Publication Date

Summer 2018


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Having a positive sense of place, or respect and appreciation for one’s surroundings, can foster a stewardship role necessary to combat current social and environmental issues. Individuals with a positive perception of their environment and community will more likely develop an interest in protecting its assets and improving its shortcomings. This project focuses on Bucknell’s landscapes to encourage engagement between the audience and the outside environment, with the hopes of building this sense of stewardship while simultaneously discussing sustainability and avenues for positive change. The objective of this project is to create a walking tour to promote teaching and learning about sustainability through the experience of Bucknell's campus landscapes. The tour is meant to educate faculty, students, and community members about the complex histories of campus locations by encouraging them to visit the selected sites in person, and reflect upon their degrees of sustainability.

This entry includes an interactive storymap of the path developed in 2018 as well as a research poster. Project was supervised by Dr. Shaunna Barnhart, Place Studies Program director, and Dina el-Mogazi, Sustainable Design Program director. Research funded through the Ekedahl Fund and the Bucknell Center for Sustainability and the Environment.


sustainability, landscapes, campus sustainability, public engagement


Copyright 2018, Bucknell Center for Sustainability and the Environment


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