Northern Ireland Archive

Apprentice Boys
Date of Film
These two gentlemen are members of the Apprentice Boys Association and they mainly discuss the details of their organization. The first man, the governor, talks about the current news involving the Apprentice Boys and a brief history of why the organization remembers its past. When the next man joins the governor, he answers questions about how the Apprentice Boys give back to the community and why they continue to celebrate their past. He's also asked why there are non-Irish people who celebrate with them. So the two members are asked about many things relating to their organization.
Apprentice Boys, Apprentice Boys of Derry, governor, Derry, Londonderry, May Day Rally, Relief of Derry, Maiden City Festival, Rangers, Celtic, band, integrating societies, cross-community, tradition, walls of Derry, Bogside, the Siege of Derry, parade, marching, Billy Moore
Civic and Community Engagement | Sociology
Subject/ Interviewee
Billy Moore and William Allen
Topics covered
These two gentlemen are members of the Apprentice Boys Association and they mainly discuss the details of their organization. The first man, the governor, talks about the current news involving the Apprentice Boys and a brief history of why the organization remembers its past. When the next man joins the governor, he answers questions about how the Apprentice Boys give back to the community and why they continue to celebrate their past. He's also asked why there are non-Irish people who celebrate with them. So the two members are asked about many things relating to their organization.

Video characteristics
The beginning of the video is of an older gentleman who reveals himself as the governor of the Apprentice Boys, but never mentions his name. He is sitting behind a table with only him in the picture when another member of the Apprentice Boys appears around the 20th minute. The camera then shows this man in the frame as well. The lighting is fair but the video quality is not very good. The camera keeps going in and out of focus. The audio was good although it was tough to hear the subjects at times because of their accents.