Submissions from 2024
Trabajo de auto y trans-ficción en la narrativa chilena reciente: Abordajes y tramitaciones del Yo(T) en Iván Monalisa Ojeda y Ariel Florencia Richards, Fernando A. Blanco
Inactual, Desigual y Combinado, D. Bret Leraul
Submissions from 2023
Sama in the Forest, Coralynn V. Davis
In-Fill PA, Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA, Anna Kell and Jonathan Frey
Wamula: How One Aboriginal Community is Making Things Better for an Important Plant, Chris Martine, Paul Frederick, and Tim Kramer
Unraveling the "Thin Blue Line": Policing as an Engine of Inequality - Appendix: Survey Materials, Vanessa Massaro and Geoff A. Boyce
2015-16 Antarctic Travel Project data set, Clare A. Sammells, Claudia Roedel, and Duane Griffin
2017-18 Antarctic Travel Project data set, Clare A. Sammells, Claudia Roedel, Duane Griffin, and Alexander Busato
2018-19 Antarctic Travel Project data set, Clare A. Sammells, Claudia Roedel, Duane Griffin, and Alexander Busato
Can TV Make You a Better Stats Communicator?, Sara Stoudt
Kinetic, Daniel Temkin
Submissions from 2022
Review: Comics and the Body, Chase Gregory
Dreamed Landscapes, Qing Jiang and Daniel Temkin
Surveys of experiences of sexual violence and harassment in higher education: reports and findings, Pádraig Macneela, Kate Dawson, Theresa O’Rourke, Siobhán Healy-Cullen, Lorraine Burke, and William F. Flack Jr.
Carceral Geographies, Police Geographies, and the Networked Continuum of State-Sanctioned Coercion and Control, Vanessa Massaro and Geoff Boyce
Foreword to Martin Kovan, A Buddhist Theory of Killing: A Philosophical Exposition, James Mark Shields and Dan Cozort
Woman of Steel, Jan Traflet and Robert E. Wright Dr.
Religious Naturalism: Thoreau, Justice, and The Human, Carol Wayne White
Theatre Faculty Job Satisfaction and Campus Climate Survey Results, Wei You, Biliana Stoytcheva-Horissian, and Kevork Horissian
Submissions from 2021
Traces, Tulu Bayar
How to Save a Species from Going Extinct, Chris Martine, Paul Frederick, and Tim Kramer
Publication map layers from paper 'Policing Gentrification: The Financial Geography of Law Enforcement Practices in Philadelphia, Vanessa Massaro and Janine Glathar
SYNDICATE Symposium, Carceral Space, Prisoners and Animals, Karen M. Morin, Chloe Taylor, Jennifer Turner, Carol Wayne White, Nekeisha Alayna Alexis, and Ada S. Jaarsma
Investigation into the Genetic Provenance of Three Rare Plants with East-West Disjunction Patterns in Pennsylvania., Scott Schuette and Christopher T. Martine
System and method for scheduling multiple modes of transport with incomplete information, Thiago Serra, Arvind Raghunathan, and David Bergman