Submissions from 2023
Quasisymmetric Functions Distinguishing Trees, Jean-Christophe Aval, Karimatou Djenabou, and Peter R. W. McNamara
Clark Measures for Rational Inner Functions, Kelly Bickel, Joseph Cima, and Alan Sola
Zero-free Regions Near a Line, Kelly Bickel, James Pascoe, and Meredith Sargent
Analytic Continuation of Concrete Realizations and the Mccarthy Champagne Conjecture, Kelly Bickel, James Pascoe, and Ryan Tully-Doyle
Special Issue: Examining the Impacts of Social Determinants on HIV Health and Prevention, K B. Boomer
Generalizing Parametrization Invariance in the Calculus of Variations, Sanjay Dharmavaram and Basant Lal Sharma
Exploring Grades 3-5 Mathematics Activities Found Online, Lara Dick, Amanda Sawyer, Margaret MacNeille, Emily Shapiro, and Tabitha Wismer
Decomposable Blaschke Products of Degree 2^n, Pamela Gorkin, Francesca Arici, Asuman Aksoy, and Maria Eugenia Celorrio Ramirez
Holistic Fleet Optimization Incorporating System Design Considerations, Stephen M. Henry, Matthew J. Hoffman, Lucas A. Waddell, and Frank M. Muldoon
Computational Modeling of Coupled Interactions of Fluid Membranes with Embedded Filaments, Basant Lal Sharma, Luigi E. Perotti, and Sanjay Dharmavaram