Northern Ireland Archive

Community Relations Panel
Date of Film
Eamonn Deane, Arthur Williamson, Damien, Bryan, David, Belfast Peace Agreement, Shared Future document, sectarianism, sectarian divide, cross-community relations, conflict resolution, peace process, segregation, desegregation, education, gender equality, women, paramilitaries, European Union, community centers, victimhood
Subject/ Interviewee
Eamonn Deane, Arthur Williamson, Damien, Bryan, David

Video characteristics
The camera is set up about 20 feet from the panel, which is sitting behind a table. All five of the panelists fit onto the screen, but they are pretty far from the camera. Two tables of students are on either side of the panel and few of them are visible. The video quality is fair as well as the lighting. The audio is very challenging. Since the camera is sitting so far away, the panelists voices are very soft. This does not help the fact that some of the panelists speak quietly in the first place. Most of the panelists have think, Irish accents which proves to be very difficult in understanding them.