Submissions from 2011
Jealousy induction methods, sex, and the Big-5 personality dimensions, T. Joel Wade
Jealousy induction: Which tactics are perceived as most effective?, T. Joel Wade
Submissions from 2010
Effects of Damage to Auditory Cortex on the Discrimination of Speech Sounds by Rats, Owen Floody
We Did It Our Way: Motivations, Satisfactions, and Accomplishments of Senior Academic Women, Eugenia P. Gerdes
Inspiring Art and Science, Andrea R. Halpern
Memory for Melodies, Andrea R. Halpern and James C. Bartlett
Perception of Emotion in Sounded and Imagined Music, Brian L. Lucas, Emery Schubert, and Andrea R. Halpern
Mental Reversal of Imagined Melodies: A Role for the Posterior Parietal Cortex, Robert J. Zatorre, Andrea R. Halpern, and Marc Bouffard
Submissions from 2009
Brain Activation During Anticipation of Sound Sequences, Amber M. Leaver, Jennifer Van Lare, Brandon Zielinski, Andrea R. Halpern, and Josef P. Rauschecker
Submissions from 2008
Melody Recognition at Fast and Slow Tempos: Effects of Age, Experience, and Familiarity, W. Jay Dowling, James C. Bartlett, Andrea R. Halpern, and Melinda W. Andrews
I Know What I Like: Stability of Aesthetic Preference in Alzheimer's Disease, Andrea R. Halpern, Jenny Ly, Seth Elkin-Franklin, and Margaret G. O'Connor
An ERP Study of Major-Minor Classification in Melodies, Andrea R. Halpern, Jeffrey S. Martin, and Tara D. Reed
Effects of Timbre and Tempo Change on Memory for Music, Andrea R. Halpern and Daniel Mullensiefen
Does Mental Illness Affect Consumer Direction of Community-Based Care? Lessons From the Arkansas Cash and Counseling Program, Ce Shen, Michael A. Smyer, Kevin J. Mahoney, Dawn M. Loughlin, Lori Simon-Rusinowitz, and Ellen K. Mahoney
Submissions from 2007
Commentary on "Timbre as an Elusive Component of Imagery for Music" by Freya Bailes, Andrea R. Halpern
The Meanings of Work for Older Workers, Michael A. Smyer and Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes
Submissions from 2006
Mental Health and Aging at the 2005 White House Conference on Aging: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, Deborah DiGilio and Michael A. Smyer
Submissions from 2005
The Resilience of Self-Esteem in Late Adulthood, Amy L. Collins and Michael A. Smyer
Life on the Edge: Patterns of Formal and Informal Help to Older Adults in the United States and Sweden, Adam Davey, Elia E. Femia, Steven H. Zarit, Dennis G. Shea, Gerdt Sundström, Michael A. Smyer, and Jyoti Salva
Exploring the Musical Mind-Brain, Andrea R. Halpern
The Rhetoric of the Grant Proposal, Andrea R. Halpern and Thomas R. Blackburn
Musical stem completion: Humming that note, Jill A. Warker and Andrea Halpern
Mental Concerts: Musical Imagery and Auditory Cortex, Robert J. Zatorre and Andrea R. Halpern
Submissions from 2004
Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Perceived and Imagined Musical Timbre, Andrea R. Halpern, Robert J. Zattore, Marc Bouffard, and Jennifer A. Johnson
Effects of Training and Melodic Features on Mode Perception, Amber M. Leaver and Andrea R. Halpern