
Submissions from 2024

Forbes Burnham : the Life and Times of the Comrade Leader, Linden F. Lewis


Cooking in the Past and for the Future in Latin America, Clare A. Sammells


Antarctic civics: how tourists to Antarctica view their role as “Antarctic ambassadors” and how to change it, Clare A. Sammells, Claudia Roedel, Duane Griffin, Alexander Busato, Lilly Brice, and Haley Brown

Submissions from 2023


“Racial Heterosexual Habitus” and Management of Racial Education Discussions Within Black Female/White Male Romantic Relationships, Marya T. Mtshali

Human Nature: A Biosocial View, Alexander Riley


De Pingüinos Y Personas: La Red Alimentaria Antártica en La Época Antropoceno, Clare A. Sammells


Of Penguins and People: The Antarctic Food Web in the Anthropocene, Clare A. Sammells


2015-16 Antarctic Travel Project data set, Clare A. Sammells, Claudia Roedel, and Duane Griffin


2017-18 Antarctic Travel Project data set, Clare A. Sammells, Claudia Roedel, Duane Griffin, and Alexander Busato


2018-19 Antarctic Travel Project data set, Clare A. Sammells, Claudia Roedel, Duane Griffin, and Alexander Busato

Encountering Inequality Examining Discrepancies Between Electronic Health Records and Narratives to Uncover Hidden Processes of Stigma and Erasure, Jennifer Silva, Elizabeth Durden, and Annemarie Hirsch


A Life of Worry: Politics, Mental Health, and Vietnam's Age of Anxiety, Allen L. Tran

Submissions from 2022


Linking Electronic Health Records and In-Depth Interviews to Inform Efforts to Integrate Social Determinants of Health into Health Care Delivery: Protocol for a Qualitative Research Study, Annemarie Hirsch, Elizabeth Durden, and Jennifer Silva

Submissions from 2021

Reciprocity Rules : Friendship and Compensation in Fieldwork Encounters, Edmund Searles and Michelle C. Johnson

Submissions from 2020

Remaking Islam in African Portugal : Lisbon, Mecca, Bissau, Michelle C. Johnson

Experiential and Performative Anthropology in the Classroom : Engaging the Legacy of Edith and Victor Turner, Michelle C. Johnson and Edmund Searles

Submissions from 2019


The Influence of Country of Origin and Nativity Status on the Colorectal Cancer Screening Practices of Latinos Residing in the United States, Benjamin Barrett and Elizabeth Durden


Black and White Self-Identified Latinx Respondents and Perceived Psychological Distress and Impairment, Jasmine Mena, Elizabeth Durden, Sarah E. Bresette, and Taylor McCready

The Totalitarian Legacy of the Bolshevik Revolution, Alexander Riley and Paul Siewers


Production, Trade, Reciprocity and Markets, Clare Sammells


'Fresh seal blood looks like beauty and life': #Sealfies and subsistence in Nunavut, Edmund Searles

We're still here : pain and politics in the heart of America, Jennifer M. Silva

Submissions from 2018


Associations of Four Community Factors with Longitudinal Change in Hemoglobin A1c Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Elizabeth Durden


Banking on Remittances? How Bank Account Possession in the United States Affects Mexican Migrants Sending Money Home, Elizabeth Durden


The Southwest’s Unven Welcome: Immigrant Inclusion and Exclusion in Arizona and New Mexico, Elizabeth Durden