Submissions from 2021
Case Study: Religion, Socialism and Secularization in Modern Japan: The New Buddhist Fellowship, James Mark Shields
“Publishing Goals of Hanseikai zasshi” (1887) and “Living the Pure Life” (1887). Translations with introduction and commentary, James Mark Shields
Review: André van der Braak, Reimagining Zen in a Secular Age: Charles Taylor and Zen Buddhism in the West., James Mark Shields
Submissions from 2020
Creative Nothingness: Dada as Art, Politics and Religion in Interwar Japan, James Mark Shields
Foreword to Brian Victoria, Zen Terror: Portrait of an Assassin, James Mark Shields
Skeptical Buddhism as Provenance and Project, James Mark Shields
ポスト汎神論から超物質主義へ―鈴木大拙と新仏教―, James Mark Shields
Zen Terror in Prewar Japan: Portrait of an Assassin, Brian Victoria and James Mark Shields
Submissions from 2019
Women, Migration and Moravian Mission: Negotiating Pennsylvania’s Colonial Landscapes, Katherine Faull
Movement Rhythms, Motley Knowledges, D. Bret Leraul
Carrying Buddha into the Streets: Buddhist Socialist Thought in Meiji Japan, James Mark Shields
Essay: “My Life in Buddhist Studies", James Mark Shields
Osvobození jako revoluční praxe: opĕtovné promyšlení buddhistického materialism, James Mark Shields
Review: Jürgen Osterhammel, Unfabling the East: The Enlightenment’s Encounter with Asia, James Mark Shields
Review: Melissa Anne-Marie Curley, Pure Land, Real World: Modern Buddhism, Japanese Leftists, and the Utopian Imagination, James Mark Shields
Submissions from 2018
After the Fall: Tsuji Zennosuke and the Creation of Bukkyōshugi kokushi, James Mark Shields
Buddhist Economics: Problems and Possibilities, James Mark Shields
Future Perfect: Tolstoy and the Structures of Agrarian Buddhist Utopianism in Taishō Japan, James Mark Shields
Journal Special Issues: Japanese Religions and the Meiji Restoration: A Reconsideration, James Mark Shields
The Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Ethics, James Mark Shields
Submissions from 2017
"Das Herrnhutische Archivwesen im 21. Jahrhundert und die Herausforderung der Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften", Katherine Faull
Speaking about Marriage: Notes from the 1744 Married Choir Conferences, Katherine Faull
Reifying the Maker as Humanist, John Hunter, Katherine Faull, and Diane Jakacki
Surplus Rebellion, Human Capital, and the Ends of Study in Chile, 2011, D. Bret Leraul
Commentary on Against Harmony, James Mark Shields