Submissions from 2021
On Lingering and Literature, Harold Schweizer
Submissions from 2020
Masturbatory Ecologies: Pornography, Ecosexuality, and Perverted Environmental Justice, Jeremy Chow
Prime Mates: The Simian, Maternity and Abjection in Brobdingnag, Jeremy Chow
Haiti and the Early American Imagination, Michael Drexler
Crossing Both Ways: Sarah Jones, The Moth, and the Disruptive Potential of Voice, Chase Gregory
Byron Now, Ghislaine McDayter
The Next Chicago Police Chief Takes Actions to Address the Chicago Murder Rate, Joseph Scapellato
Bringing Egypt Home: Children's Encounters With Ancient Egypt in the Long Nineteenth Century, Virginia Zimmerman
Submissions from 2019
Anecdotes of Bishop Thomas Barnard, Greg Clingham
‘I stole his likeness’: An Unknown Drawing of Samuel Johnson and James Boswell, Greg Clingham
Johnson and Borges: Some Reflections, Greg Clingham
Johnson and China: Culture, Commerce, and the Dream of the Orient in Mid-eighteenth-century England, Greg Clingham
Lady Anne Barnard: Remnants and Renewal, Greg Clingham
Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793, Michael J. Drexler
Contesting Slavery in the Global Market: John Brown’s Slave Life in Georgia, Michael Drexler and Stephanie Scherer
Critics on Critics: Queer Bonds, Chase Gregory
Thwarting Repair: Gutter, Stutter, Are You My Mother?, Chase Gregory
Pocket Maps and Public Poetry in the English Renaissance, Katarzyna Lecky
Astarte’s Shadow: The Iconography of Forgiveness in Byron’s Manfred, Ghislaine McDayter
Evolving Secrets: Eudora Welty and the Mystery Genre, Harriet Pollack
New Essays on Eudora Welty, Class, and Race, Harriet Pollack
The Made-Up Man, Joseph Scapellato
The Writer's Intention vs. the Work's Intention, Joseph Scapellato
Mistress, Chet'la Sebree
Eriugena's Irish Background, Paul Siewers