
Submissions from 1992

Improving Nursing Home Care Through Training amd Job Redesign, Michael A. Smyer, Diane Brannon, and M. Cohn

Stress, Adaption and Successful Aging (Abstract), Michael A. Smyer, Steven Zarit, and J. Reid

The Relationship of Antipsychotic Drug Use, Resident Behavior, and Diagnoses Among Nursing Home Residents, Diana L. Spore, Ann L. Horgas, Michael A. Smyer, and Lorin N. Marks

Submissions from 1991

Examination of Priorities for Therapeutic Drug Utilization Review, Manfred Diehl, Daniel Lago, Frank Ahern, Michael A. Smyer, Sharon Hermanson, and Vincent Rabatin

P-Technique Factor Analyses of the Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist (MAACL), Adam J. Garfein and Michael A. Smyer

An empirical examination of the integration of causal attribution and social learning theories in achievement situations, Robert McKinley Midkiff, Jr. and J.P. Burke

State Pharmaceutical Assisstance for the Elderly and Disabled: Planning Issues for Program and Non-Program States, Michael A. Smyer, Daniel Lago, and S. Hermanson

Assessing Nursing Assistants' Knowledge of Behavioral Approaches to Mental Health Problems, Diane Spore, Michael A. Smyer, and M. D. Cohn

Submissions from 1990

Caregiving as Work: How Nurses' Aides Rate It., Diana Brannon, M. D. Cohn, and Michael A. Smyer

Who Will Provide Long-Term Care in the Future?, Diane Brannon and Michael A. Smyer

The Experience of Micro and Macro Events: A Life-Span Analysis, Peter Martin and Michael A. Smyer

Evaluating Counseling Outcomes, Michael A. Smyer and Bob Intrieri

Submissions from 1989

Applied Developmental Psychology as an Implementation of the Life-Span View of Human Development, R. C. Birkel, Richard M. Lerner, and Michael A. Smyer


Memory for the Absolute Pitch of Familiar Songs, Andrea R. Halpern


Lucky numbers: Choice strategies in the Pennsylvania Daily Number game, Andrea R. Halpern and Scott D. Devereaux

A causal model of mathematics performance in early adolescence: the role of sex, Robert McKinley Midkiff, Jr.; J.P. Burke; and G.C. Helmstadter

Submissions from 1988

State-Level Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs for the Elderly: A national survey., Greta L. Berry, Michael A. Smyer, and Dan Lago

A Job Diagnostic Survey of Nursing Home Caregivers: Implications of Job Redesign, Diane Brannon, Michael A. Smyer, Margaret Cohn, Lawrewnce Borchardt, Julie A. Landry, Gina M. Jay, Adam J. Garfein, Eileen Malonebeach, and Carla Walls

Response Bias Using Two-Stage Data Collection: A study of elderly participants in a program., Marianne Goodfellow, Nancy-Ellen Kierman, Frank Ahern, and Michael A. Smyer

Use of a State-Level Pharmaceutical Assistance Program Among Urban and Rural Elders, Marianne Goodfellow, Jon G. Tubman, Julie A. Landry, Frank Ahern, Dan Lago, and Michael A. Smyer


Perceived and Imagined Tempos of Familiar Songs, Andrea R. Halpern


Mental Scanning in Auditory Imagery for Songs, Andrea R. Halpern

Validation of Two Methods of Data Collection of Self-Reported Medicine Use Among the Elderly, Julie A. Landry, Michael A. Smyer, Jonathan G. Tubman, William Simonson, Dan J. Lago, and Jay Roberts

Nursing Homes as a Setting for Psychological Practice: Public Policy Perspectives., Michael A. Smyer

Submissions from 1987

Perceptions of Mental Health Training in Nursing Homes: Congruence Among Administrators and Aides, Margaret P. Cohn, Michael A. Smyer, Adam J. Garfein, Athena Droogas, and Eileen E. Malonebeach