
Submissions from 2013

Attachment to God: A Qualitative Exploration of Emerging Adults’ Spiritual Relationship with God., Cynthia N. Kimball, Chris Boyatzis, Kaye V. Cook, Kathleen C. Leonard, and Kelly S. Flanagan

Meaning Making in Emerging Adults' Faith Narratives: Identity, Attachment, and Religious Orientation, Cynthia N. Kimball, Kaye V. Cook, Chris Boyatzis, and Kathleen C. Leonard

Study Abroad Increases Risk for Sexual Assault in Female Undergraduates: A Preliminary Report, Matthew Kimble, William F. Flack Jr., and Emily Burbridge


Parent-Child Dynamics and Emerging Adult Religiosity: Attachment, Parental Beliefs, and Faith Support, Kathleen C. Leonard, Kaye V. Cook, Chris Boyatzis, Cynthia N. Kimball, and Kelly S. Flanagan


Does the Presence of a Learning Disability Elicit a Stigmatization?, Kelsey Lisle and T. Joel Wade

Feature Versus Spatial Strategies by Orangutans (Pongo abelii) and Human Children (Homo sapiens) in a Cross-Dimensional Task, Heidi L. Marsh, Laura Adams, Catherine Floyd, and Suzanne E. MacDonald


Friendship as a relationship infiltration tactic during human mate poaching., Justin Mogilski and T. Joel Wade

Developmental Brain Dysfunction: Revival and Expansion of Old Concepts Based on New Genetic Evidence, Andres Moreno-De-Luca, Scott M. Myers, Thomas D. Challman, Daniel Moreno-De-Luca, David W. Evans, and David H. Ledbetter


Rats Acquire Stronger Preference for Flavors Consumed Towards the End of a High-fat Meal, Kevin P. Myers


Rats Acquire Stronger Preference for Flavors Consumed Towards the End of a High-fat Meal, Kevin P. Myers


Sensory-specific Appetition: Postingestive Detection of Glucose Rapidly Promotes Continued Consumption of a Recently Encountered Flavor, Kevin P. Myers, Marisa S. Taddeo, and Emily K. Richards

A Mind for Singing, Peter Q. Pfordresher, Leslie Fagan, Rachel Rensink-Hoff, McMaster University Chamber Choir, and Andrea R. Halpern


Auditory Imagery and the Poor-Pitch Singer, Peter Q. Pfordresher and Andrea R. Halpern


Friendship as a relationship infiltration tactic during human mate poaching, T. Joel Wade


Letter of Purpose of the Feminist Evolutionary Psychology Society, T. Joel Wade


The Big-5 and the Perceived Effectiveness of Love Acts, T. Joel Wade


The Big-5 and the perceived effectiveness of love acts, T. Joel Wade and Jamie Vanartsdalen

The Interface Between Morphology and Action Planning: a Comparison of Two Species of New World Monkeys, Stacey L. Zander, Daniel J. Weiss, and Peter G. Judge


The interface between morphology and action planning: a comparison of two species of New World monkeys, Stacey L. Zander, Dan J. Weiss, and Peter G. Judge

Submissions from 2012


Human Preferences for Symmetry: Subjective Experience, Cognitive Conflict and Cortical Brain Activity, David W. Evans, Patrick T. Orr, Steven M. Lazar, Daniel Breton, Jennifer Gerard, David H. Ledbetter, Kathleen Janosco, Jessica Dotts, and Holly Batchelder


Dementia and Music: Challenges and Future Directions, Andrea R. Halpern


Dynamic Aspects of Musical Imagery, Andrea R. Halpern


Introduction to the Neurosciences and Music IV: Learning and Memory, Andrea R. Halpern


Introduction to Special Issue: Dementia and Music, Andrea R. Halpern, Isabelle Peretz, and Lola L. Cuddy


Neuronal Correlates of Perception, Imagery, and Memory for Familiar Tunes, Sibylle C. Herholz, Andrea R. Halpern, and Robert J. Zatorre