SOCI 258: Gender Race and Poverty

Sociology Podcast on Local Farms
The beginning portion of our project draft introduces the importance of supporting local food systems, and the challenges that workers face within local farms. At first, we have a broader discussion surrounding the economic challenges of smaller businesses due to competition with big industrial agriculture. We get into different sustainable tactics that small farms may use in comparison to big corporations. This includes practices like crop rotation, reduced pesticide and fertilizer use, and the preservation of open space. We then move into the sense of community that family-owned and smaller-scale farms enhance. Much of the time there are regular customers, which is definitely rewarding to the farmers, and allows them to have the assurance of knowing people will continue to support their business. Finally, we move into a brief discussion of Amish families, and how their way of life may contribute to differences that we see in farming markets and efficiencies. We acknowledge how they are typically less inclined to reach out to the outside world for beneficial, modernized technological resources. After this, we moved into our interviews with specific farms. The farms that we got the opportunity to speak to were the Old Mill Creamery and Dream Catcher Farm. They gave us specific details about their farm and their experiences working on a farm. We discuss challenges and traditions that are important to both owners of the farm. We ended our podcast by describing how much we learned about Lewisburg food systems, and hope that others who listened to our podcast will get a better understanding as well.
Publication Date
Winter 12-8-2023
Community-Based Research
Recommended Citation
page, mary r.; Peters, Catelyn L.; and Heffernan, Sam R., "Sociology Podcast on Local Farms" (2023). SOCI 258: Gender Race and Poverty. 11.