Submissions from 2025
In the Ruins of a University, the Archive Speaks, D. Bret Leraul
Untimely, Uneven, Combined: Translator's Introduction, D. Bret Leraul
Sex, Gender & Mating, T. Joel Wade, Karla Kenny, and Laura Adair
An Eco-Spirituality of Wonder: An Aesthetic-Ethical Response to Myriad Nature, Carol W. White
Submissions from 2024
Preparing Secondary Prospective Teachers to Teach Mathematics With Technology, chapter 11, Lara K. Dick
Lessons learned from researching online mathematics curriculum supplementation, Lara Dick and Amanda Sawyer
Decomposing the complex practice of whole class instructional decision making, Lara Dick, Melissa M. Soto, Mollie Appelgate, and Dittika Gupta
Experiencing Moravian Heritage, Sustaining Moravian Lives: Digital Interventions in Cultural History ...., Katherine Faull
“Revivalism, Restorationism, and Reform in Antebellum America”, Brantley Gasaway
A Theory of the Integrated Collaborative Enterprise, David Kristjanson-Gural
Glucocorticoids, environmental challenges, and reproduction in birds, Sharon E. Lynn and Z Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks
Visual Culture: Darshan in the Modern World, Karline McLain
Lessons From the Living Systems All Around Us, Joseph Tranquillo
Pesiqta Rabbati, Rivka Ulmer
Attractiveness: Evolutionary Influence, T. Joel Wade and Maryanne L. Fisher
Race, Carol W. White
The Cålåpitå Past the “Dull Edge” of Extinction: A Shaggy Dog Story of Repatriation and Refusal in Bali, Tyler Yamin
Submissions from 2023
La Pasión del Aceitunita: Variaciones Literarias del Amor Oscuro, Fernando A. Blanco
Burnout and Chronic Illness in Academic Libraries, Mary Snyder Broussard
The Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium: A State-Wide Collaborative Network for Sustainable, Outreach, Education, and Action, Peter Buck, Shaunna Barnhart, Richard D. Bowden, Ben Culbertson, Josh Hooper, Michael Mumper, Dominic Scicchitano, Ken Shultes, and Tom Simpson
Shore/lines : Drawing Environmental Change on Eighteenth-Century Prince Edward Island, Claire E. Campbell
India’s COVID-19 Response: Examining an Outlier to Explain Subnational Variation, Soundarya Chidambaram
Developing Community-Engaged Learning in Chemistry to Address Food Insecurity and Nutrition with University Farms and Gardens, Douglas B. Collins and Mark Spiro
Collaborative Assessment and Survey Administration: A MISO Survey Case Study, Katherine Furlong, David Consiglio, Kevin J. T. Creamer, Craig I. Milberg, Kevin Reynolds, Ellen Yu, and Joshua Wilson
Emerging Technologies and Spaces in Access Services, Katherine Furlong and David McCaslin
Building Management Responsibilities for Access Services, Katherine Furlong, David McCaslin, and David W. Bottorff
The Environment, Brantley Gasaway
In Search of Pandora Experimentia, Brian Hauser
Bridging Communities of Practice: Cross-Institutional Collaboration for Undergraduate Digital Scholars, Carrie M. Pirmann, R.C. Miessler, Clinton Baugess, Kevin Moore, and Courtney Paddick
Reading Critically from the Archives: James Merrill Linn’s Diary as a Gateway to the Past, Carrie M. Pirmann and Courtney Paddick
Alice Childress (1916–1994), Meenakashi Ponnuswami
Human Nature: A Biosocial View, Alexander Riley
A Century of Critical Buddhism in Japan, James Mark Shields
Mahāyāna Mind-bending: Buddhist Visions of Outer/Inner Worlds, James Mark Shields
From Eriugena to Dostoevsky: Christian ‘Universalism’ in Hiberno-Latin Contexts and its Continued Significance, Paul Siewers
Megilas Vintz (The Scroll of Vintz), Rivka Ulmer
Relationship Dissatisfaction and Partner Access Deficits, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne Fisher, and James Moran
Race, Carol Wayne White
A Poetics of Nature: Religious Naturalism, Multiplicities and Affinities.”, Carol Wayne White
Planetary Thinking, Agency, and Relationality: Religious Naturalism's Plea, Carol Wayne White
A Pyrrhic Victory? The Political Economy of US-China Competition from Trump to Biden, Zhiqun Zhu
“Being Editors”: Childhood Over Time, Virginia Zimmerman
Submissions from 2022
Indoor Air Quality Through the Lens of Outdoor Atmospheric Chemistry, Jonathan P.D. Abbatt and Douglas B. Collins
Lemebel en 18/O. Todos Somos Estallido: Utopía, Temporalidad y Revolución, Fernando A. Blanco
Responsibility Toward Others is Vital in Public and Non- Profit Organizations: Can We Recruit, Hire, and Cultivate It?, Neil Boyd and Branda Nowell
“Even Stronger Yet!” Gender and Embodiment in Balinese Youth Arja, Bethany J. Collier
Javier Marias y el Elogio del Secreto, Isabel Cuñado
Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage: Updating the 18th Century, Katherine Faull
Deconstructing Heroic Biography Bibi Titi Mohamed, Public History, and Nation Building, Cymone Fourshey and Marla Jaksch
Legal Skirmishes and Religious Freedom in Contemporary Christianity, Brantley Gasaway
Short Sharp Shocks: an Interview With Women Who Make Horror Shorts, Brian Hauser
The Invisible Labor of DH Pedagogy, Diane K. Jakacki and Brian Croxall
Living Like Gandhi: The Lessons and Legacy of Gandhi’s Intentional Communities, Karline McLain
Bovine Lives and the Making of a 19th Century American Carceral Archipelago, Karen M. Morin
Buddhist Socialism in China, 1900–1930: A History and Appraisal, James Mark Shields
From Post-Pantheism to Trans-materialism: D. T. Suzuki and New Buddhism, James Mark Shields
Prolegomena to a Buddhist(ic) Critique of Capitalism, James Mark Shields
Zen and the Art of Resistance: Some Preliminary Notes, James Mark Shields
Zen Internationalism, Zen Revolution: Inoue Shūten, Uchiyama Gudō and the Crisis of (Zen) Buddhist Modernity in Late Meiji Japan, James Mark Shields
Journeys to the Past : the uses of memory and nostalgia in musical theatre, Bryan M. Vandevender
Capturing the Beauty of Materialism: Black Bodies, Ontic Desires, and Processes of Humanization, Carol W. White
A Not So Quiet Nocturne, Jaye Austin Williams
On the Trap[pings] of "Censorship" Discourse and the "Civil" Circumvention of Rupture, Jaye Austin Williams
Left, Right, and Center: Women’s Political Incorporation in the OECD, Christina Xydias
Submissions from 2021
Desde el Futuro: El Archivo Lemebel, Fernando A. Blanco
Homomarinas en el Armario: Homosexualidad y Clase en la Novela Chilena del Siglo XX, Fernando A. Blanco
La Desmemoria del Pacto Neoliberal: la Narrativa Chilena del Tercer Milenio, Fernando A. Blanco
India's Inexorable Path to Autocratization: Looking Beyond Modi and the Populist Lens, Soundarya Chidambaram
Taken by Storm : Robinson Crusoe and Aqueous violence, Jeremy Chow
Anna Nitschmann, Katherine Faull
Digital Humanities, Katherine Faull
Visualization, Katherine Faull
Visualizing Religious Networks, Movements, and Communities : Building Moravian Lives, Katherine Faull
I Know You Are Trying To Help Me, But …”: Complexity in Supporting Immigrant Youth and Communities Through Schooling, Ramona Fruja and Evelyn Baca
What does 'New Wave' mean?, Peter S. Groff
Cinematic Space and Set Design in Paul Leni's, The Last Warning., Bastian Heinsohn
Revolutionary Movement : 'Non-Stop' Ensemble Choreography at Work, Dustyn Martincich
Food and Anticolonialism at Gandhi’s Intentional Communities in South Africa and India, Karline McLain
Case Study: Religion, Socialism and Secularization in Modern Japan: The New Buddhist Fellowship, James Mark Shields
The Rod of Moses, Medieval Judaism: Commentaries, Philosophy, Mysticism, Medieval Midrash, Rivka Ulmer
Sexuality and Gender in Prehistory, T. Joel Wade, Rebecca L. Burch, Rosemarie Sokol-chang, T. Joel Wade, David Widman, and Maryanne L. Fisher
Alienated Flesh at the Place of Trauma and Death: Unearthing the Black (Queered) In-Human in Suzan-Lori Parks' One-Character Sort Play Pickling, Jaye Austin Williams
The Always Already of Anti-Blackness -- Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss Interviews Jaye Austin Williams, Jaye Austin Williams
Submissions from 2020
Protestant Paintings: Artworks by Lucas Cranach and his Workshop, Christiane Andersson
Time Travel, Christiane Andersson
El Olivo es Sagrado: Ecofeminismo y Nuevo Ruralismo en El Olivo y “El Árbol Azul, Isabel Cuñado
Haiti and the Early American Imagination, Michael Drexler
'Inspiring a revolution': Women's central role in Tanzanian institutions, independence and beyond, Cymone Fourshey and Marla Jaksch
Intersections of Gender and (in)justice : Bibi Titi Mohamed and Women's Struggles During and After Independence in Tanzania, Cymone Fourshey and Marla Jaksch
Nietzsche and the Falāsifa, Peter S. Groff
Processing of Musical Pitch, Time, and Emotion in Older Adults, Andrea R. Halpern
Byron Now, Ghislaine McDayter
“Jugamos a la guerra”: Boys, Toys, and Military Masculinity in Galdós’s La desheredada, Collin McKinney
Multicultural Considerations in Telepsychology, Jasmine Mena, Kule A. Faust, Nathan E. Cook, David Faust, and Ryan Holt
Between History and Geography, Karen M. Morin and Mike Heffernan
Undergraduate Research: Librarian Mentorship of Undergraduate Research, Carrie M. Pirmann and Courtney Paddick
Skeptical Buddhism as Provenance and Project, James Mark Shields
ポスト汎神論から超物質主義へ―鈴木大拙と新仏教―, James Mark Shields
"Festmachen": Männliche Zauberpraktiken als Präventivmedicin, B. Ann Tlusty
Zen Terror in Prewar Japan: Portrait of an Assassin, Brian Victoria and James Mark Shields