
Submissions from 2015

The Module Isomorphism Problem Reconsidered, Peter A. Brooksbank and James B. Wilson


Validating the Client Focused Considering Work Model for People Living With HIV and Quantifying the Phases of Change of Commitment to Work, Liza M. Conyers and K B. Boomer

Nonexpansive Z(2)-Subdynamics and Nivat's Conjecture, Van Cyr and Bryna Kra


Decomposing Finite Blaschke Products, Ulrich Daepp, Pamela Gorkin, Andrew Shaffer, Benjamin Sokolowsky, and Karl Voss

Weighted Shifts Induced by Hamburger Moment Sequences, George R. Exner, Joo Young Jinh, Ii Bong Jung, and Mi Ryeong Lee

Diet-Related Chronic Disease in the Northeastern United States: a Model-Based Clustering Approach, Abby Flynt

Diet-Related Chronic Disease in the Northeastern United States: a Model-Based Clustering Approach, Abby Flynt and Madeleine I.G. Daepp


Visualizing the Imaginary, Pamela Gorkin

Constructing Frostman-Blaschke Products and Applications to Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces, Pamela Gorkin and John Akeroyd

Thin Sequences and Their Role in H-P Theory, Model Spaces, and Uniform Algebras, Pamela Gorkin, Sandra Pott, and Brett D. Wick

Thin Sequences and Their Role in Hp Theory, Model Spaces, and Uniform Algebras, Pamela Gorkin, Brett Wick, and Sandra Pott

Neumann Comparison Theorems in Elliptic PDEs, Jeffrey J. Langford

Symmetrization of Poisson's equation with Neumann Boundary Conditions, Jeffrey J. Langford


On the Topology of the Permutation Pattern Poset, Peter R. W. McNamara and Einar SteingrĂ­msson


Bayesian Function-on-Function Regression for Multilevel Functional Data, Mark J. Meyer, Brent A. Coull, Francesco Versace, Paul Cinciripini, and Jeffrey S. Morris

On Groups Presented by Monadic Rewriting Systems with Generators of Finite Order, Adam Piggott


Is Any Job Better than No Job? Labor Market Experiences and Depressive Symptoms in People Living with HIV, Sergio Rueda, Peter Smith, Tsegaye Bekele, Kelly O'Brien, Winston Husbands, Alan Li, Murray Jose-Boerbridge, Nicole Mittmann, Anita Rachlis, Liza Conyers, K B. Boomer, and Sean O'Rouke

Emission of herbivore elicitor-induced sesquiterpenes is regulated by stomatal aperture in maize (Zea mays) seedlings, I. Seidl-Adams, A. Richter, K B. Boomer, N. Yoshinaga, and J. H. Tumlinson

Submissions from 2014

k-Hyponormality and n-Contractivity for Agler-Type Shifts, Gregory Adams and George Exner


Groups Acting on Tensor Products, Peter A. Brooksbank


On Groups with a Class-Preserving Outer Automorphism, Peter A. Brooksbank


Quotients of Koszul algebras and 2-d-determined algebras, Thomas Cassidy and Christopher Phan

Corrigendum to ``Generalizations of Graded Clifford Algebras and of Complete Intersections", Thomas Cassidy and Michaela Vancliff

Examining the Role of Vocational Rehabilitation on Access to Care and Public Health Outcomes for People Living with HIV/AIDS, Liza M. Conyers and K B. Boomer

Examining the role of vocational rehabilitation on access to care and public health outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS, Liza M. Conyers and K B. Boomer