Submissions from 2015
Enhanced Flavor-Nutrient Conditioning in Obese Rats on a High-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Choice Diet, Hallie S. Wald and Kevin P. Myers
Brown Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus apella) Plan Their Movements on a Grasping Task, Stacey L. Zander and Peter G. Judge
Submissions from 2014
A Cross-Sectional Survey of Repetitive Behaviors and Restricted Interests in a Typically Developing Turkish Child Population, Ahmet Cevikaslan, David W. Evans, Ceyda Dedeoglu, Sibel Kalaca, and Yanki Yazgan
The Complexity of Quest in Emerging Adults’ Religiosity, Well-being, and Identity., Kaye V. Cook, Cynthia N. Kimball, Kathleen C. Leonard, and Chris Boyatzis
The Complexity of Quest in Emerging Adults' Religiosity, Well-Being, and Identity, Kaye V. Cook, Cynthia N. Kimball, Kathleen C. Leonard, and Chris Boyatzis
Processes Regulating the Initiation and Postejaculatory Resumption of Copulatory Behavior in Male Hamsters, Owen Floody
Rapid Facilitation of Ultrasound Production and Lordosis in Female Hamsters by Horizontal Cuts Between the Septum and Preoptic Area, Owen Floody and Sheena L. Czipri
Role of Acetylcholine in Control of Sexual Behavior of Male and Female Mammals, Owen R. Floody
Social Cognition and Neural Substrates of Face Perception: Implications for Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Steven M. Lazar, David W. Evans, Scott M. Myers, Andres Moreno-De Luca, and Gregory J. Moore
Multimodal Integration in Statistical Learning: Evidence from the McGurk Illusion, Aaron D. Mitchel, Morten H. Christiansen, and Daniel J. Weiss
Visual Speech Segmentation: Using Facial Cues to Locate Word Boundaries in Continuous Speech, Aaron Mitchel and Daniel J. Weiss
Prioritization of Potential Mates' History of Sexual Fidelity During a Conjoint Ranking Task, Justin K. Mogilski, T. Joel Wade, and Lisa L.M. Welling
The Role of Features and Context in Recognition of Novel Melodies, Daniel Mullensiefen and Andrea R. Halpern
Oral Self-Administration of EtOH: Sex-Dependent Modulation by Running Wheel Access in C57BL/6J Mice, Carlos Piza-Palma, Elizabeth T. Barfield, Jadeda A. Brown, James C. Hubka, Cade Lusk, Charles A. Schonhar, Sean C. Sweat, and Judith E. Grisel
AAC&U's Integrative Liberal Learning and the CAS Standards: Advising for a 21st Century Liberal Education, Rich Robbins
Submissions from 2013
Beta-Endorphin Modulates the Effect of Stress on Novelty-Suppressed Feeding, Elizabeth T. Barfield, V. Alexandra Moser, Annie Hand, and Judith E. Grisel
Oxotremorine Delays and Scopolamine Accelerates Sexual Exhaustion When Applied to the Preoptic Area in Male Hamsters, Owen R. Floody
Responses to Central Oxotremorine and Scopolamine Support the Cholinergic Control of Male Mating Behavior in Hamsters, Owen R. Floody and Laina G. Lusk
Common Parietal Activation in Musical Mental Transformations Across Pitch and Time, Nicholas E.V. Foster, Andrea R. Halpern, and Robert J. Zatorre
Dancing Diaspora: Chineseness as a Moving Concept, Eugenia P. Gerdes
Risk Judgment in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Testing a Dual-Systems Account, Gideon Goldin, Mascha Van 't Wout, Steven A. Sloman, David W. Evans, Benjamin D. Greenberg, and Steven A. Rasmussen
Stability of Art Preference in Frontotemporal Dementia, Andrea R. Halpern and Margaret G. O'Connor
Witnessing reconciliation reduces arousal of bystanders in a baboon group (Papio hamadryas hamadryas), Peter G. Judge and Katherine A. Bachmann
Witnessing reconciliation reduces arousal of bystanders in a baboon group (Papio hamadryas hamadryas), Peter G. Judge and Katherine A. Bachmann
Capuchin Monkeys Exercise Self-control by Choosing Token Exchange Over an Immediate Reward, Peter G. Judge and Jennifer L. Essler