Submissions from 2021
Mapping Specific Mental Content During Musical Imagery, Mor Regev, Andrea R. Halpern, Adrian Owen, Aniruddh Patel, and Robert J. Zatorre
Multicultural Competence Building Blocks: Multicultural Psychology Courses Promote Multicultural Knowledge and Ethnic Identity, Jose A. Soto, Jasmine Mena, Marcela Borge, Michael R. Stoyer, Dawn P. Witherspoon, and Nana A. Dawson-Andoh
Wait For It: An EEG Exploration Of Excitement In Dance Music, Amelia Turrell, Andrea R. Halpern, and Amir-Homayoun Javadi
Sexuality and Gender in Prehistory, T. Joel Wade, Rebecca L. Burch, Rosemarie Sokol-chang, T. Joel Wade, David Widman, and Maryanne L. Fisher
Toupee or Not Toupee?: Cranial Hair and Perceptions of Men’s Attractiveness, Personality, and Other Evolutionary Relevant Traits, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne L. Fisher, and Rebecca L. Burch
I saw him first: Competitive nonverbal flirting among women, the tactics used and their perceived effectiveness, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne L. Fisher, and Elizabeth Clark
Want to Hookup?: Sex Differences in Short Term Mate Attraction Tactics, T. Joel Wade, Maryanne L. Fisher, Catherine Salmon, and Carly Downs
Strike a Pose: the Perceived Flirtatiousness of Men's Nonverbal Behavior, T. Joel Wade and LeeAnn Renninger
Submissions from 2020
Perceived Discrimination and Educational Attainment for U.S. Black Adults: The Influence of Black Racial Identity, Clifton Berwise and Jasmine Mena
Annual Editions: Child Growth and Development, 23rd edition, Chris Boyatzis and Ellen N. Junn
The Influence of Self-Perceptions of Attractiveness on Substance Use: Sex Differences in Predictors of Alcohol Consumption in College Students, Ali Brenman and T. Joel Wade
the Reproductive Priming Effect Revisited: Mate Poaching, Mate Copying, Or Both?., Rebecca Burch, T. Joel Wade, and James Moran
Context-dependent Neural Responses to Minor Notes in Frontal and Temporal Regions Distinguish Musicians from Nonmusicians, Tracy M. Centanni, Andrea R. Halpern, Andrea R. Seisler, and Michael Wenger
Can I have your number? Men's perceived effectiveness of pick-up lines used by women, Maryanne Fisher, Sarah Coughlin, and T. Joel Wade
Can I Have your Number? Men's Perceived Effectiveness of Pick-up Lines Used by Women, Maryanne L. Fisher, Sarah Coughlin, and T. Joel Wade
The Role of Long-Term Memory in Mental Transformations of Pitch, Emma B. Greenspon, Peter Q. Pfordresher, and Andrea R. Halpern
Processing of Musical Pitch, Time, and Emotion in Older Adults, Andrea R. Halpern
A Choice of Color: Does Lingerie Color Affect Perceived Attractiveness and Evolutionary Fitness?, Samantha Luzietti and T. Joel Wade
Multicultural Considerations in Telepsychology, Jasmine Mena, Kule A. Faust, Nathan E. Cook, David Faust, and Ryan Holt
Does Centrality Moderate the Relation Between Skin Tone Satisfaction and Psychological Adjustment for Latinx Blacks and Non-Latinx Blacks?, Jasmine Mena, Jose A. Soto, Wei Wei, Samantha Kaplan, and Stephanie Salazar
the Psychology of Breakup Sex: Exploring the Motivational Factors and Affective Consequences of Post-breakup Sexual Activity, James Moran, T. Joel Wade, and Damian Murray
The Role of Post-Ingestive Feedback in the Development of an Enhanced Appetite for the Orosensory Properties of Glucose over Fructose in Rats, Kevin P. Myers, Megan Y. Summers, Elizabeth Geyer-Roberts, and Lindsey A. Schier
Parental Cultural Socialization Practices among Underrepresented Ethnoracial Groups in a Predominantly White Rural College Community, Grevelin Ulerio and Jasmine Mena
Submissions from 2019
Never Enough : the Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction, Judith E. Grisel
Voluntary Auditory imagery and Music pedagogy., Andrea R. Halpern and Katie Overy