
Submissions from 2019


Excavating Children : Archaeological Imagination and Time-Slip in the Early 1900s, Virginia Zimmerman

Submissions from 2018

A Slant of Light : Reflections on Jack Wheatcroft, Peter Balakian, Bruce Smith, Cynthia Hogue, Shara McCallum, Dennis O'Brien, Deirdre O'Connor, and Gary Sojka

Playing Rough: Johnson and Children, Greg Clingham

Chismes, Mills Fox Edgerton


Blackout on Broadway: Affiliation and audience in In the Heights and Hamilton, Elena Machado Sáez


Bodega Sold Dreams: Middle-Class Panic and the Crossover Aesthetics of In the Heights, Elena Machado Sáez


Generation MFA: Neoliberalism and the Shifting Cultural Capital of U.S. Latinx Writers, Elena Machado Sáez


Politically ethical aesthetics : Teaching Emerson's Poetry in the Context of Diversity in the United States, Saundra Morris


British Muslim Feminisms on Stage, Meenakshi Ponnuswami

The Genealogy of Elevators: a Fable, Harold Schweizer

Feast Gently, G. C. Waldrep

Submissions from 2017

John Opie’s Portraits of Dr. Johnson, Greg Clingham

Windthrow, K. A. Hays

A Portrait of the Animal as a Young Artist: Animality, Instinct, and Cognition in Joyce’s Early Prose, John Rickard


Waiting as Resistance: Lingering, Loafing, and Whiling Away, Harold Schweizer

Submissions from 2016

The U.S. Occupation of Haiti and the Hispanic Caribbean, Rafe Dalleo


That Infinite Sphere’: Paradox, Paralepsis, and Parody in Les guérillères, Chase Gregory


Reframing the Archive: Vietnamese Refugee Narratives in the Post-9/11 Period, Mai-Linh Hong


come wishes be horses, Rebecca Meyers

Submissions from 2015

Cultural Difference in George Macartney’s "An Embassy to China 1792-1794”, Greg Clingham


Dead Zone Vertigo: A Collaboration in Poetry and Visual Art with Two Cypriot Artists, Paula Closson Buck

Shayma Interviewed by a Medical Red Cross Staff Member in Corigliano, Calabro, Harold Schweizer

The Curating Child: Runaways and Museums in Children's Fiction, Virginia Zimmerman

Submissions from 2014

"The independence so hardly won has been maintained": C.L.R. James and the U.S. Occupation of Haiti., Rafe Dalleo


F'Stein, 115-116 Radial, Jonathan Lyons