Submissions from 2024
‘Somos bilingües’: Translanguaging socialization of DLBE teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Grace Jue Yeon Kim
Preservice Preparation Practices to Increase Family-Professional Collaboration: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review, Chelsea Pansé-Barone, Janet VanLone, Annie George-Puskar, and Lisa Ziegler
Rooted in nature: Pre-service teachers' development of nature-based pedagogical insights through a forest school field experience, Janet VanLone, Lauren Shearer, Makenna Luzenski, Ellen Amarante, Susan Chlebowski, and Chris Boyatzis
Submissions from 2023
Comparing Time Allocation for Teaching Science as Inquiry in Two Educator Preparation Science Methods Courses, Lori A. Dira
Trauma-Informed Practices: A Whole School Policy Framework, Nicole C. Reddig and Janet VanLone
Submissions from 2022
Pre-Service Teacher Preparation in Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: A Review of State Competencies, Nicole C. Reddig and Janet VanLone
Submissions from 2021
I Know You Are Trying To Help Me, But …”: Complexity in Supporting Immigrant Youth and Communities Through Schooling, Ramona Fruja and Evelyn Baca
Submissions from 2020
Two-Way Cultural Transmission in Study-Abroad: U.S. Host Families and Japanese College Students in Short-Term Homestay Programs, Ramona Fruja, Joseph L. Murray, and Junko Torii
Submissions from 2019
Students and Stocks: A Critical Reading of the Stock Market Game™, Abe Feuerstein
Teacher Education and Refugee Students, Ramona Fruja and Kevin Roxas
(Re)Acquaintance with Praxis: A poetic inquiry into shame, sobriety and the case for a curriculum of authenticity, Sarah K. MacKenzie
If We Build It, Who Will Come? Explorations of Campus Design, Location, and Student Culture, Joseph Murray
Emerging adulthood and Higher Education : a New Student Development Paradigm, Joseph L. Murray and Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
Submissions from 2018
Black Bodies in Schools : Dewey’s Democratic Provision for Participation Confronts the Challenges of ‘Fundamental Plunder, Sue Ellen Henry
Intimate Uncertainties: A mother returns to poetic inquiry, Sarah K. MacKenzie
Submissions from 2017
Generativity or Reproduction of Privilege? How Institution and Family Affect Legacy Students, Jarrett B. Warshaw, Richard Henne-Ochoa, and Joseph L. Murray
Submissions from 2016
Multicultural Education and Newcomer Youth: Re-imagining a More Inclusive Vision for Immigrant and Refugee Students, Ramona Fruja and Kevin Roxas
Submissions from 2015
Analyzing the Visual Discourse of Charter Schools in the News, Abe Feuerstein
Parent Trigger Laws and Framing in Educational Politics, Abe Feuerstein
Rituals of Verification: Department Chairs and the Dominant Discourse of Assessment in Higher Education, Abe Feuerstein
Who Is Responsible for Saving the Language? Performing Generation in the Face of Language Shift, Richard Henne-Ochoa and Richard Bauman
Submissions from 2014
News Framing and Charter School Reform, Abe Feuerstein
Course-based Research on Students’ Own Institution Introduces Historical Inquiry, Joseph L. Murray
Personalizing History Using Course-based Research on a Student's Own University, Joseph L. Murray, Sean D. Fortney, Anna E. Gioni, Zoey G. Goldnick, Kevin L. LeValley, and Scott R. Sechler