PA Lidar Working Group - Status and Plans
Start Date
27-10-2018 3:30 PM
End Date
27-10-2018 4:30 PM
Lidar data is now the accepted technology for regional topographic mapping and analysis. Costs are falling and data density increasing, so that data handling tools, applications, and analytic opportunities keep growing. PA was one of the first states to acquire statewide lidar (2006-2008) and is poised to acquire a second statewide round which would provide not only a current view of topographic conditions but also enable automated change detection over large areas. Come learn about the activities and plans of the Lidar Working Group.
Pennsylvania, LiDAR data, topography, remote sensing
Watershed Mapping and Assessment
PA Lidar Working Group - Status and Plans
Elaine Langone, Room 242
Lidar data is now the accepted technology for regional topographic mapping and analysis. Costs are falling and data density increasing, so that data handling tools, applications, and analytic opportunities keep growing. PA was one of the first states to acquire statewide lidar (2006-2008) and is poised to acquire a second statewide round which would provide not only a current view of topographic conditions but also enable automated change detection over large areas. Come learn about the activities and plans of the Lidar Working Group.