Date of Thesis

Spring 2024


This paper compares economic strategies for Black American economic empowerment that were advised by Pan-Afrikanists, Black American economists, and embedded within the praxis of intentional Black American communities and economic programs. The strategies compared differ greatly but they all direct towards Black economic cooperation and collective action. The paper recognizes and compares six individual Black American economists for their theoretical work to economically empower other Black Americans. An analysis of Black American economists of this scope has not been done before. Additionally, this work brings awareness to the catalog and tradition of Black economic thought that is often unseen.


pan-africanism, economic empowerment, self-determination, black, black american, cooperative economics, economic theory, economic history

Access Type

Honors Thesis (Bucknell Access Only)

Degree Type

Bachelor of Arts



Minor, Emphasis, or Concentration

Critical Black Studies

First Advisor

Nina Banks

Second Advisor

P. Khalil Saucier
