
Submissions from 2012


A remotely interrogated all-optical Rb-87 magnetometer, B. Patton, O. O. Versolato, D. C. Hovde, E. Corsini, James M. Higbie, and D. Budker


High-speed acousto-optic shutter with no optical frequency shift, W J. Schwenger and James M. Higbie

Submissions from 2011

Measurement of neutrino-induced charged-current charged pion production cross sections on mineral oil at E(ν) similar to 1 GeV, A. Aguilar-Arevalo and Sally Koutsoliotas

Measurement of νμ-induced charged-current neutral pion production cross sections on mineral oil at E(ν) is an element of 0.5-2.0 GeV correlation functions of a driven granular fluid in steady state, A. Aguilar-Arevalo and Sally Koutsoliotas


A Keck LGS AO search for brown dwarf and planetary mass companions to upper Scorpius brown dwarfs, B. Biller, Katelyn N. Allers, Michael Liu, Laird Close, and Trent Dupuy


Search for plant biomagnetism with a sensitive atomic magnetometer, Eric Corsini, Victor Acosta, Nicolas Baddour, James M. Higbie, Brian Lester, Paul Licht, Brian Patton, Mark Prouty, and Dmitry Budke


Magnetometry with mesospheric sodium, James M. Higbie, Simon M. Rocheste, Brian Patton, Ronald Holzlöhner, Domenico Bonaccini Calia, and Dmitry Budker

Interactions between forming stars and dense gas in the small low mass cluster Cederblad 110, Edwin F. Ladd, T. Wong, T. L. Bourke, and K. L. Thompson


Small-sized dichroic atomic vapor laser lock, Changmin Lee, G. Z. Iwata, E. Corsini, James M. Higbie, S. Knappe, M. P. Ledbetter, and D. Budker


Propagation of quantized fields in negative-index media, Martin K. Ligare and J. Mod

Pinning and mode-locking of reaction fronts by vortices, G. M. O'Malley, M. S. Paoletti, M. E. Schwartz, and Thomas H. Solomon

Intravalley multiple scattering of quasiparticles in graphene, J. Vaishnav, J. Anderson, and J. Walls


Hydrodynamic correlation functions of a driven granular fluid in steady state, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, Timo Aspelmeier, and Annette Zippelius

Submissions from 2010


Buddhist Thought: Murakami Senshō and Critical Buddhism, A. Aguilar-Arevalo and Sally Koutsoliotas

Measurement of the neutrino neutral-current elastic differential cross section on mineral oil at E(ν)~1 GeV, A. Aguilar-Arevalo and Sally Koutsoliotas


Discovery of a young L dwarf binary, SDSS224953.47+004404.6AB, Katelyn N. Allers, Michael C. Liu, Trent J. Dupuy, and Michael C. Cushing

Infrared diagnostics for the extended 12 μm sample of Seyferts, Stefi A. Baum, Jack F. Gallimore, Christopher P. O'Dea, Catherine L. Buchanan, Jacob Noel-Storr, David J. Axon, Andy Robinson, Moshe Elitzur, Meghan Dorn, Shawn Staudaher, and Martin Elvis


The physical and dynamical structure of Serpens - Two very different sub-(proto)clusters, A. Duarte-Cabral, G. A. Fuller, N. Peretto, J. Hatchell, Edwin F. Ladd, J. Buckle, J. Richer, and S. F. Graves


A Spitzer search for planetary-mass brown dwarfs with circumstellar disks: Candidate selection, Paul M. Harvey, Daniel T. Jaffe, Katelyn N. Allers, and Michael Liu


Parameters of Reform and Unifification in Modern Japanese, R. Holzlöhner, S. M. Rochester, D. Bonaccini Calia, D. Budker, James M. Higbie, and W. Hackenberg


Classical thermodynamics of particles in harmonic traps, Martin K. Ligare


Aging to equilibrium dynamics of SiO2, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, J. A. Roman, and J. Horbach

Submissions from 2003


Electromagnetically induced transparency and reduced light speeds for single photons in a fully quantized model, Thomas Purdy and Martin Ligare


Manifestation of classical wave delays in a fully-quantized model of the scattering of a single photon, Thomas Purdy, Daniel Taylor, and Martin Ligare

Submissions from 2002


Comment on `Numerical analysis of Bose-Einstein condensation in three-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential' by Martin Ligare [Am. J. Phys. 66 (3), 185-190 (1998)] - An extension to anisotropic traps and lower dimensions, Martin K. Ligare