
Submissions from 2023

PDE Comparison Principles for Robin Problems, Jeffrey J. Langford

Maximizers Beyond the Hemisphere for the Second Neumann Eigenvalue, Jeffrey J. Langford and Richard Laugesen

Scaling Inequalities for Spherical and Hyperbolic Eigenvalues, Jeffrey J. Langford and Richard S. Laugesen


The Prevalence and Use of Emerging Technologies in Steam Education: a Systematic Review of the Literature, Aisling Leavy, Lara Dick, Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Efi Paparistodemou, and Elena Stylianou


A Framework to Support Teacher Noticing of Students' Mathematical Thinking in Technology-mediated Environments, Allison McCulloch, Lara Dick, and Jennifer Lovett


Can TV Make You a Better Stats Communicator?, Sara Stoudt


An LP-based Characterization of Solvable QAP Instances with Chess-board and Graded Structures, Lucas Waddell, Jerry Phillips, Tianzhu Liu, and Swarup Dhar


COVID-19, Employment, and Quality of Life Among People Living With HIV, Jen Chiu Yung-Chen, K B. Boomer, Liza M. Conyers, and Mark Misrok

Submissions from 2022


Using a Framework to Develop Preservice Teacher Noticing of Students’ Mathematical Thinking Within Technology-mediated Learning, Nina G. Bailey, Demet Yalman Ozen, Jennifer Lovett, Allison McCulloch, Lara Dick, and Charity Cayton


Measuring Phases of Employment Decision-Making and the Need for Vocational Services as a Social Determinant of the Health of Employed People Living with HIV, K B. Boomer, Liza M. Conyers, Yili Wang, and Yung-Chen Jen Chiu

Evaluating clinical and demographic influences on health perception: A translation of the SF-12 for use with NHANES, Elise C. Covert, Anna M. Baker, and Owais Gilani

Coupled Bend-Twist Mechanics of Biomimetic Scale Substrate, Sanjay Dharmavaram, Hossein Ebrahimi, and Ranajay Ghosh


A Lagrangian Thin-Shell Finite Element Method for Interacting Particles on Fluid Membranes, Sanjay Dharmavaram, Xinran Wan, and Luigi E. Perotti


A Lagrangian Thin-Shell Finite Element Method for Interacting Particles on Fluid Membranes, Sanjay Dharmavaram, Xinran Wan, and Luigi E. Perotti


Continuous Improvement Lesson Study: A Model of MTE Professional Development, Lara Dick, Mollie M. Appelgate, Dittika D. Gupta, and Melissa M. Soto

Preservice Teacher Noticing of Students’ Mathematical Thinking in a Technology-mediated Learning Environment, Lara Dick, Jennifer Lovett, Allison McCulloch, Charity Cayton, Nina G. Bailey, and Demet Yalman Ozen


Strengthening a Linear Reformulation of the 0-1 Cubic Knapsack Problem via Variable Reordering, Richard Forrester and Lucas Waddell

A Sharp Isoperimetric Inequality for the Second Eigenvalue of the Robin Plate, Jeffrey J. Langford and L. Mercredi Chasman


Positivity among P-partition generating functions, Nathan R. T. Lesnevich and Peter R. W. McNamara


Editorial: New and Emerging Technologies for STEAM Teaching and Learning, Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Efi Paparistodemou, Lara Dick, Aisling Leavy, and Elena Stylianou

Submissions from 2021

Two-weight Tb Theorems for Well-localized Operators, Kelly Bickel, Brett Wick, and Taneli Korhonen


On the ranks of string C-group representations for symplectic and orthogonal groups, Peter A. Brooksbank

Examining the Relationships Between Social Determinants of Health and Health-related Quality of Life Among Individuals Living with HIV, Yung-Chen Jen Chiu, K B. Boomer, Liza Conyers, Yili Wang, and Mark Misrok

A Gauge-fixing Procedure for Spherical Fluid Membranes and Application to Computations, Sanjay Dharmavaram

When Students Use Technology Tools, What are You Noticing?, Lara Dick, Allison McCulloch, and Jennifer Lovett