Bucknell University is happy to welcome you to the Fourth Annual Susquehanna River Symposium, to be held Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26 at the Dana Engineering Complex and Shikellamy State Park.

In partnership with the Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies, the Susquehanna Colloquium for Nature and Human Communities, the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership, Friends of the John Smith Chesapeake Trail, and the Friends of Shikellamy Park, this year's symposium gathers together people from across the region, including both scholars and the general public, to discuss the topic “Cultures at the Confluence: Native Americans, Ecology, and the Susquehanna Valley.”

Near and at the Confluence of the river, please join us as we will examine ways in which the cultures of the past and present converge in the Susquehanna Valley, shaping the identities of those who live in it and our shared natural environment and landscapes.

An online program was shared at the event.

Browse the contents of 2009 -- 4th symposium:
