
Submissions from 2019


Parenting, Religion, and Spirituality, Annette Mahoney and Chris J. Boyatzis


Integrating Multiculturalism and Intersectionality Into the Psychology Curriculum: Strategies for Instructors, Jasmine Mena and Kathryn Quina


Self-perceived success in mate poaching: How a couple's attractiveness and relationship duration impact men’s short-term poaching intentions., James Moran and T. Joel Wade


Portion Size Influences Intake in Samburu Kenyan People Not Exposed to the Western Obesogenic Environment, Kevin P. Myers, Jeffrey M. Brunstrom, Peter J. Rogers, and Jon D. Holtzman


No Evidence that Portion Size Influences Food Consumption in Male Sprague Dawley Rats, Fabien Naniex, Sophie C. Pinder, Megan Y. Summers, Renee M. Rouleau, Eric Robinson, Kevin P. Myers, and James E. McCutcheon


Covert singing in anticipatory auditory imagery, Tim A. Pruitt, Andrea R. Halpern, and P. Q. Pfordresher


Campus sexual assault, Kevin M. Swartout and William F. Flack Jr.


Universal Black female beauty: An examination of waist-to-hip ratios over forty-three years., T. Joel Wade and Tanja Bekhuis


Perceptions of a mismatched couple: The role of attractiveness on mate poaching and copying, T. Joel Wade and James Moran

Submissions from 2018


Working Memory and Auditory Imagery Predict Sensorimotor Synchronisation With Expressively Timed Music, Ian D. Colley, Peter E. Keller, and Andrea R. Halpern

From Intuitive Spatial Measurement to Understanding of Units, Eliza Congdon


Inner World of Music (And Other Sounds), Andrea R. Halpern


Who's That Knocking at My Door? Neural Bases of Sound Source Identification, Guillaume Lemaitre, John A. Pyles, Andrea R. Halpern, Nicole Navolio, Matthew Lehet, and Laurie M. Heller


Snapchat as a new tool for sexual access: Are there sex differences?, James Moran, Kelsey Salerno, and T. Joel Wade


The convergence of psychology and neurobiology in flavor-nutrient learning, Kevin P. Myers


Score one for jazz: Working memory in jazz and classical musicians, Bryan E. Nichols, Clemens Wöllner, and Andrea R. Halpern


Attraction to Sad Music: The Role of Imagery, Absorption, and Rumination, Emery Schubert, Andrea R. Halpern, Gunter Kreutz, and Sandra Garrido

Aging and Mental Health, Third Edition, Daniel L. Segal; Michael A. Smyer; Sara Honn Qualls; and Recorded Books, Inc.


Measuring campus sexual misconduct and its context: The Administrator-Researcher Campus Climate Consortium (ARC3) Survey, Kevin M. Swartout, William F. Flack Jr., Sarah L. Cook, Loreen N. Olson, Paige Hall Smith, and Jacquelyn W. White

Submissions from 2017

Promoting healthy food preferences from the start: a narrative review of food preference learning from the prenatal period through early childhood, Stephanie Anzman-Frasca, Alison K. Ventura, Sarah Ehrenburg, and Kevin P. Myers


Musical Expertise Has Minimal Impact on Dual Task Performance, Gianna Cocchini, Maria Serena Filardi, Marcela Crhonkova, and Andrea R. Halpern


Pitch Imitation Ability in Mental Transformations of Melodies, Emma B. Greenspon, Peter Q. Pfordresher, and Andrea R. Halpern


Audience Reactions to Repeating A Piece on A Concert Programme, Andrea R. Halpern, Chloe H.K. Chan, Daniel Müllensiefen, and John Sloboda


Are Musical Autobiographical Memories Special? It Ain’t Necessarily So, Andrea R. Halpern, Jennifer M. Talarico, Nura Gouda, and Victoria J. Williamson


That Note Sounds Wrong! Age-Related Effects in Processing of Musical Expectation, Andrea R. Halpern, Ioanna Zioga, Martin Shankleman, Job Lindsen, Marcus T. Pearce, and Joydeep Bhattacharya