Northern Ireland Archive
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This is the second time the two retired bishops of the Catholic and Anglican churches of Derry/Londonderry visited the Bucknell class. The beginning gives personal histories of each man. Then they give an important account of the Inner City Trust, a project they jointly worked on with local business leaders, especially Paddy Doherty. The project used youth apprenticeships to re-build the walled city in central Derry. Then follow a variety of personal reflections on playing important roles as religious leaders and ministering to parishioners during the Troubles.
Inner City Trust, Bishop Daly, Bishop Mehaffey, ex-prisoners, unemployment, rehabilitation of buildings, Waterside Churches Trust, housing segregation, migration process, civil rights movement, church attendance, visiting prisoners
Subject/ Interviewee
Bishops Edward Daly and James Mehaffey
Topics covered
The first half hour or so of the tape presents the Bishops' experience creating the Inner City Trust, working with Paddy Doherty, and rebuilding center city Derry.

Video characteristics
The tape is shot from the right hand side with Bishop Daly closest and Bishop Mehaffey on a seat five feet further away. There is no table in front of them. Light is coming from a window behind them but the camera is not directed at the window so they are not darkened. Bishop Mehaffey is well lit by natural light coming over his left should. There also appears to be room light coming from in front of them (it seems to have a yellow color). Bishop Daly's image is a little dark although you can see him clearly. Although their speech is clear, at the beginning of the tape there is quite a bit of room noise in the form of student giggles and noises, coughing, and the clank of coffee cups against plates. This is not really annoying but it happens enough to be noticable. That seems to be less common as they get going in their presentations. Although sound is clear it was not as loud as I would have liked so it was hard to pick up exact words.