Submissions from 2012
Effects of apomorphine on mating behavior, flank marking and aggression in male hamsters, Molly M. Hyer, Laura M. Rycek, and Owen Floody
Semantic Priming of Familiar Songs, Sarah K. Johnson and Andrea R. Halpern
Transport of Functionally Appropriate Tools by Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella), Peter G. Judge
Aging and mental health in the decade ahead: What psychologists need to know, Michele J. Karel, Margaret Gatz, and Michael A. Smyer
Everything You Have Always Wanted to Know About Academic Advising (Well, Almost...), Rich Robbins
Sex Differences in Hookup Behavior: a Replication and Examination of Parent-Child Relationship Quality, Jen Shukusky and T. Joel Wade
Investigation into the Specificity of Angiotensin II-induced Behavioral Desensitization, Peter J. Vento, Kevin P. Myers, and Derek Daniels
Individual Differences in First and Fourth Year College Women’s Short Term Mating Strategy Preferences and Perceptions, T. Joel Wade
Mate expulsion and sexual conflict, T. Joel Wade
Sex Differences in Hookup Behavior: A Replication and Examination of Parent-Child Relationship Quality, T. Joel Wade
Individual differences in first and fourth year college women’s short term mating strategy preferences and perceptions, T. Joel Wade and Maggie Cohen
Are there sex differences in reaction to different types of sexual infidelity?, T. Joel Wade, Ryan Kelley, and Dominique Church
Submissions from 2011
Archeopsychology and the Modern Mind, Douglas Keith Candland
Contextual Information and Memory for Unfamiliar Tunes in Older and Younger Adults, Samantha A. Deffler and Andrea R. Halpern
Cortical activity and children’s rituals, habits and other repetitive behavior: A visual P300 study, David W. Evans and Ashley Maliken
Cholinergic Control of Male Mating Behavior in Hamsters: Effects of Central Oxotremorine Treatment, Owen Floody
Cholinergic Control of Male Mating Behavior in Hamsters: Effects of Systemic Agonist or Antagonist Treatment, Owen Floody
Organization of Mating Behavior in Male Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), Owen Floody
More than Tunes in Your Head: Dynamic Aspects of Auditory Imagery for Music, Andrea R. Halpern
The Persistence of Musical Memories: A Descriptive Study of Earworms, Andrea R. Halpern and James C. Bartlett
Picture Recognition of Food by Macaques (Macaca silenus), Peter G. Judge
Perseveration on a reversal-learning task correlates with rates of self-directed behavior in nonhuman primates, Peter G. Judge, David W. Evans, Kara K. Schroepfer, and Alyssa C. Gross
Levels-of-Processing Effects on "Remember" Responses in Recognition For Familiar and Unfamiliar Tunes, Esra Mungan, Zehra F. Peynircioğlu, and Andrea R. Halpern
Rats' Learned Preferences for Flavors Encountered Early or Late in a Meal Paired with the Postingestive Effects of Glucose, Kevin P. Myers and Margaret C. Whitney
Six-month-olds Comprehend Words That Refer to Parts of the Body, Ruth Tincoff