Northern Ireland Archive
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A panel including significant leaders of the Civil Rights movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s including individuals who led the march that ended in the killings of Bloody Sunday. Moderator is an important, centrist, Catholic peace leader, Eamonn Deane. Panelists Ivan Cooper, Eamonn McCann, and Bernadette McAlisky give personal histories, tell recollections of the civil rights movement, and actively debate together the meanings of events.
Ivan Cooper, Eamonn Deane, Eamonn McCann, Bernadette McAlisky, Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland, HMS Sea Eagle housing, sectarian housing proportions on two sides of the river, discriminatory voting regulations in the 1960s, discrimination in jobs, discrimination in housing, Springtown Camp, Special Powers Act, internment
Political Science | Politics and Social Change | Sociology
Subject/ Interviewee
Ivan Cooper, Bernadette McAlisky, Eamonn McCann, Eamonn Deane
Topics covered
History of the civil rights movement up to Bloody Sunday including personal histories of panelists
Video characteristics
Panel members are seated at a table. Focus is clear but a little fuzzy. Sound is good but sometimes a bit low because of the speaking style of some of the participants.