Submissions from 2010
The Pursuit of Tangible Happiness: Religion and Politics in a Japanese New, New Religion, James Shields
Submissions from 2009
The Art of Aidagara: Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Quest for an Ontology of Social Existence in Watsuji Tetsurō’s Rinrigaku, James Shields
Submissions from 2008
Faith and the Sublation of Modernity: Kierkegaard and the Transformation of Fideism, James Shields
Marx and the Bible: José Miranda’s Critique of the Philosophy of Oppression, James Shields
The Social Principles of Jesus: A Critical Re-examination of Walter Rauschenbusch’s Social Gospel, James Shields
Submissions from 2007
Parameters of Reform and Unification in Modern Japanese Buddhist Thought: Murakami Senshō and Critical Buddhism, James Shields
Submissions from 2004
Gyōgi Bosatsu, James Shields
Ikkyū, James Shields
Musō Soseki, James Shields
Submissions from 1999
Córdoban Discourses: A Drama of Interreligious Dialogue, James Shields
Eros and Transgression in an Age of Immanence: Georges Bataille’s (Religious) Critique of Kinsey, James Shields