Submissions from 2020
Humanism in the Americas, Carol W. White
Anna Julia Cooper: Radical Relationality and the Ethics of Interdependence, Carol Wayne White
Bringing Egypt Home: Children's Encounters With Ancient Egypt in the Long Nineteenth Century, Virginia Zimmerman
Submissions from 2019
The Wealth of Wilderness, Claire E. Campbell
Governing a Multicentered Empire: Prefects and Their Networks in the 1040s and 1210s, Song Chen
Johnson and Borges: Some Reflections, Greg Clingham
Johnson and China: Culture, Commerce, and the Dream of the Orient in Mid-eighteenth-century England, Greg Clingham
Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793, Michael J. Drexler
Women, Migration and Moravian Mission: Negotiating Pennsylvania’s Colonial Landscapes, Katherine Faull
Women in the Gambia, Cymone Fourshey
Teacher Education and Refugee Students, Ramona Fruja and Kevin Roxas
Ein Pasquillant in den Mühlen der Justiz. Der Umgang eines gelehrten Juristen mit Schmähschriften eines Augsburger Webers im ausgehenden 16. Jahrhundert, Helmut Graser and B. Ann Tlusty
Voluntary Auditory imagery and Music pedagogy., Andrea R. Halpern and Katie Overy
The Digital Humanities and "Critical Theory": an Institutional Cautionary Tale, John Hunter
Psychological Gesture: Michael Chekhov Exercises on Physicalizing the Objective, Anjalee Hutchinson
Eliciting Pre-Service Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Function Knowledge, Jennifer N. Lovett, Lara K. Dick, Allison W. McCulloch, Milan F. Sherman, Cyndi Edgington, Cecilia Anne Wanner, and Samuel D. Reed
Preservice mathematics teachers’ professional noticing of students’ mathematical thinking with technology, Jennifer N. Lovett, Lara Dick, Allison W. McCulloch, and Milan F. Sherman
Parenting, Religion, and Spirituality, Annette Mahoney and Chris J. Boyatzis
Rising to Leadership in an Era of Political Change: Bob Michel and the 1970s House Republican Party, Scott Meinke
Evolving Secrets: Eudora Welty and the Mystery Genre, Harriet Pollack
Production, Trade, Reciprocity and Markets, Clare Sammells
Research Challenges Involving Coupled Flows in Geotechnical Engineering, Charles D. Shackelford, Ning Lu, Michael A. Malusis, and Kristin Sample-Lord
Carrying Buddha into the Streets: Buddhist Socialist Thought in Meiji Japan, James Mark Shields
Eriugena's Irish Background, Paul Siewers
Campus sexual assault, Kevin M. Swartout and William F. Flack Jr.
Controlled Implementations: Teaching practice to practicing mathematics teachers, Paola Sztajn; Lara Dick; Reema ALNIZAMI,; Dan Heck; and Kristen Malzahn
Bravado, Martial Magic, and Masculine Performance in Early Modern Germany, B. Ann Tlusty
"They're Playing My Song: The American Musical in the Me-Decade", Bryan Vandevender
Big Miracle and Religious Naturalism: Rescuing Myriad Nature from Popular Fantasies of Nature Rescue, Carol W. White
Excavating Children : Archaeological Imagination and Time-Slip in the Early 1900s, Virginia Zimmerman
Submissions from 2018
Porno activismo en democracia: los casos del Colectivo de Disidencia Sexual (CUDS) y José Carlos Henríquez (Camilo), Fernando A. Blanco
Tensions Between Industry and Academia: Policy Making and Curriculum Development, Alan Cheville
Playing Rough: Johnson and Children, Greg Clingham
From Intuitive Spatial Measurement to Understanding of Units, Eliza Congdon
Avalanches in Solids, Theory and Experiments, Karin A. Dahmen and Wendelin Wright
Black Bodies in Schools : Dewey’s Democratic Provision for Participation Confronts the Challenges of ‘Fundamental Plunder, Sue Ellen Henry
Seventh-Century Material Culture in Boiotia, Stephanie Larson
Fallibility for Infallibilists, Jason Leddington
Bodega Sold Dreams: Middle-Class Panic and the Crossover Aesthetics of In the Heights, Elena Machado Sáez
How to be a man, Collin McKinney
Many Comic Book Ramayanas: Idealizing and Opposing Rama as the Righteous God-King, Karline McLain
Politically ethical aesthetics : Teaching Emerson's Poetry in the Context of Diversity in the United States, Saundra Morris
Characterization, Deposition Mechanisms and Modeling of Metallic Glass Powders for Cold Spray, Mala M. Sharma and John Henao
Buddhist Economics: Problems and Possibilities, James Mark Shields
Sovereignty, Development, and Health: Humanitarianism and Health Care Provision in the Gaza Strip, Ron J. Smith
African American Religious Naturalism and the Question of the Human, Carol W. White
Polyamorous Bastards: James Baldwin and Desires of a Queer African-American Religious Naturalism., Carol W. White
Polyamorous Bastards: James Baldwin's Opening to a Queer Religious Naturalism, Carol W. White
Submissions from 2017
Theama Kainon: Reading Natural History in Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Clitophon, Ashli Baker
La Herida del Franquismo en la Narrativa del Nuevo Milenio, Isabel Cuñado
Investigating the relationship between professional noticing and specialized content knowledge, Lara Dick
Rural Service Learning as Participatory Action Research : Lessons from Central Pennsylvania, Brandn Green, Heather Feldhaus, Ben Marsh, and Carl Milofsky
Noticing and Deciding the Next Steps for Teaching: A Cross-University Study with Elementary Pre-service Teachers, Dittika Gupta, Melissa Soto, Lara Dick, Shawn D. Broderick, and Mollie Appelgate
Reifying the Maker as Humanist, John Hunter, Katherine Faull, and Diane Jakacki
Integrating Colloquial Arabic in the Classroom: A Study of Students’ and Teachers’ Attitude and Effect, Martin Isleem
“Why (not) philosophy of stand-up comedy?”, Sheila Lintott
Managing for Sustainability: Designing a Successful Undergraduate Program, Eric C. Martin
The Scope and Limits of Secular Buddhism: Watanabe Kaikyoku (1868–1912) and the Japanese New Buddhist 'Discovery of Society', James Mark Shields
Submissions from 2016
Linguistic Landscape in the School Setting: the Case of the Druze in Israel, Martin Isleem
Sex Objects and Sexy Subjects: A Feminist Reclamation of Sexiness, Sheila Lintott and Sherri Irvin
Opium Eaters: Buddhism as Revolutionary Politics, James Mark Shields
Amora’im, Rivka Ulmer
Egyptian Motifs Late Antique Mosaics and Rabbinic Texts, Rivka Ulmer
Hermeneutics: Techniques of Rabbinic Exegesis, Rivka Ulmer
Isaiah Pesiqta de Rav Kahana and Pesiqta Rabbati, Rivka Ulmer
Jesus Rabbinic Literature, Rivka Ulmer
Midrash Rabbah, Rivka Ulmer
The Mishnah the Later Midrashim, Rivka Ulmer
Theological Foundations of Rabbinic Exegesis, Rivka Ulmer
Submissions from 2015
Strategic Deployments of "Sisterhood" and Questions of Solidarity at a Women's Development Project in Janakpur, Nepal, Coralynn V. Davis
Strategic Deployments of "Sisterhood" and Questions of Solidarity at a Women’s Development Project in Janakpur, Nepal, Coralynn V. Davis
Music, Andrea R. Halpern and Robert J. Zatorre
The Impacts of Minimum Wage Policy in China: Mixed results for women, youth and migrants, Shi Li and Carl Lin
Visual and Media Culture, Karline McLain
Buddhism (The Conversion of Captain American: Buddhism and Postwar US Popular Culture), James Mark Shields
Gog and Magog, Rivka Ulmer
Goldberg, Arnold, Rivka Ulmer
Submissions from 2014
Po-éticas Visuales. Imaginación, Espacio y Archivo en Centroamérica y el Cono Sur, Fernando A. Blanco
Queer Latino América: ¿Cuenta Regresiva?, Fernando A. Blanco
Critique et création dans la critique dramatique du XVIIIe siècle: les poétiques à l'épreuve de la scène, Logan Connors
Le rêve d'autorité dans la dramaturgie française, 1660-1719, Logan Connors
Schleiermacher and Transcendentalist Truth-Telling: Ethics, Gender and Speech in 19th century New England, Katherine Faull
Developing Attitudes toward Learning Arabic as a Foreign Language among American University and College Students, Martin Isleem
From Topos to Utopia: Critical Buddhism, Globalization, and Ideology Criticism, James Mark Shields
Seno'o Giro: Life and Thought of a Radical Buddhist, James Mark Shields
Eye Judaism Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, v 8, Rivka Ulmer
Mishnah, Rivka Ulmer
Sennacherib Midrashic and Related Literature, Rivka Ulmer
Talmud, Rivka Ulmer
The Book of Exodus Rabbinic Judaism, Rivka Ulmer
Submissions from 2013
The Transnationalization of The ‘Housing Problem’: Social Sciences and Developmentalism in Postwar Argentina, Leandro Benmergui
Les philosophes selon Charles Collé, Logan Connors
Making the Case for the Picuris Orogeny: Evidence for a 1500 to 1400 Ma Orogenic Event in the Southwestern United States, Mary Beth Gray, Christopher G. Daniel, Christopher L. Andronicos, and James V. Jones III
Political Interpretations of the Lotus Sutra, James Mark Shields
Zange and Sorge: Two Models of 'Concern' in Comparative Philosophy of Religion, James Mark Shields
Consommation d'alcool et culture masculine dans l'Europe de l'époque moderne, B. Ann Tlusty
Submissions from 2012
Delirious God: Reflections on the Text, the Book, and the Library, Greg Clingham
Student career perception: 6th-11th grade music students' assessment of self-efficacy, social perception, & other possible careers., Kimberly H. Councill
Aesthetics and Art of Friendship, Sheila Lintott
The City of the Present in the City of the Past: Solstice Celebrations at Tiwanaku, Bolivia, Clare A. Sammells