Submissions from 2004
Literary Histories, Michael J. Drexler and Ed White
Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Perceived and Imagined Musical Timbre, Andrea R. Halpern, Robert J. Zattore, Marc Bouffard, and Jennifer A. Johnson
The Epic, the Lyric, the Dramatic, and Marina Tsvetaeva’s Poema of the End, Ludmila Lavine
Effects of Training and Melodic Features on Mode Perception, Amber M. Leaver and Andrea R. Halpern
Adjudicating the Debate Over Two Models of Nature Appreciation, Sheila Lintott
Ethically Evaluating Land Art: Is It Worth It?, Sheila Lintott
Ideological Transformation: Reading Cannibalism in "Fires on the Plain", Erik R. Lofgren
ManagingNonprofits.Org: Dynamic Management for the Digital Age. Book Review, Eric Martin
Privatization in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Insights from and into the craft of interorganizational process analysis., Eric Martin
Embodying Tropicalities: Commentary on Felix Driver's 'Imagining the Tropics: Views & Visions of the Tropical World', Karen M. Morin
Review of Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity, by C.T. Mohanty, Karen M. Morin
The ability of the Gaussian-2, Gaussian-3, Complete Basis Set–QB3, and Complete Basis Set–APNO model chemistries to model the geometries of small water clusters, George C. Shields, Meghan E. Dunn, and Emma K. Pokon
Thermodynamics of Forming Water Clusters at Various Temperatures and Pressures by Gaussian-2, Gaussian-3, Complete Basis Set-QB3, and Complete Basis Set-APNO Model Chemistries; Implications for Atmospheric Chemistry, George C. Shields, Meghan E. Dunn, and Emma K. Pokon
Article Accurate Experimental Values for the Free Energies of Hydration of H+, OH-, and H3O+, George C. Shields and Matthew W. Palascak
Drinking, Family Relations and Authority in Early Modern Germany, B. Ann Tlusty
Introducing first-year students to engineering, economics and social responsibility: ADA compliance as a first project, Margot A.S. Vigeant, J. Baish, D. Cavanagh, R. Kozick, S. Petrescu, R. Zaccone, and R. Ziemian
Submissions from 2003
Efficient computation of discrete polynomial transforms, Maurice F. Aburdene, Xie Jin, and R. J. Kozick
International financial supervision and the evolution of a guild system: An interorganizational analysis, B Davis and Eric Martin
Feminist Tigers and Patriarchal Lions: Rhetorical Strategies and Instrument Effects in the Struggle for Definition and Control over Development in Nepal, Coralynn V. Davis
Communicative Action, Strategic Action, and Inter-Group Dialogue, Michael James
Polar adhesion of E. coli to polystyrene particles, J. Jones, J. Feick, D. Imoudu, N. Chukwumah, Margot A.S. Vigeant, and D. Velegol
Sublime Hunger: A Consideration of Eating Disorders Beyond Beauty, Sheila Lintott
Christianity Excised: Ichikawa Kon’s "Fires on the Plain", Erik R. Lofgren
NGO's and IOR's: International development efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina after the war, Eric Martin
EL-labelings, Supersolvability and 0-Hecke Algebra Actions on Posets, Peter McNamara
Review of Moving Lives: 20th-Century Women's Travel Writing, Karen M. Morin
Rosalie, Karen M. Morin
Teaching in Russia: Notes from the Field, Karen M. Morin
The University as Space of Feminist Praxis, Karen M. Morin
Travels with Feminist Historical Geography, Karen M. Morin and M. Domosh
Electromagnetically induced transparency and reduced light speeds for single photons in a fully quantized model, Thomas Purdy and Martin Ligare
Manifestation of classical wave delays in a fully-quantized model of the scattering of a single photon, Thomas Purdy, Daniel Taylor, and Martin Ligare
Exploring Assistance in Sweden and the United States, Dennis Shea, Adam Davey, Elia E. Femia, Steven H. Zarit, Gerdt Sundström, Stig Berg, and Michael A. Smyer
The Divine Eye in Ancient Egypt and in the Midrash Interpretation of Formative Judaism., Rivka Ulmer
Analysis of the GE Faculty for the Future Program at Bucknell University: Learning from the Past and Improving for the Future, Margot A.S. Vigeant, K. Marosi, and C. Stefanou
Exploring Engineering at Bucknell University: A seminar approach to the first-year engineering experience, Margot A.S. Vigeant, S. Velegol, J. Baish, R. Kozick, R. Zaccone, and R. Ziemian
Submissions from 2002
Mental Disorders of Aging: An Emerging Public Health Crisis?, Stephen J. Bartels and Michael A. Smyer
Tensor isomorphism by conjugacy of Lie algebras, Peter A. Brooksbank, Joshua Maglione, and James B. Wilson
Aging and Memory for Music: A Review, Andrea R. Halpern and James C. Bartlett
When Artists Fail: A Reply to Trivedi, Sheila Lintott
Supplementing Life: Death in Furui Yoshikichi's "Tani", Erik R. Lofgren
Portraits of Sarajevo: reflections of dissertation fieldwork, Eric Martin
Postcolonialism and Native American Geographies: The Letters of Rosalie La Flesche Farley, 1896-1899, Karen M. Morin
Review of Putting Women in Place: Feminist Geographers Make Sense of the World, Karen M. Morin
A Forgotten 'Greater Ireland': The Transatlantic Development of Irish Nationalism, Adrian N. Mulligan
Food and the Making of Modern Inuit Identities, Edmund Searles
Absolute pKa Determinations for Substituted Phenols, George C. Shields, Matthew D. Liptak, Kevin C. Gross, Paul G. Seybold, and Steven Feldgus
Risk Factors for Physical Restraint Use in Nursing Homes: The Impact of the Nursing Home Reform Act, Selcuk R. Sirin, Nicholas G. Castle, and Michael A. Smyer
Mental Health and Mental Illness in Later Life: The Ecology of Theory and Practice, Michael A. Smyer and Stephen J. Bartels
Civic Defense and the Right to Bear Arms in the Early Modern German City, B. Ann Tlusty
Drink and Temperance at the New Millennium: Early Modern Europe, B. Ann Tlusty
Reversible and irreversible adhesion of motile E. coli bacteria analyzed by TIRAF microscopy, Margot A.S. Vigeant, R. Ford, M. Wagner, and L. Tamm
Submissions from 2001
Starting an Institutional Review Board at a PUI, Beth Cunningham, Gary Gaffield, and Andrea R. Halpern
Cerebral Substrates of Musical Imagery, Andrea R. Halpern
Project Catalyst: Promoting Systemic Change in Engineering Education, Brian Hoyt, Michael Hanyak, Margot A.S. Vigeant, William Snyder, Maurice F. Aburdene, Daniel C. Hyde, E. j. Mastascusa, and Michael J. Prince
Absolute Pitch and Planum Temporale, Julian P. Keenan, Van Thangaraj, Andrea R. Halpern, and Gottfried Schlaug
Review of Landscapes of the New West: Gender and Geography in Contemporary Women's Writing, Karen M. Morin
Review of North American Exploration: A Continent Defined and North American Exploration: A Continent Comprehended, Karen M. Morin
Gendering Resistance: British Colonial Narratives of Wartime New Zealand, Karen M. Morin and L. D. Berg
Gender, Nature, Empire: Women Naturalists in Nineteenth Century British Travel Literature, Karen M. Morin and Jeanne Guelke
(Troubling) spaces of mountains and men: New Zealand's Mount Cook and Hermitage Lodge, Karen M. Morin, R. Longhurst, and L. Johnston
An ONIOM Study of the Bergman Reaction: A Computationally Efficient and Accurate Method for Modeling the Enediyne Anticancer Antibiotics, George C. Shields and Steven Feldgus
Accurate pKa Calculations for Carboxylic Acids Using Complete Basis Set and Gaussian-n Models Combined with CPCM Continuum Solvation Methods”, George C. Shields and Matthew D. Liptak
Experimentation with different thermodynamic cycles used for pKa calculations on carboxylic acids using Complete Basis Set and Gaussian-n Models combined with CPCM Continuum Solvation Methods, George C. Shields and Matthew D. Liptak
Comparison of CBS-QB3, CBS-APNO, and G3 predictions of gas phase deprotonation data, George C. Shields, Emma K. Pokon, Matthew D. Liptak, and Steven Feldgus
Further Quantum Mechanical Evidence that Difluorotoluene does not Hydrogen Bond, George C. Shields, Edward C. Sherer, and Sam J. Bono
Accurate relative pKa calculations for carboxylic acids using complete basis set and Gaussian-n models combined with continuum solvation methods, George C. Shields, Ann Marie Toth, Matthew D. Liptak, and Danielle L. Phillips
Russian Dolls and Chinese Boxes: The Ecology of Alzheimer's Disease Research, Michael A. Smyer
Further Manuscript Evidence of Pesiqta Rabbati: A Description of MS JTS 8195 (and MS Moscow 214), Rivka Ulmer
Piety as Subtext: The Historical Midrashic Poem Megillas Vintz of 17th century Frankfurt am Main, Rivka Ulmer
Response to Chaim Milikowsky, Rivka Ulmer
The Semiotics of the Dream Sequence in Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheni, Rivka Ulmer
Nanometer Distances between swimming Bacteria and Surfaces Measured by TIRAF Microscopy, Margot A.S. Vigeant, M. Wagner, L. Tamm, and R. Ford
Submissions from 2000
CO2 emissions related to the Yellowstone volcanic system: 1. Developing a stratified adaptive cluster sampling plan, K B. Boomer, Cindy Werner, and S. L. Brantley
Implicit Memory for Music in Alzheimer's Disease, Andrea R. Halpern and Margaret G. O'Connor
Explaining the Growth in Municipal Recycling Programs: The Role of Market and Non-Market Factors, Thomas C. Kinnaman
The Economics of Residential Solid Waste Management, Thomas C. Kinnaman
Democratizing Illnesses: Umezaki Haruo, Censorship, and Subversion, Erik R. Lofgren
(Anti?) Colonial Women Writing War, Karen M. Morin
Review of The Spirit of Yellowstone: The Cultural Evolution of a National Park by J.L. Meyer, Karen M. Morin
Hearing With the Mind's Eye, Gottfried Schlaug, Chi Chen, Dan Press, Andrea R. Halpern, Aisling Warde, Qun Chen, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone
Use of Mental Health Services by Persons With A Mental Illness in Nursing Facilities: Initial Impacts of OBRA87., Dennis G. Shea, Patricia A. Russo, and Michael A. Smyer
Engineering Design: the Information Component, James A. Van Fleet and Michael E. Hanyak Jr.
CO2 emissions related to the Yellowstone volcanic system: 2. Statistical sampling, total degassing, and transport mechanisms, Cindy Werner, S. L. Brantley, and K B. Boomer
A factor-analytic reinterpretation of the Clark-Trow "educational philosophies", D.H. Wilder; H.F. McKeegan; and Robert McKinley Midkiff, Jr.
Submissions from 1999
Transformations in flagellar structure in Rhotobacter sphaeroides and their possible relationship to changes in swimming speed, J. Armitage, T. Pitta, Margot A.S. Vigeant, H. Packer, and R. Ford
How Many Elders Receive Assistance?: A Cross-National Comparison, Adam Davey, Elia Femia, Dennis G. Shea, Steven H. Zarit, Gerdt Sundström, Stig Berg, and Michael A. Smyer
Measurement of Advance Directive and Medical Treatment Decision-Making Capacity of Older Adults, Lori Frank, Michael A. Smyer, Thomas Grisso, and Paul Applebaum
When That Tune Runs Through Your Head: a PET Investigation of Auditory Imagery for Familiar Melodies, Andrea R. Halpern and Robert J. Zatorre
Critical Intercultural Dialogue, Michael James
Tribal Sovereignty and the Intercultural Public Sphere, Michael James
Prediction Accuracy of Young and Middle-aged Adults in Memory for Familiar and Unfamiliar Texts, Sarah K. Johnson and Andrea R. Halpern
Histories/Geographies of the Imperial Present: Rose Kingsley's 19th c. Travels in Mexico, Karen M. Morin
Peak Practices: Englishwomen's “Heroic” Adventures in the Nineteenth-Century American West, Karen M. Morin
Review of Thresholds in Feminist Geography: difference, methodology, representation, eds. J.P. Jones III, H. Nast, S. Roberts, Karen M. Morin
Review of Writes of Passage: Reading Travel Writing, eds. J. Duncan and D. Gregory, Karen M. Morin
Surveying Britain’s informal empire: Rose Kingsley’s 1872 reconnaissance for the Mexican National Railway, Karen M. Morin
Emplacing Current Trends in Feminist Historical Geography, Karen M. Morin and L. D. Berg
The effects of training on resident assistant job performance, J.L. Murray; B.R. Snider; and Robert McKinley Midkiff, Jr.