Submissions from 2024
Fock space and field theoretic description of nonequilibrium work relations, Andrew J. Baish and Benjamin Vollmayr-Lee
Design Challenges for a Future Liquid Xenon Observatory, Abigail Kopec
Submissions from 2023
Stress-induced Metabolic Exchanges Between Complementary Bacterial Types Underly a Dynamic Mechanism of Inter-species Stress Resistance, Kapil Amarnath, Avaneesh V. Narla, Sammy Pontrelli, Jiajia Dong, Jack Reddan, Brian R. Taylor, Tolga Caglar, Julia Schwatzman, Uwe Sauer, Otto X. Cordero, and Terence Hwa
Design of the High Rigidity Spectrometer at FRIB, S. Noji, R.G.T. Zegers, G.P.A. Berg, Alan M. Amthor, D. Bazin, T. Baumann, E.E. Burkhardt, M. Cortesi, J.C. DeKamp, M. Hausmann, M. Portillo, D.H. Potterveld, B. M. Sherrill, A. Stolz, O. B. Tarasov, and R. C. York
Cross Sections of the 83Rb (p,γ)84Sr and 84Kr(p,γ)85Rb Reactions at Energies Characteristic of the Astrophysical γ Process, M. Williams, B. Davids, G. Lotay, N. Nishimura, T. Rauscher, S. A. Gillespie, M. Alcorta, Alan M. Amthor, G. C. Ball, S. S. Bhattacharjee, V. Bildstein, W. N. Catford, D. T. Doherty, N. E. Esker, A. B. Garnsworthy, G. Hackman, K. Hudson, A. Lennarz, C. Natzke, B. Olaizola, A. Psaltis, C. E. Svensson, J. Williams, D. Walter, and D. Yates
Submissions from 2022
Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling Investigations of Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability and Associated Magnetosonic Wave Emission along Coronal Mass Ejections, Sara Butler, Weiru Chen, and Hava Turkakin
Emergence of sector and spiral patterns from a two-species mutualistic cross-feeding model, Jiajia Dong, Jiaqi Lin, and Hui Sun
The calculated photon: Visualization of a quantum field, Martin K. Ligare and Ryan Oliveri
Submissions from 2020
Numerical Simulation of the Trapping Reaction with Mobile and Reacting Traps, Joshua D. Hellerick, Robert C. Rhoades, and Benjamin Vollmayr-Lee
Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee
Submissions from 2018
Experimental Test of an Online Ion-Optics Optimizer, Alan M. Amthor, Z. M. Schillaci, D. J. Morrissey, M. Portillo, S. Schwarz, M. Steiner, and Ch. Sumithrarachchi
Simulation of colony pattern formation under differential adhesion and cell proliferation, JiaJia Dong and Stefan Klumpp
Linear Energy Stable Methods for an Epitaxial Growth Model with Slope Selection, Gregory M. Seyfarth and Benjamin Vollmayr-Lee
Submissions from 2017
Manifestations of classical physics in the quantum evolution of correlated spin states in pulsed NMR experiments, Martin K. Ligare
Planar granular shear flow under external vibration, Brian Utter and Eric P. Hoppmann
Emergent Eigenstate Solution to Quantum Dynamics Far from Equilibrium, Lev Vidmar, Iyer Deepak, and Marcos Rigol
Anomalous Dimension in a Two-Species Reaction–Diffusion System, Benjamin Vollmayr-Lee, Jack Hanson, R Scott McIsaac, and Joshua D. Hellerick
Submissions from 2016
The Radial and Rotational Velocities of PSO J318.5338-22.8603, a Newly Confirmed Planetary-mass Member of the β Pictoris Moving Group, Katelyn N. Allers
Slow and Long-Ranged Dynamical Heterogeneities in Dissipative Fluids, Karina E. Avila, Horacio E. Castillo, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, and Annette Zippelius
Dependence of X-Ray Burst Models on Nuclear Reaction Rates, R. H. Cyburt, Alan M. Amthor, A. Heger, E. Johnson, L. Keek, Z. Meisel, H. Schatz, and K. Smith
Untangling Entanglement, Deepak Iyer
Universal Scaling in the Aging of the Strong Glass Former SiO2, Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, Christopher H. Gorman, and Horacio E. Castillo
Submissions from 2015
Spatial Structures in a Simple Model of Population Dynamics for Parasite-Host Interactions, JiaJia Dong
On the Binary Frequency of the Lowest Mass Members of the Pleiades with Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3, E. V. Garcia, Trent J. Dupuy, Katelyn N. Allers, Michael C. Liu, and Niall R. Deacon
Experimental Studies of Coherent Structures in an Advection-Reaction-Diffusion System, Savannah Gowen and Thomas H. Solomon