Submissions from 2024
Translational science approaches for food insecurity research, Kevin P. Myers and Jennifer L. Temple
Adolescent Food Insecurity in Female Rodents and Susceptibility to Diet-induced Obesity, Mai O. Spaulding, Jessica R. Hoffman, Grace C. Madu, Magen N. Lord, Caroline S. Iizuka, Kevin P. Myers, and Emily E. Noble
Is Hey Jude in the right key? Cognitive components of absolute pitch memory, Stephen C. Van Hedger, Andrea R. Halpern, David J. Vollweiler, Evan E. Smith, and Peter Q. Pfordresher
Is Hey Jude in the Right Key? Cognitive Components of Absolute Pitch Memory, Stephen C. Van Hedger, Andrea Halpern, David J. Vollweiler, Evan E. Smith, and Peter Q. Pfordresher
Experimental Biology Can Inform Our Understanding of Food Insecurity, Linda Wilbrecht, Wan Chen Lin, Kathryn Callahan, Melissa Bateson, Kevin P. Myers, and Rachel Ross
The Activated Singer: Components of an Emerging Singing Identity in Adults Learning to Sing, Karen J. Wise and Andrea R. Halpern
Submissions from 2023
Exploring the Validity of a Modified Version of the SES-SFV with Students Attending Northern Irish Universities, Ngozi Anyadike-Danes, Megan Reynolds, William F. Flack Jr., and Cherie Armour
Alcohol, Drug Use and Experiences of Sexual Violence Victimisation Among First-year College Students in Ireland, Lorraine Burke, Kate Dawson, William F. Flack, Siobhán O’Higgins, Charlotte McIvor, and Pádraig MacNeela
Subvocalization During Preparatory and Non-preparatory Auditory Imagery, Emma B. Greenspon, Anna M. Gentile, Tim A. Pruitt, Andrea R. Halpern, and Peter Q. Pfordresher
Dating Around: Investigating Gender Differences in First Date Behavior Using Self‐Report and Content Analyses from Netflix, James B. Moran, Courtney L. Crosby, Taylor Himes, and T. Joel Wade
AgRP Neuron Activity Promotes Associations Between Sensory and Nutritive Signals to Guide Flavor Preference, Nathaniel T. Nyema, Aaron D. McKnight, Alexandra G. Vargas-Elvira, Heather M. Schneps, Elizabeth G. Gold, Kevin P. Myers, and Amber L. Alhadeff
Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne L. Fisher, Karla M. Kenny, and James Moran
Relationship Dissatisfaction and Partner Access Deficits, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne Fisher, and James Moran
Submissions from 2022
What Do Less Accurate Singers Remember? Pitch-matching Ability and Long-term Memory for Music, Andrea R. Halpern and Peter Q. Pfordresher
Students responses to differing trigger warnings: A replication and extension, Matthew Kimble, Jennifer Koide, and William F. Flack
Surveys of experiences of sexual violence and harassment in higher education: reports and findings, Pádraig Macneela, Kate Dawson, Theresa O’Rourke, Siobhán Healy-Cullen, Lorraine Burke, and William F. Flack Jr.
Imagined Musical Scale Relationships Decoded from Auditory Cortex, Lloyd May, Andrea R. Halpern, Sean D. Paulsen, and Michael A. Casey
The Promise of Labor-based Grading Contracts for the Teaching of Psychology and Neuroscience, Jasmine Mena and Jennie Stevenson
Chronic Experience with Unpredictable Food Availability Promotes Food Reward, Overeating, and Weight Gain in a Novel Animal Model of Food Insecurity, Kevin P. Myers, Marta Majewski, Dominique Schaefer, and Alexis Tierney
On a pedestal: High heels and the perceived attractiveness and evolutionary fitness of women, T. Joel Wade, Rebecca L. Burch, Maryanne L. Fisher, and Haley Casper
The Perceived Effectiveness of Women’s Pick-Up Lines: Do Age and Personality Matter?, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne Fisher, and Lauren Gaines
Submissions from 2021
LGBTQ+ Structural Stigma and College Counseling Center Website Friendliness, Carolyn Campbell and Jasmine Mena
Mood Judgments and Memory for Tunes: A Special Case of Levels of Processing?, Andrea R. Halpern, Esra Mungan, and Zehra F. Peynircioğlu
Student reactions to traumatic material in literature: Implications for trigger warnings, Matthew Kimble, William F. Flack Jr., Jennifer Koide, Kelly Bennion, Miranda Brenneman, and Cynthia Meyersburg
Student reactions to traumatic material in literature: Implications for trigger warnings, Matthew Kimble, Kenta Matsumura, William Flack, and Jennifer Koide