Cataloguing of Stormwater Outfalls Within an Urbanized Area to Evaluate the Impact on Tributaries of the Susquehanna River

Start Date

13-11-2015 8:00 PM

End Date

13-11-2015 9:59 PM


In June 2015, monitoring of stormwater outfalls, following PA-DEP protocols, within Lycoming County MS4 region (includes 8 municipalities/boroughs) was contracted between Lycoming County and the Lycoming College Clean Water Institute (CWI). A preliminary study in 2010 located 260 outfalls. This project was started by Lycoming County to locate (GPS database) and monitor stormwater entry points to the West Branch Susquehanna River as part Pennsylvania’s commitment to the Chesapeake Bay clean-up. Partners cooperating in the project include eight Lycoming County municipalities, the Clean Water Institute, the Lycoming County Planning Commission, and the Department of Environmental Protection. Clean Water Institute interns were tasked with cataloguing 260 stormwater outfalls within an urbanized area surrounding the city of Williamsport as designated by the 2010 census. Using the DEP protocol, each outfall was catalogued based on its GPS location, pipe diameter, pipe material, and pipe shape. Outfalls were then split into two categories based on whether or not flow was present. Outfalls with flow present were further analyzed based on the presence of odors, floatables, turbidity and color. Samples were taken at flowing outfalls so that pH, alkalinity, conductivity and TDS could be preliminarily measured. All outfalls were assessed for exterior damage, deposits or stains, abnormal vegetation, poor pool quality and pipe benthic growth. Based on these parameters each outfall was rated on the potential of it being a site for illegal disposal of contaminants.





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Nov 13th, 8:00 PM Nov 13th, 9:59 PM

Cataloguing of Stormwater Outfalls Within an Urbanized Area to Evaluate the Impact on Tributaries of the Susquehanna River

Elaine Langone Center, Terrace Room

In June 2015, monitoring of stormwater outfalls, following PA-DEP protocols, within Lycoming County MS4 region (includes 8 municipalities/boroughs) was contracted between Lycoming County and the Lycoming College Clean Water Institute (CWI). A preliminary study in 2010 located 260 outfalls. This project was started by Lycoming County to locate (GPS database) and monitor stormwater entry points to the West Branch Susquehanna River as part Pennsylvania’s commitment to the Chesapeake Bay clean-up. Partners cooperating in the project include eight Lycoming County municipalities, the Clean Water Institute, the Lycoming County Planning Commission, and the Department of Environmental Protection. Clean Water Institute interns were tasked with cataloguing 260 stormwater outfalls within an urbanized area surrounding the city of Williamsport as designated by the 2010 census. Using the DEP protocol, each outfall was catalogued based on its GPS location, pipe diameter, pipe material, and pipe shape. Outfalls were then split into two categories based on whether or not flow was present. Outfalls with flow present were further analyzed based on the presence of odors, floatables, turbidity and color. Samples were taken at flowing outfalls so that pH, alkalinity, conductivity and TDS could be preliminarily measured. All outfalls were assessed for exterior damage, deposits or stains, abnormal vegetation, poor pool quality and pipe benthic growth. Based on these parameters each outfall was rated on the potential of it being a site for illegal disposal of contaminants.